Thursday, September 30, 2010

So sorry....but, I'll need to take a rain check...

I've been so sick lately, I am going to have to take a rain check on the 21 Challenge. I'm so sorry! I hope everyone understands. 

p.s. but, maybe this will make bring the sun out...Persnickety Prints is having their Semi-Annual 25% off Print sale...and...they're giving away some pretty amazing prizes, too! 

Friday, September 24, 2010

friday celebrations----->

 It's a birthday weekend for our family. i LOVE birthdays & this is my amazing soul mate's weekend. so there will be a lot of celebrating his amazingness & our LOVE for it!

and speaking of celebrating....
who wouldn't celebrate on a 5 dollar fridayThis includes $5 off of physical products, too! So, it's a perfect time to get any of the digital, printable or physical kits you've had your eye on over at House of 3.  *pssst....did I mention this little  tid-bit??? the fabulous Jeweled Wall Art is finally on CLEARANCE... and we are just down to limited quantities. They are on for $7.99 (reg. $19.99) so that is awesome!  all 3 styles!  Oh! and the heart boxes. man...GREAT weekend, huh?

and...if you're new & haven't delved into all the possibilities that House of 3 are some ideas & inspiration from last year....

Have a great weekend of celebrating...& remember to tell me if you are in for the next round of The 21 Challenge starting a week from today....You have 1 week to:
1. think about the ONE habit you want to make or break.
2. gear up & commit to stay on track for the full 21 days.
3. read up on past challenges to get a feel for what it is.
**I'll be doing something a bit different this time...I always like to switch things up to make it more palatable for me since this is my 15th round or so.....
will you join me? Now's the time to commit. Accept. and do.
21 days will go by might as well join in & make or break a habit when the 3wks are over! *wink*
celebrate your life this are worth it!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

webshow, harvest moon & a commitment

Last night's webshow was so much fun. I adore Margie, Spark & bringing them all together is super inspiring & just plain FUN! We got to share the NEW  Spark kits at House of 3 & even shared some fun ideas/techniques on making the fabulous and oh so
colorful pop bottle flowers that we had all over Spark...easy. fun. & COOL! STEPS: 1. cut bottles into flowers. 2. spray paint bottles 3. wire flowers together. 4. hang & have fun!  Show us what YOU do with those cool flowers, k?

It was also the Fall Equinox, which many of you talked about on the Live chat...& this morning I woke up to the full moon over the was gorgeous. I got my tripod & took this photo...I didn't even photoshop this! was just so cool to see....a great start to this day! the end of our webshow, we talked a bit about a new 21 Challenge..I said it out loud. I may start another one on Oct. 1st....who wants to join me? Holla!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Spark Webshow...tomorrow night!

I'm so excited...we are doing our LIVE Webshow this week & we'll be featuring a Spark Re-cap with Margie Romney-Aslett!  (Liz will be getting ready to go teach at Inspiration Unlimited *with Janet! We'll miss, you Liz!)  

So..join us tomorrow night HERE. And Margie, Heidi & I will be *sparkin* it up! holla!

Monday, September 20, 2010

things that make me happy....

Today I'm feeling very grateful that I'm a started out kind of a bit smoother as the day went on...& finally ended with  a *bang* Ka*pow* right in the *kisser* kind of a day! 

We drove up to Sundance tonight....the autumn colors were so gorgeous.  ...the top off the jeep... everyone laughing & talking...wind in our hair!   I really do believe that family time every week is so important. I love Monday nights!

**eta: I am working on a storyboard for each of my kids....but, got too tired to post anything else...more to come!

Halloween's coming!

Now that Spark is over I have been really getting excited about Fall! (but, don't worry...we'll have a whole *re-cap* of it this Wed. for our LIVE Webshow! Don't miss it!)

 The trees are changing. LOVE the color, love the canyons we live nearby & LOVE the feel in the air!

 It's our family's birthday season...we have 3 birthdays in Sept., Oct. & Nov. Love this time of year...did I say that?

Halloween's coming! Yes, this just makes me giddy! I love decorating, costuming, & just the over all FUN that I have at Halloween. 

House of 3 fun is in the air! Can't spill all the beans, but we're in the thick of some very exciting projects! *holla*  Did you see the ideas over at the Inspiration House?  ch*ch*check it, on this glorious Monday! 

Have a great day!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Spark no. 2 Vol. 4...Persnickety Prints

( photos by Chari Pack of Persnickety Prints! Thank you!)
One of the things that just *made* Spark so inspiring was seeing these huge, gorgeous & vibrant signs all over...Spark Quotes for classes & just to inspire!

Persnickety Prints was one of our creative partners & they printed these 30x40 signs for us to hang all over. I designed them with the Spark Digital kit that I used in my mini class & they turned out so FAB! I was /am in LOVE with the quality, the color & the vibrancy!
 (photos by Leslee Keckley, with Jessica modeling....smooches &THANK YOU!)

 We even used them for our hello my name is: name tags.... See how fun & cool they mad the tags?  
I was/am so impressed with Persnickety Prints! A huge thank you to cute Chari & Kenny for doing such a wonderful job on it all! Isn't she darling? We love her!

And...speaking of Persnickety Prints...we featured them in our Live Webshow on Wednesday night when we had our House of 3 Halloween Kick off
Did you SEE the amazing metallic prints of the NEW Phantom Large Canvas art? Run on over to the House Inspiration blog to see more about it. I"m in LOVE & sooo excited to decorate for Halloween!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

spark no. 2 Vol. 3...Emily, Jaz & Sabrina

Spark no. 2 wouldn't have been the same w/o our international teacher, Emily. OR her wonderful friends Jaz (who is also from Australia) or Sabrina (aka. Bina) from France. Bina won the prize for coming the farthest to Spark...all the way from France! I adore each of them. One of my favorite things about Spark is how each of us is *sparked* by one another....& the Sparks that came to the event are what *made* it....along with the teachers...opening up & allowing each other to *spark* our creativity!

These fabulous photos are from the gorgeous, talented Jasmine....She's electric...amazing & so genuine...she just oozes creativity & it was so fun to see her gracefully create.  I mean...just look at that cool photo of her in a bottle! **we had the 'seating' arrangements on the 2nd day all set up like this.  Each *spark* was to go & search until they found themselves.  Then, they looked around at the other *sparks* around them & got to know them...i loved seeing each of them talking, laughing & *sparking* during lunch & dinner.

One of the core classes was by THE Wendy Whitacre (BlueLilyPhoto). Look at this incredible photo Jaz took in the class! I saw it & I think my jaw you see what I mean? Jaz was *sparked* by Wendy who *sparked* so many of the women to stretch & enlighten their creativity..I loved it!
 In my mini class, I taught some basic skills about using digital art to create.  They each got a Spark digital kit & then I challenged them to create something for 5 min. each day using their new-found skills. I about fell off my chair when I saw this image from Jaz....really? How cool is she, right? WOW!

I loved seeing a world cup champion in our midst....did you Sparks even know that Sabrina Jonnier is a famous & talented downhill cyclist?  She rocks...check out her cool blog & the banner photo....I LOVE YOU, BINA!  I love that she is so humble & cool! It was fun to see her creating & getting *sparked*...afterwards, she told me she really needed Spark. Didn't we all? *wink* 

Each person that attended really did  *spark* one another & again...a heartfelt thank you to everyone much went into it & I hope that we all got so much out of it!

p.s. please send me images of what *you* created with the Spark Digital kit...I'm so excited!

House of 3 is having a spoooooky webshow tonight. LIVE from Heidi's studio..I'll be joining her to get you in gear for my FAVE upcoming holiday! *wink* see you then!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

spark no. 2 Vol. 2...Jefra & Mindy

Jefra was able to come on Friday night & we are so happy she shared her photography talent with us...i am in LOVE with the pictures & feel she captured during the only she can do! She truly *sparked* me when I saw these photos...THANK YOU, Jefra! mmmm*wah!
Love how she captured the colors & details of the decorations.

Love how she captures the light....i mean...*breathtaking*

Love how she captures the textures...oh my!

And after all of the hard work, blood, sweat & tears it was so nice to be *sparked* by  Mindy Gledhill

I adore her music, so meeting her & hearing her sing & talk was so thrilling...

she's just so genuine, sweet, funny & funky fantastic.  My sisters & daughters & I were in heaven!

Love her creative style. ( i mean...vintage velvet dress with fishnets & converse? darling!)
Love her creative lyrics.
Love her creative music.
loved her creative way of truly sparking everyone's creative spirit...

I was on FIRE after hearing her! & I loved the way she made every single Spark feel....
Thank you so much, Mindy & Jefra for making Spark No. 2 an amazing event...we love you!