Thursday, March 18, 2010

New Advanced Digital Brush class &...Spark!

I'm not going to lie.

I am sooo excited about tonights advanced digital design brush class called *Artsy Refined* Digital Brush Secrets workshop at Dear Lizzie!...for a few reasons:

No. 1> I adore Dear Lizzie. the store. the treats. the ambiance. the %15 off Laura gives all of our workshop members while we have the WHOLE store to ourselves at night...chandeliers sparkling, eveyrone laughing & creating!....sheer bliss!

No. 2>This is a small, intimate class: only 10 of us will be there...and, Janet & Heidi! I"m thrilled to teach these design secrets & create so many fun projects together...all sitting there...with our laptops & graphic tablets...getting inspired!

No. 3>I know I always say this, BUT...this new brush kit is so's more advanced & so I give them some interesting tools that don't look like anything that different than my previous Digital Brush kits...but the design techniques we'll be learning...oooo, I'm giddy!

**see the image above? Everything is created out of the brushes in the kit, but notice the colorizing, the textures, the patterns & shapes? Yea...I did it all with brushes. 100%.

So....those lucky 10 peeps...see you tonight to get *sparked* & kick up your designing a notch!

& speaking of getting *Sparked*....we are letting out little teasers the next few days about Spark No. 2 & on Monday we will have all of the info on the
new venue.
new dates.
new vibe.
new Look.
go on over & check it out...

Janet's here & so we're all in the House! I love being together & the creative energy, ideas, opportunities that arise are a*mazing. Be watching for some very exciting things coming from our House of 3 team!

Have a fab day!


  1. So sorry your purse got stolen last night. That's all you needed in the midst of your busy life. Hope you didn't lose too much. Just thinking of the things in my purse and the time it would take to stop all the credit cards, etc. makes me shudder. Thanks for making last evening so great. Loved it. Will have to rewatch the parts I missed.

  2. The class/kit looks yummy. Wish I lived near Dear Lizzie so I could attend! Alas, I live too far away! :D Have fun, though! (I'm envious...)

  3. Rhonna, love everything you do, loved the show last night, it is so generous of you all to do this, give away prizes, tips, it is overwhelming (good). Wish I was close enough to do your classes..

  4. I also wish i was close enough to take a class! alas, Saskatoon to Utah is a bit of a drive... oh well. i'll enjoy via web. Thanks for the ideas and the generousity that you show.
    looking forward to what the future brings!

  5. Please put this new advanced digital class and brushes up in the House of 3 so all of us who who live so far away can have a little bit of you all to ourselves. I purchased the first class and brush kit and I have had so much fun creating. Love all you do!

  6. I'm so excited for the girls in your class but sad that I live in Texas and too far to go :( I too hope you will give us a chance to buy those new brushes cause you know we will! Hope you three have a blast together! I didn't get to watch for long last night. Connection issues but look forward to watching the full video. Back to work... hugs from Texas!

  7. Sorry to hear about your purse. Totally rude! I wish I was going to this class...maybe next time :)

  8. Oh!!! I'd LOOOOVE to go that class. I have learned so much thanks to you.
    Maybe you could offer this one in video format too...???

    Have fun!

  9. WOW..seriously about to leave as comment when I heard a truck driving away from the house - UPS - with my new Wacom tablet - OMG!
    So....thank you girls! Now, have a great planning session and rock our world with fun stuff!!!

  10. Tonight's class at Dear Lizzie sounds wonderful --those attending are so fortunate. I loved having you in on the webclass last night--so much fun. Am so sorry to hear about your misfortune with your car and purse. I can't even begin to imagine what it's like to go through that, but am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  11. I hope those of you attending the class have an absolutely awesome evening. Rhonna, I absolutely loved your first Brush Class and hope and pray that you make the 2nd class available through House Of 3. Have A Wonderful Weekend.

  12. have you ever thought of packaging your brush classes into an online class?
    that would be fabulous.
    esp the advanced class.
    or maybe there is something similar out there you would suggest?
    love your style!

  13. Hello hello! Ok Mrs. Rhonna I just really love your work! I need your email and cant find it on your page. I have some "private" matters to talk about lol. Really though will you pass me your email. We need someone to create some patterns for our company and you are so the woman.
