Thursday, May 24, 2012

intRoducing>>>Nautical Chic!

I'm totally giddy to share my new collection: Nautical Chic! It's up on my site NOW!

The art is vintage & modern my vibe! *vodern* or *mintage*
Loving it!

There are EIGHT kits  & they include: banners, borders, iconic buttons & tiles, frames, papers, a HUGE set of brushes/stamps & gorgeous Quote Art that I LOVE to create to print & frame! *or put on Instagram* wink!




I talked a bit HERE about what inspiRed me for this collection.  With Summer right around the corner *and in the States we are celebrating the official season on Monday starting with Memorial Day* I am so excited to create cards, decor, scrapbook pages, photo frames, BBQ/party favors...ALL with these kits! You've got it all here! and TONS of art...Like I said..I'm giddy!

So, stay tuned....can't WAIT to see what my amazing Creative Team will do with these kits! 
Happy Summer!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Creative Team Tuesday: DIY Birthday Party Hats & Teacher Gifts

 I always look forward to Creative Team Tuesday...I LOVE to see what my team comes up with using my Rhonna Designs! And today, Jamie & Melissa have some fab hybrid projects...DIY Birthday Hat Decorations & Teacher Appreciation gifts...LOVE them!

Jamie says: 
I junqued up birthday hats to set around as decorations for my daughter's birthday party. So that includes the hat from the It's Time kit with the music sheet paper. And then I used the Quatrefoil tag kit to make a medallion that includes one of the Starburst brushes. I cut those out and then layered with words form the Printable Sayings kit in the Easter Celebration collection. It was fun to pull from these different kits to come up with a birthday theme. **because there are no kits with Birthday sayings...hmm...I think it's time I get on that! *wink***
And run on over, because she's got a tutorial!

Melissa is so many ways. She created these cute Teacher Appreciation Gifts with the Prize Winning Mom kit! Love it!
So inspiring...especially since this is our last week of school & I gotta get on it! LOL!

Enjoy the creative explosion here...I'm still on my Creativity Exercises HIGH! Loving it! Working on some really fun things...I just get so excited...the first thing you'll see as a result of the *explosion* is the NEW kit: Nautical Chic....Thursday will be the day for the release! Yea! 

Now...take those creative juices that are flowing & go! cReate something NOW!

Your Living Canvas Workshop starts today!

(image collage by Margie)

One thing I LOVE is having artsy, creative, amazing friends! And today, I wanted to share my dear friend, Christy Tomlinson's NEW online workshop: Your Living Canvas!

 It starts TODAY! I'm soo giddy! Perfect timing...during all of my *creativity explosion* this is just what my little creative heart needs...I'm taking it...are you? Go sign up! She's amazing! 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Learning to Sail....

Loving this quote so inspires me to be strong & learn about myself, life & HOW to go about 'sailing my ship.' And, case in point, I'm learning that even the MOST amazing Creative Ideas that come at me like a crashing wave....well, I have to learn to sail  that ship, too. & I have to learn what is best for me, my family & my I'm taking it one step at a time. No worries...these little steps will be really fun to get to the BIG goal. But, it may take a while. It's OK...cuz one thing I HAVE learned about sailing my ship is: Enjoy sailing! *grin*

But, inspiration is a funny thing... I can get inspired by a quote visually as well...This quote is actually the inspiration behind my new collection- Nautical Chic- going up on the Rhonna Designs site next week! 

And, of course, I'm totally inspired by fashion as well...LOVING the fresh, crisp feel of the whole Nautical trend.  It's everywhere & I'm aching for the Summer sun &, it was natural to create this fun collection.  Just browzing through Pinterest under 'Nautical' was super inspiring...loved the creative process of this collection!

So, happy weekend & come back next week for the release of my new Nautical Chic Collection!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

creativity exercises = creativity explosion

You've heard me talk about it over & over....the NEED for my Creativity Exercises. daily.
Yes. I do them every day. 
WHy? So my creative muscle will be strong, fit & ready to think outside the box- be innovative!

Well- yesterday I had one of THE most amazing experiences during the process.

You see, I've been having some ideas lately....the past few months. (actually the very first time I thought of it was last Spring! but, I tucked it away.)

Some crazy, WILD ideas. 

The kind that at first you think: "What am I THINKING?"
They've been....marinating. percolating. guiding me....step by step.

Then I went to Snap- the Conference & I heard some things that got my wheels turning even faster. I was reminded of a few ideas & promptings that I'd had...& I could FEEL that the timing was right.
I met some amazing people that really *sparked* those ideas. Again...marinating. percolating. guiding step by step in this process.

I came home on a cReative high & talked it over with my agent/husband: Jeff. I love him, because he's learned to not think I'm crazy...just let me brainstorm & be my sounding board! LOL! Well...the idea was there, the wheels were in motion, but we there were a lot of 'Hows' & 'What ifs' & frankly...FEAR! I was actually getting scared of the ideas that were coming!
But, again...marinating. percolating. guiding step by step.

Part of this process that's been guiding me was when I shared my Creative Process during my Creativity Week -inspiration. perspiration. innovation. creation. 
I've been really thinking a lot about this particular process & knew that with these 4 Creativity concepts along with my daily 100 Creativity Exercises all of the 'Hows' & 'What ifs' & Fear would work out.

So, yesterday Jeff got this idea & as we were talking about it, IT CAME! All of the questions, all of the 'Hows' & 'What ifs' came like a FLOOD of creative inspiration. It was so fast & furious I couldn't breathe! The fear is still there...cuz again...I'm skeered. But, it's so out of the box- fun- exciting...
the planning stage has begun.

And all of the daily creativity exercises primed my creative muscle to be ready for that inspiration when it hit! The concept itself is a huge undertaking & it is going to take a lot of perspiration, but I think it will be well worth it!

oh yea...& in the middle of this process, I have been designing a new collection for Summer that is making me sooo excited. The creative juices have been over-flowing! Hoping it will all be ready & finished by next week...just in time to kick off Summer!

eeeee! Soo excited! I LOVE being uplifted & inspired....stay tuned!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Follow Your Heart Feature: Layle Koncar

I wanted to share the amazing work of my dear friend, Layle Koncar.  She is the May Guest Designer over at My Mind's Eye blog this month & she killed it! LOVE her work...always have. And, when I saw her work with my line: Follow Your Heart, I about made me giddy!
SHe used many of the new products from MME, but when I saw this layout she did with my 'Be Amazing' collection, my heart skipped a beat. I LOVE how she created the little honeycomb pop-ups!
I mean, really? she's just brill!  Aaannnd....Here's a card she created with the 'Be Happy' collection. um...yea. THIS makes me happpy!
She says: 
What is your favorite MME line and why?  Hands down, it's Follow Your Heart - both Be Happy and Be Amazing.  I've been friends with Rhonna for many years and I just LOVE her style - it's so her!  I'm not much of a digi girl, so I was so excited when she began designing paper products again.
Rhonna and My Minds Eye are THE perfect match.  I love the papers in the Follow Your Heart lines - so easy to work with and FUN!

no, I didn't pay her to say that! LOL...she's so rad, no? Thanks Layle & MME...such a great way to uplift & inspire!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

cReative team Tuesday- Gift Wrap & Baby Announcement

I hope everyone had a very Happy Mother's Day! I know I did! And, I used lots of Rhonna Designs (last minute of course) in creating little jars full of chocolate. I topped them off with little fringed flower/paper prize ribbons using the Prize Winning Mom kit! They were a hit!
And, I always LOVE seeing what my Creative Team creates with Rhonna Designs...look at what Jamie did for Mother's Day!

Jamie went to town on her Mother's Day gift wrapping...after all: "Presentation is everything"....& Jamie is full of inspiration. Go check out her blog to see the amazing details HERE.

And.... a HUGE congrats to our Creative Team Member: Rosemary! See how she announced the gender of her lil baby! I love it! **note: the bow is from my hand drawn collection with House of 3- no longer available**

I'm working on some fun creative projects today...after seeing what my Creative Team did, I just can't help but want to do my 100 Creativity Exercises...Love it! Happy Tuesday!