Monday, March 1, 2010


Do you ever feel so overwhelmed that you just can't breathe?

yea, me, too!

Today's one of those days.

Don't get me's all sooo sooo good. I'm thrilled at the MANY opportunities that are presenting themselves, but at the same time I just have to stop &


But, I have to remember to....enjoy the pRocess, right?

...totally giddy about a few of things...

1. Featured blogger on Today's Creative Blog. Thanks, Kim! I"m so honored!

2. This week's LIVE Webshow will be with all of the House of 3 and...we'll be talkin' digi brushes!
Sooo excited!

3. The March Winter Workshops were announced today over at Dear Lizzie...and...I'll be teaching a NEW, exclusive, advanced Digital Design class on March 18th....I'm so excited! Be sure to read through the description....only 10 spots open & they are already almost FULL!
You'll need to call to make your reservation: 801.492.0022

have a great day! ...and breathe!


  1. Fabulous Rhonna TFS
    Have a fab week:)x

  2. Thanks for the reminder! See ya online Wednesday night! Enjoy Janets visit! hugs

  3. i'm soooo with you girl. having one of those days myself. *wink*

  4. thanks girl - i REALLY needed this today...

  5. I am totally picking up what you are putting down! I LOVED LOVED LOVED your class at Dear Lizzie. Thank you for sharing your joy and your talent with me!

  6. Oh my gosh...I think your work is awesome!!
    I feel like I have sooo much to learn!! Thankfully there are people like you out there! Now I just need more hours in the day:)

  7. yeah, can hardly wait to learn what you all are gonna teach!!

  8. a*stinkin*men! this is such a great poster thing! i love it and want that for my house. :)

    good luck this week!

  9. noooo!!! i have to work march 18th... (heading to the corner to pout...)

    thanks for the reminder to breathe...sometimes it's hard to remember.

  10. I love your blog and thanks for all the great tutorials!! I enjoyed making cofee filter garlands for Valentines and will be using them to decorate the "getaway car" for my brother's wedding. What a great idea and economical too!!!!

  11. Sad that i wasn't able to make it to your class at Dear Lizzie and sad that the next class is advanced =( Will there be a beginner class at all? I just love your stuff and would love to learn from you!!

  12. I am swinging over from Today's Creative Blog...your design are Fab. I am a new follower for sure.
    504 Main

  13. Congrats on the feature from TCB! You're simply AMAZING . . . and you're right. Sometimes we just need to stop amidst all the craziness and BREATHE! lol

  14. Congrats! Breathe in for 5, hold and out for really does help:)

  15. So I recently started reading your blog. I also have this really awesome frame that I have been wanting to put the perfect "keep calm" poster in. Guess what, yours is perfect! What can I do to use it? Pretty please! (ps I love your work and have been inspired to take some online classes. Thanks!)
