Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Blog it forward....What inspiRes me?

Welcome all you mmm*mashup Blog It Forward readers! Today is my 'What inspiRes you personally' courtesy of Victoria of sfgirlbybay ...one of my fave daily reads. (thx, Victoria)
I've so enjoyed the past posts from so many...and today I get to share what inspires me...

of course...my spiritual, artistic & creative inspiRation daily...
my family!

Thanks to Re:Design Technologies for passing the torch...& now, I dub rhymeswithchaos as the next one in our group...

check out today's other
Blog it Forward mmm*mash ups!
bilede design
one sydney road
fat mum slim
coquette & dove
studio 6 or 7
just a dollop
the sunday times market
me, myself & other things
wishful thinking

And a fun little LUCKY freebie download HERE. *pesonal use only, please!* Thanks, everyone!


  1. lovely! and i love the artwork you created for the header! really great!

  2. thx so much, victoria! this was sooo fun!

  3. Great post as always and so excited for all those folks who hadn't happened across your blog before! You are sure to get tons and tons of followers! hugs my friend! *i am up wayyy past my bedtime! yikes

  4. Rhonna, as always you inspire me to reach for the stars, i love your designs and also the house of 3, of which i have all designs from silhouette and are my most used... thanks for sharing
    don't yet have an account but listen to the webshows every wed night and saw you last week!

  5. i love your Christmas card! so vintage :) i started mine, and never finished! and thanks for the download! i actually got it this time!! yay!

  6. sigh...lovely as always rhonna. i love your life-it's so pretty! thanks for sharing some of your inspiration and some other blogs to check out. and for the gratis download-so very, very nice of you-thank you!

    have a great day,

  7. rhonna
    you totally inspire me! i can't even tell you how creatively charged i've been since i've watched your digi brush tutorial + played with the new brushes. i'm in heaven with that kit.
    :) nerissa

  8. I really enjoy your blog:) Thank you!

  9. Thank you so much, Rhonna! LOVE all you do, Girl!!!

  10. Love the pic of your family! Thanks for your great info that you share!!

  11. Thanks for the freebie! Fun, fun!

  12. Great post! It's so fun reading about what inspires everyone. Thanks for sharing :)!

  13. love your freebie we are so lucky! cant wait to use them. thanks a bunch!

  14. you are very talented, what a nice blog!

  15. blog is outstanding
    and you know play very important role in fashion

  16. Thank you for the freebie it's so nice! And your work is fantastic, keep it up.
