Saturday, May 30, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

school's out!

(locker decorated with House of 3's House Adornment stickers!)

for all you DIY Summer pRojecters...check out what I'm doing this weekend: spray painting! Here's a before...I'll post the after on Monday!have a fantastic weekend!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

new summer seRies...

won't you please join me in my DIY (do-it-yourself) Summer Projects Series??

I'm rampin' up for the summer.....i love it! My kids & I have big plans for doing a project a week. BUT...our purpose & goal is to get super cReative & re-purpose items around the house in a cReative way:
home decor
function get it.

Our goal is to
buy as little as possible to re-create as many projects as we can this summer!

so, I wanted to throw it out there & see if anyone wants to join in!
no pressure.
totally fun.

To get started.....I need a visual reminder of my goals.

So, I just printed this door hanger out on House of 3's French Oo La La paper, cut out & added my top ten things I wanted to do this summer...obviously each week we'll do more,'s a start!

So... DIY Summer Project No. 1 is:
re-doing T's room w/o buying anything new.
She's a girl who knows what she wants.
very modern, cool vibe.

first things' first:
gather inspiration! So...I made up this just to get some ideas flowing.LinkLinklove this vibe. clean. fresh. funky!
Thanks to domino magazine, apartment therapy, brocade home, design sponge, & style me pretty for their endless 'inspiration board' inspiration!

Now, I've made up some 'inspiration' lists that I'll add the to-do's on for each DIY Summer Project!

*squeal* I'm sooo excited! I love it!
LMK if you're in!
we'll have FUN in this pRocess!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

cReative your best!

I've got some cuuuute fab friends that are graduting this week from high school! The House of 3 Graduation kits are perfect! They are offered in feminine & masculine vibes. Love them both. But, this girl kit was perfect for little gifts for each of them! The kits include an announcement, invitation, wrapper, thank yous & addy labels...everything for a great Grad! I used the wrappers here on big candy bars, but you can also use them for bottles **their fave sodas or even on big bottles for the big Grad party!**And using the kits for the actual Grad fun is that? print out as many as home or take them to Costco or an online lab...voila! You are done! super easy & fun!

Janet has some fab ideas, too! Check them out here!

I'm in love with this quote! I found it in my inbox from Compendium
this morning. totally inspired me to do my BEST today! lots going on....& it's always easy to feel overwhelmed with it all, ya know? so....go for it! be your best today!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


memorial day...hope it was fabulous for everyone!
we had a fantastic a family...lots of fun!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

your mission if you should accept....

is to:

do it.
cReate something.

look around your studio or creative space.
**spruce something up.

**finish a project.

**paint a fresh coat on something.

**take a photo.

**clean it up!

do something to cReate something that wasn't already there.

I had a restless night last night. A lot of things on my mind...try a gabillion things on my mind...& sometimes this is when my best thinking occurs. my best inspiRation!

I jumped out of bed **yea, those that know me well, don't laugh** family scripture study first, then worked out, then got ready for the day...


i had such a pRoductive morning. the kiddos get home soon, but I"m feeling so excited. spray paint, computer print outs & dangles...das all I'll say!
I did some fun things...I'll have to post pics real soon...

but, wanted to issue this same challenge to YOU, oh bloggers!
cReate today!

it.feels. good.
p.s. go over & wish Janet a Happy Birthday, ok?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009



Some days I need a little
inspiRation trip... but, don't have time to just pick up & leave. These are the days i LOVE the internet! With the clickity click o' the mouse I can be taken away to the most amazing places.

Like this! Oh my! How cool is this video?

Or above:
Amy Atlas
Glamarella Junk
Anthropologie Catalog
& of course, decor8

Or just hop on over to Paris....

to my fave little boutique that is sooo chock full o' inspiRation I can hardly stand it! ** I still have to share the story of this store with you....i got the most amazing outfit there on my trip! oo la la! head is buzzing with to cReate!

Monday, May 18, 2009


what do i see?
**a brutal workout...hard! **ate far too much this weekend!**

**Last Monday before kids are out of school! *really?*

**Teacher Appreciation gift making!

**9 Fruits & veggies!...thanks to the fab Miss. K's inspiration! *smooch*

**planting some flowers? **maybe!**

**getting inspiRed & motivated listening to this.

**some fun new projects with the Hof3 House Adornments...

so?> what do YOU see on this happy Monday!


Thursday, May 14, 2009

New & new....

School is coming to a close soon & this means Teacher Appreciation. Check out the **new** kit over at House of 3, Hello Teacher. Totally *cute* stuff for teachers.
Little cards are great to print out with the teachers' names on them...or print out & make gummed note pads. The kit comes with boys & girls of all colors, so fun!
We printed them out on sticker paper & are making cute prezzies for their teachers...I'll post pix as soon as I can!

and...speaking of pix!~ I have had a lot of people asking about my photos from my Paris trip!
I've put some of my fave quotes to them & done some photo montage/collage stuff & just added some of my faves to my Etsy store!
Each original montage is printed out on gorgeous matte paper for a lovely finish. I have had some requests for smaller sizes (think: note cards/post cards) & I'll be getting those up in the store soon.

Monday, May 11, 2009

give it all you've got!


“ life, engage in it, give it all you've got. love it with a passion, because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it” Maya Angelo

Isn't that inspiRing?

I love the start of a new many possibilities. so many new adventures. so many things to 'give it all I've got'!

bring it on!

so....I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day. I did. I feel so blessed to be a mom & wife to the best family. Each child really did out do themselves, & of course, my husband did, too!
such a wonderful day!

ok...check these projects out!
Joanne sent me this!

Thought I would share some pictures of my mums pressies for mothers Day. I made mum little cards she can hang, she has them in her dining room, she loves them. This kit was just gorgeous, Thanks, regards Joanne Antivilo

Can you believe how cool it is! J, you are amazing! Love how you used the House of 3 papers to wrap your gifts! and...LOVE the
Mother Heart brushes on the transparencies...simply gorgeous!

And look at how Jenny Bingham used the brushes ON TOWELS!!!! She said:

Hi Rhonna, just wanted to share what I made using your mom's day brushes. I'm not as creative as you and didn't have a ton of time, anyway thought I send you a pic. I just purchased plain white dish towels and used the iron on transfer paper, then added some ribbon for some extra color. Thanks Rhonna, I always look forward to what you have planned for holidays so I can make my gifts. Jenny

um...Jenny, I have to are SOOO creative! I just fell in love with these! I
think they are soo fab!
thanks, both of you for sharing!

congrats to both of them! They won Gift Certificates in the Hof3 store!

We *love* seeing how creative you are...please keep sending us your ideas on HOW to use House of 3 products! You never know when we'll be handing out goodies!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Creative Gifting....House of 3 Style---->

Go on over to the House of 3 Create Section to see more samples of how I used these kits in my Mother's Day gift photo holder.

I used the 7Gypsies ATC card holder, these cards a bunch of House of 3 kits, photos, tulle, HS jewels & these heart jewels were a perfect touch!
This is a totally fun project, because you can use anything you have in your stash: tulle **who doesn't have tulle in their stash? *wink* You must. I've found it comes in quite handy! Here's a great link to good quality, bulk, cheap tulle!**
...ribbons, tapes, jewels, flowers, felt, even doilies!

The ATC holder is a fab way to display the photos & sentiments you share with your Mother or other wonderful women in your life! table, shelf, kitchen, bedside...always a reminder of how special they are to you!

Enjoy this project & Happy Mother's Day to you all!


credits: House of 3 French Oo La La Papers, Mother Heart Word Art

Mother's Day
is Sunday here in America. I love this celebration of all the woman in my life!
my mom. & mother in law.
my sisters. & sisters in law.

my cousins. & cousins in law.
my friends. and YOU!

You are all a*mazing women!

I love you for WHO you are.
for WHO you help me to be.

for WHAT you do.
& for HOW you make me feel.
& everyone around
Linkyou, of course.
You are all such powerful, wonderful GOOD women & I am soo thankful we are FAMILY and and FRIENDS!!!!

Woman are such strengths to each other, their spouses, children, grandchildren,
Keep up the good work, everyone! This world needs strong, happy, wonderful women!
Happy Mother's Day to you all!

So, in honor of Mother's Day...check out some of the NEW House of 3 stuff. It's all vintage French inspired **from my Paris trip of course** and oo la la! I'm having so much fun with these new goodies!

Just as reminder: today is the last day for the House Adornment Wall aRt Special pricing; Buy 2 Get 1
it ends. done deal. so...go get'em! Mother's Day is coming prezzie, I'd say! For your friends, sisters, sisters in law, mothers, mothers in law...any woman in your life!

Happy Thursday!

Monday, May 4, 2009

wall aRt winners...





Please email me at:
to give me your addresses...we'll ship them to you as soon as you do!

I'm in love with Poppytalk design blog...every day I check her site for inspirations all over the world...and what did I see
today? A post on House of 3's Wall aRt! thank you so much, Poppytalk!
thanks Poppytalk!

We are lovin' the response about our House Adornments...thank you everyone! I've loved hearing from you about spreading the word! thank you!
Remember: the Buy 2 Get 1 Free offer
ends on the 7th of May!

so hurry & get' em while they last!

Friday, May 1, 2009

House of 3 Wall aRt questions answered:

We've had lots of questions about our first release of House of 3 House Adornments: NEW JEWELED WALL ARTSo, I thought I'd answer them here:

Q: Do you ship to Australia?
A: Yes! We ship world wide. We wanted everyone all over the globe to have these nifty decor items! enjoy!

Q: Will you carry these again? In another color?
A: We have a limited number in this first Edition. Once they are gone, they are gone. So, act quickly!
**in the future we may have another run, but it won't be the same! You'll only get this Limited Edition of the exclusive House of 3's first designs! an artist's limited edition works!
Q: How do I put them up? How do I reposition?
A: In your COOL box, you'll receive a printed out instruction page. (along with a few extra Jewels...just in case.)

They are quite sticky & stick to anything. There are 3 layers.
1st. layer is the back.
2nd. layer is the die cute image.
top layer is a grid sheet.

You simply peel off the back layer, follow the grid lines, press the sticker onto the surface, then peel off the grid sheet to reveal the black wall art image.

Super easy. But, like I said, it's very tacky. The plastic/vinyl is very thick & resilient, so if you don't get it right the first time, you can always peel it off &

In these shots I wanted to think 'out of the box' & put them up on a cement wall. After I was finished there was cement on the stickers. I simply washed off with water/soap & they are still sticky...ready for another 'out of the box' place to stick!

On the above image, I've got photos printed on fabric paper, transparencies & photo paper. I took chalk & drew stuff on the cement. Seriously, there are so many options with this.

Q: I love the idea of writing inside the frames. What did you write on the glass & mirror with?
A: Sharpie. Black Sharpie. It comes off with a cotton ball & nail polish remover. Easy. You can also do a Dry Erase marker. Obviously that would come off much easier!

Q: How long will the buy 2 get one free price be offered?
A:We'll end this special Introductory Offer on May 7th. So hurry!

I've loved hearing about your ideas. LOVE!
some other fun ones:

car windows. We were talking about it & how cool would it be on the back of a cute bug...LOL!

lockers: the frames or chandeliers would be cute in a locker...mirrors framed?

light switch: the cute little frames around your light switch? glammed up! love it!

doors: Susan emailed me about a fabulous wood office door she has but doesn't want to put nail marks in cool would these be on that?

laptops: perfect 'laptop skins'...with bling!

weddings: oooo, can you just *see* the possibilities? Every bride wants a glammed up party, right? Wouldn't it be fab to fill a whole room of mirrors with the chandeliers? Or on the refreshment tables, have the lamps on the walls behind? I see them in various heights...perhaps on top cake stands, pedestals, etc.
And of of the happy couple in the frames? their initials? the wedding date?

Baby Showers/parties: much like the above. Just did a PROM TRANSFORMATION for a friend last weekend. And, the menu shots you see on the home page are from this fun party!

And honestly, for 19.99 & the fact that you can use over & you've all said:
The possibilities are endless!

keep your ideas coming. I'll pick the 3 winners on Monday!