Tuesday, March 31, 2009

tick..tock..is it April 1st yet?

When it is (at 12:01 a.m)...check this out!
Happy April Fool's Day! Totally excited about all the goodness over at House of 3.
fun in the Farrer home:
It's a family tradition to have 'Backwards Day' today.
When I was young, we'd complain to my mom about things like,
'Why do we always have to eat our dinner before we can have dessert?"
"Why do we always have to do our chores before we can play?"
"Why do we always have to do our homework before we can hang out!"

So, in her brilliance, she made a proclamation: One day a year we'd throw out all the 'rules' & do it backwards.
So...We wake up & do our daily schedule backwards! Dessert first.
Then , dinner.
Then, school...& after school we do our daily chores/jobs.
As a mom..it's fun to continue this fun tradition! My kids love dessert first! And so do i..i love the whole concept...dessert first.

My mom was very smart....we felt like at least one day out of the year we got to have it 'our way'. Dessert first. The best first...no waiting. best thing first. love it!

Traditionally, we always had strawberry shortcake. But, since we are Gluten Free now...

I stayed up making Pavlova for our traditional 'Backwards Day' dessert!
Thanks to my dear friend, Em, for introducing this delight! mmm*wah!

We woke up...had our strawberry Pavlova & it's SNOWING! Can you believe it?
Oh well...focus today on 'the best first'...treat your family. Make a craft. Decorate your house. Do a fun project...all before you have to do something else!
Make these cute Easter Bag Printables! It's refreshing!

Happy Backwards' day!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

*breathe in....

breathe out....*

Easter is coming! And...oh my...House of 3 is gearing up for it!!!! Complete with an April 1st *bang* (hint: if you were lucky enough to get our free download on Mar. 17th...you will NOT want to miss this next one!)

We'll be having an Easter Countdown starting April 1st-12th, Easter Sunday! I have been working like crazy & let me tell you...it's to. die. for. I'm having so much FUN! Be sure to check back each day!! here's a sneak peek of fun stuff...
I have had many emails asking...'where are you going?'...
answer: PARIS in a week & 1/2. hence, the workin' like crazy to get everything done before i leave mode!!!!
paRis in spRing!

so...I was thinking...my fave thing to do in Paris is: shopping!
I'll bring someone back somethin' oh*so* special from Paris...for one of you lucky blog readers!!!! ....not sure what it is yet, but guaranteed it will be one of those things that just jumps out at me...I'll get myself one, too! LOL!~

I'm opening this up for a WINNER! Just leave a blog comment & I'll pick a winner!
have a FAB day!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Shutterfly winner.....

Nita, Nita...you are one lucky girl! I just announced the winner over at House of3!
Congrats, my dear...please email me with your info so I can get you in contact with Shutterfly!!!!

**p.s. my head is buried. i am trying to keep afloat! less than 2 weeks until i board a plane to my dream desitnation...my favorite place in THE world!!!! (besides my home with my sweet family, of course!) lots to do! ta ta for now!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

it's not too much to ask....

right? I mean...if a girl *loves* shoes...these are just the right sass, I'm thinkin'....*sigh*
Anthropologie...must you do this to me?

Hello. I am Rhonna Farrer, & I'm a shoe*aholic.
especially when it comes to these.oh how i adore these.

*sigh* ok, back to work! The pinks & oranges were just so inspiring to me!!!! Now, let's see how that translates in the new House of 3 creations for Easter!
Speaking of new House of 3 creations....
I'm loving these new calendar kits, new botanical swirls & oh...these edges...*sigh* another love! **eta: these swirls & edges were used on the images above..so fun!**
have a fab day!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

feelin' lucky?????

The first 100 people to download this will!

**eta...it's already gone! but...for those that still want the blog background for today..you can get it HERE for .99!!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

It's Shutterfly day!

I have said it before, & I'll say it again..I *heart* Shutterfly!
Today, they've got a feature on my Birthday book I did...you can check out the article here.

and...if you want to be entered to WIN a $75 GC (which will cover a 12x12 photo book)
just go on over to House of 3; Create Section! Tell us why YOU need this gift certificate from Shutterfly & we'll be picking a winner at the end of the week!
woohoo! I love to be inspiRed on Mondays!
&...tomorrow? um...anyone feel lucky? I'll have a special post!
see ya...& enjoy your process today!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Tutorial & box o' goodies!

box of inspiRation....tags, flowers, labels, doilies, ribbons, monogram cards, plenty of tulle & fun...all wrapped up in pink pastry boxes!

Stephanie was the lucky winner of inspiRation Monday...I'm getting your box of goodies all ready to send out...I need your address, ok?
My email has been funny, so just email again!

Ok, as promised! I've got the tutorial for Shutterfly here! And...we'll be featuring a fabulous give*away from Shutterfly on Monday over at House of 3...be sure to check it out!

have a fabulous weekend!

Friday, March 13, 2009


We've had so many fabulous entries in our first ever House of 3 Book Contest! Thank you! But, we've also heard that this is not just any book & you are putting your heart & soul into these...we totally get that! It's amazing, huh?
So...we've extended the contest until the last day of March! **April 1st starts our House of 3 'Countdown to Easter'...don't miss it!**
So, keep those entries coming! Reminder of the 'guidelines'::

1. Submit your book entry by midnight (CST) 03/31/09 to janet@houseof3.com with the subject line: HW Book Submission. You must submit at least a cover and three additional pages. Images must be under 500K each.

2. All pages submitted must contain elements from one of the house warming kits (large printables kit, small printables kit, housewarming digital kit, sunny backgrounds, house warming backgrounds, housewarming quotes, housewarming brush kit)

3. Winners will be announced on 04/01/09 by 9:00 am (CST).

4. Prizes will consist of (1) Grand Prize winner who will receive a $50 gift certificate to www.houseof3.com and a runner-up that will receive a $25 gift certificate to spend as they wish on the www.houseof3.com website.

5. Both winning entries will be asked to write a brief paragraph about their book for a feature article we will have in the create section of the website.

Are you up for a challenge? We can’t wait to see your creations…we know you will “Rock the House!”

have a fantastic weekend!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

i ...need...some....grass....

not *that* kind!
THIS kind!
Seriously...this it's-still-winter-March-is-a-tease-thing is getting to me...& I'm getting so excited for Spring & Easter!!!!

I need some grass!

so...I'm going to get to it! I guess according to this: it takes 1 week to see sprouts!
a shopping list for a few things needed:

**Ikea; don't you think these shallow saucers would be so fab with grass in them?
**Gardening Center; potting soil &
**a Feed Store; for the specific seed i need.

I'll keep you updated on this little venture*of*a*black*thumb. LOL!

In the meantime..I'm almost finished with the video tutorial on Shutterfly! I will post as soon as my resident-iMovie-editor is home & helping me...how does a 12 year old know more about iMovie than her mother? answer: they are so good at this stuff...huh?

have a fab day...Stephanie, I'm getting your box o' inspiRation goodies ready..you'll LOVE it! I'm having so much fun!

And...keep your little projects a*coming...cuZ I'm preparing THE coolest box for one of you...share your links, ok?


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I *heart* Shutterfly books!

Oh my...can I just say *again* how much I love Shutterfly books?
So easy to capture those memories & keep them alive in a bound, printed book!
This is the front of my '40 is the new 20' Birthday book I did for my cute sister's

Not much time? Add Shutterfly photo books + with House of 3 Album Kits
and you've got a fab book in no time!
You can design the cover, spine, back & all the pages..i love it!

Ok, I'll be doing a video step by step on how to create these books with the House of 3 Album kits ...I'll keep you posted...in the mean time, for those that have been emailing me about 'How to use a Brush', check out this tutorial! **I'm using the House of 3 Frames Brush Kit here.**

enjoy...& keep those 'inspiRation pRojects' coming...for a new winner of some goodies!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

kiss kiss

to you all...i have loved reading what inspiRed you on Monday! Love it!
Christi...I loved hearing about the baby things...you are bRilliant..but, then again, you always are!

Abby, you are a girl after my own heart...fashion is *always* inspiring to me! Bianca..you hit it on the head...Forever 21...lovey!

Many of you are inspiRed by color, spRing & seeing other people's inspiRation! ...loved hearing about Oprah, Donna's weight loss & Mr. Doc! WTG everyone...love gaining inspiRation from other! ...totally with ya!

Sherri...I know! We all get in ruts & it's hard to find our mojo again...I hope you find it soon! hugs!

And...i loved hearing about your mom, Julie! Great idea of taking pics of wallpaper & such! love that!

Joanne...Fabrics, ah!!! sunshine (who WOULDN"T love AZ right now, right Wendy?)
Emily...loved envisioning your wardrobe! totally inspiring!

Jill...tell me if you find fab buttons, ok? *wink*

Quotes, silence & time...you are all inspiRed by so many different things...loved hearing it! Now...challenge: go & DO something with that inspiRation & then link
back to me here so we can all see, ok? **another goodie to one of you for this!**

Stay Funny, please email me & give me your addy...a whole lotta inspiRation is comin' your way!
so....I've been creating. I love this space o' mine. even when it's messy...like today!

happy cReating to everyone! & I can't wait to see what YOU created in all that splash o' inspiRation!!!
**eta: a friend of mine sent this link to me over at Stash Studios.

Happily shown on this mirror is my **Extraordinary**rub on...I *heart* the photo, Junkin' Ya Ya & I *heart* that my rub on is a teeny tiny part of someone's amazing cReativity! Thank you!!!!
P.S. I have had several emails about where to buy these rub-ons. They are a couple of years old, & I can't even find them! I loved them...so, that's why I created a digital version of them: found here at the House of 3 store.

Monday, March 9, 2009

inspiRation Monday.....

I just *heart* the start of a new week...new inspiRations abound! Kids are home today..but, we are just chillin'...getting some stuff done!

a few things inspiRing me at the moment: **besides my cute girls, LOL!*
**Cake Photography.
I'm in love with Jefra's style of photography & this new wedding photography? um...can I get married all over again? yea...anyone in Utah...check them out!!! She's fab!

**Furniture re-purposing:: chairs, dressers...the works! love. (images from flickr)

**buttons: yea. i know funny, but I'm soooo into buttons right now. particularly vintage & very different!
***good friends! I *heart* these girls; Sande & Layle...good friends=good inspiRation!

and...I am in LOVE with anything Elizabeth does...check out her new digs on her blog! so fun!

Ok..so, in honor of inspiRation Monday...I'm going to be giving away another fabulous 'inspiRation box o' goodies'! Just sign in here...tell me what is inspiRing YOU today!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

House of 3:: project of the day...

*which was actually yesterday, but who's getting technical, right? ** LOVE these Lists! They are complete with 4 lists: Weekly Menu, Shopping List, To Do List & Phone Messages!

You can do so many things with these: gum them with notepad adhesive, print out with the Sunny Backgrounds, like Heidi did here or just print out a couple of sheets & stick them on the fridge!
and....our first House of 3 Book Contest submission has started! If you didn't get the Newsletter annoucement, be sure you're signed up here!
Can't wait to see all the stuff! you guys are rockin' the House!
have a fab weekend!

Friday, March 6, 2009

special day....

your day, Shelle! & I want to wish you a happy, happy birthday!!!!

Ok, so my little *younger* sister is turning 40 today! We are 16 months apart & I don't remember my life w/o her. We've been the best of friends & *uhum* let's just say...we've had
our share of cat fights...scars to prove it!
and I've loved every minute of it...she is the BEYST!**nacho libre**Not only is she THE most wonderful wife & mother of 5, amazing example of how to live a life full of love, service & true Charity, but...she's a Mompreneur & her business celebrates 10 years of phenomenal growth and success! She's an amazing musician & her business sprouted from her desire to teach her children MUSIC! And...what better way than to PLAY? Let's Play Music is an a*mazing program. We didn't live close to any one that taught when J & T were younger, but S got to take it & he can compose, understands & LOVES music now! I *heart* her for putting so much blood, sweat & tears into this program...so many children all over the country are learning from it! And, parents...check it out! If you live close to someone who teaches, seriously consider it! You'll be blown away!

I LOVE being with her...we (all our sisters, mom & sisters in law) just laugh & laugh...
I got to go down to AZ to share a birthday celebration weekend!!!! We had so much fun...shopping, eating, laughing, repeat. Our fave: Cheesecake Factory, was a must...& we got these cool photos! **I tell ya, have your camera in tow when you go to restaraunts! these pics and the one above (shelle's headshot) were taken during lunches at different restaraunts...great light! **

Celebrate, my dear! enjoy today...cuz they say 40 is the new 20! enjoy, sweets! I love you tons!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Project of the Day...Thursday.

Just another way to use your 'layered printing' technique here.

I used the House of 3 Sunny Backgrounds to print on a piece of matte photo paper. (Epson is my fave)

Then, I printed out the House of 3 Recipe Card Printable sheet onto that same page. Cut them out & I have cute recipe cards!

The great thing about this kit? It comes with 2 sheets of recipe cards; each with a different design. And...they are printer ready with 4 cards on each page and includes cutting guidelines.

And for those of you that want a single card...maybe for a digital scrapbook page, or over a photo, your blog, or whatever...

the kit comes with the 2 designs in black PNG files. (transparent backgrounds.) For more info on printing see our Create Section HERE>

so.....print & enjoy!

and...for those that love Thai food...this is the recipe shown here..it has become a staple for us in our household...we love it!

Thai Red Curry Chicken

1 can Pure Coconut Milk
1 -2 Tbs. Red Curry Paste

Simmer these 2 ingredients for 5 min.

1-2 Tbs. brown sugar
Veggies (we love carrots, bean sprouts, mushrooms, green beans...whatever we have on hand)
1-2 Tbs. Fish Sauce

Reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes.

Add cooked chicken, **or shrimp is good, too** and cook about 1-2 minutes.

Stir in chopped cilantro. Place on a serving platter and garnish lime. Serve with cooked Jasmine Rice. Makes 4 to 6 servings.

mmm....we had it the other night...so so good!
have a fab day!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

it's official...House of 3 is friends with ....


And..I love it! You can go create scrapbook pages, cards, & even get prints...books, cards, etc!

So, here's a little Scrapblog album I created of the House of 3
girls...using the Hof3 stickers & backgrounds found in the Marketplace! So fun...& did you know you can put it in your Facebook, too? Check out their tutorial!

and...as pRomised...here's today's House of 3 Project of the Day: Welcome!
um...isn't this just deelish? It's similar to our Spring Banner kits...We offer 2 different kits:
1. is complete with these fabulous backgrounds...offered in printable PDF formats & you simply print out (2 size of letters on each letter page), put together, add embellishments & you're done!

2. is a template kit...offered in PDF printable file, too, but the backgrounds are not included.This is for those of you that want to just use your black ink & print out on cardstock or patterned paper! Super easy & look at these results!

Janet's gorgeous banner is pictured here on her mantle... scrumptious!

and check out Heidi's framed 'welcome'...how cute is THIS?so...did you not only get 1 project of the day...you got TWO!!!
enjoy the new kits! & happy cReating!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

yes. yes. yes...the calendars are....

super easy. super fun. comes in 2 different designs & 2 different types of kits.

1. is a printable PDF kit.**open up the PDF, print on cardstock or over patterned paper or
over one of these Sunny Backgrounds! (this is what I did for the calendar shown here.)

2. is a digital kit. **for your digital scrapping loves: PNG files & ABR brush files!)

basically the exact same thing, but in different options...depending on how you like to cReate!~
And...as I mentioned, we are having a
project of the day this week to extend our House Warming Event...check out today's project by Heidi using these calendars.

And , I love, love, love what Janet **yesterday's project of the day** did with the House Warming Digital kit...look at these cards!

ok...so, watch for tomorrow..hhmm...wonder what it will be?

Monday, March 2, 2009

It's maRch!!!!

& I love fresh beginnings...a new day. a new week. a new month! ahhhh!
Ok, thanks again everyone for such a fabulous weekend over at House of 3! It was so fun to chat with you, share with you...and what I'm MOST excited about is seeing your completed projects! Be sure to share links with us on our blogs *here* & also here: on our Create section...we'll be featuring House of 3 creations by YOU!

I have to say, I"m *loving* these lists!
I promptly woke up this morning & jotted down on my Hof3 To Do List pad I made. and...
one of the TOP things on my to-do list today was...to select a WINNER of the Thank you package....complete with printable fabric, transparency acetate, clear sticker paper, white sticker paper some more Hof3 goodies and....one of my Etsy prints!
sooo....w/o further ado...the winner is:
Shabby Juls!
woohoo! congrats & send me your address please! ** and...to answer your question about that frame...it's not available *yet*...be watching, though! *wink*

have a wonderful day & be sure to check out our 'project of the day' over at House of 3 to see more ideas with what to do with the House Warming Kits!