Monday, March 22, 2010

Spark No. 2 dates...announced!

It's up! the info about Spark No. 2:
new look
new venue
new Spark!

Registration opens on May 1, 2010 & we'll be sure to give you details about teachers, show & tell, sponsors & pricing as soon as we have it all finalized!


  1. this sounds so fun... wish I was closer to Utah.. =)

  2. Making the trip this time! Can't wait! hugs from Texas! Hope some of my fellow HO3 gal pals can meet us up there! Would be great to meet some of the gals I've met thanks to HO3!

  3. Spark 2 sounds so exciting. 'Wish I could go. Hmmmm-what about a virtual or online SPARK? I am dreaming I know. I am sooooooooo happy for all of you. Thanks for sharing!!

  4. wohooo!!! it sounds so cool. the venue, the new look, everything! i cannot wait.
