Thursday, September 27, 2012

Idea No. 5: 31 Halloween Ideas w/ Rhonna Designs:: Spooky Jars

I'm a sucker for DIY repurposing...& since we can't recycle glass here, I am always saving old bottles & jars. about adding some GLAM to Spook up these little jars/bottles for more ideas on our 31 Halloween Ideas Series?  

Today's idea combines  Idea No. 1 & Idea No. 4....I give you....

Idea No. 5:: Spooky Jars
Super fun & easy DIY Halloween decor! 

1. Spray paint the inside of  jars/bottles with gold spray the sparkle & glam. **and then, you can use these for ANY holiday!**

2. Open an 8x10 NEW document in Photoshop. Select your TYPE "T" tool & with your InstaSpooky dingbat font, type the capital letters you want. Here, I've got the Spooky Label "S", Witch Silhouette "N", Spooky Skelly "J".  Make them as large as you need depending on the jar/bottle you have.

3. Print out on Inkjet Window Decal sheet, cut out & apply them to your jars/bottles.

4. Create a Spooky Paper Bow by following the instructions in the Rhonna Designs Newsletter you just got.  (for this, you'll need the Spooky Printable Papers printed on both sides of paper/cardstock.

5. Adhere the bow for a cute little topper, add flowers, twigs, spiders, candy...whatever you have around!

So...go grab some bottles/jars, add color, Spook & a bow & voila! A fantastic DIY repurposed jar to hold your flowers, leaves, twigs, candy, lollies...get cReative!

Happy weekend...& cReate something!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Idea No. 4: 31 Halloween Ideas with Rhonna Designs :: Spooky Pumpkins

There are so many things you can do to decorate a pumpkin during the Halloween season...whether it's real or *not*. I've drawn on mine with a sharpie pen, printed out my designs on clear stickers, added jewels, but this year...wanted to add paper bows created with Rhonna Designs Spooky printable papers.

Idea No. 4: Spooky Pumpkins
So, if you are on our Rhonna Designs Newsletter got the FREE Printable Paper Bow template for these cute bows, right? *grin* The great thing about this template is: You can print it out (the template has only grey lines on it) right over any other patterned paper you have. The bows look best when printed on double sided, for these shown, I simply took the Spooky Printable Papers, printed 2 different patterns, THEN sent the front side through the printer again to print out the Paper Bow Template.
For a quick add-on to any pumpkin, I added some elastic to the back to I could just put it right over the pumpkin & take off easily. I love these little dressed up beauties! So fast, fun, & any pumpkin you have will look Spooky! *wink*
I made a ton of these bows...*large ones, medium...itty bitty** & will have lots of ideas to come...stay tuned & ...happy cReating!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Idea No. 3: 31 Halloween Ideas w/ Rhonna Designs :: Spooky Plates

You will LOVE what Heather Thoming of Whipperberry shares today! She's one of my NEW cReative Team Members...& she *wowed* me with this project!

Idea No. 3: Spooky Plates
She's got a whole tutorial over at her, fly on over there to see!  I'm LOVING how she mixed Mod Podge, party plates, a jar lid & Rhonna Designs to create these Spooky Plates for Halloween! 

...again...use what you have around the house. Hybrid+DIY+Repurpose.

Seriously...Heather makes me want to pick up my Mod Podge & just go to town w/ all of their various finishes...I mean...antique? sparkle? glow in the dark? oh mercy...I'm in trouble!
So, grab some old plates...or just the perfect one you've been saving for the right project...go over & follow Heather's tutorial & cReate something amazing!
Thanks, Heather....even in the midst of a surprise move...she's being THAT is what I love to see!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Idea No. 2: 31 Halloween Ideas w/ Rhonna Designs:: Spooky Wreaths

Today's 31 Halloween Ideas is brought to you by my Rhonna Designs cReative Team Member, Amy Miles! Tuesdays are always uplifting & inspiring & today is no different!  

Idea No. 2: Spooky Wreaths
I LOVE how Amy took this book page rose wreath she had & *sprinkled her magic* on it!

1. Printed the black & white striped Spooky background  on 3 pieces of 8x10 paper.
2.  Following THIS little video tutorial I did a few years back, she created a paper LOLLY!
3. Created a smaller lolly out of vintage book paper just torn out of a book...LOVE those tattered edges!
4. Added a gold foil doily.
5. Layered the Spooky Chevron circle over the doily...
6. Created a smaller black & white polka dot the itty bitty-ness of it!
 7. topped off the center of the *magically spooky* wreath with this Spooky Junque tag
wow. wow. wow. wow. WOW!
LOVE it!

***not to mention her peach & persimmon ribbons just adding panache to the whole thing!
Again...using what you have around the house- this rose wreath is one I drool over every time I go to her gorgeous house...& adding in some Rhonna Designs to add a FAB Halloween decor creation!

Check out what else she did for her front door! She's got this HUGE kraft coffee filter wreath on her door that she just adds various decos to during each season...I go GA*GA over it!
So...for Halloween...she added a skelly she already had, some fabric strips, burlap, ribbon AND  of course, the Spooky Junque 'Trick or Treat' sign...the skelly is picketing for candy! HAHA!

Thanks, Amy...for a *magical* uplifting & inspiring!

Look around. What do you have on your door? A wreath from another season? Sprinkle some *magic* on it with Rhonna Designs Spooky kits & *poof*'ve got some Spooky Wreaths to adorn your doors!

go...cReate! I can't wait!

Idea No.1: 31 Halloween Ideas with Rhonna Designs:: Spooky Teacups

With our release of Spooky over at Rhonna Designs, we've had such a great response! (deal of the bundled kits goes until Sept. 30~) 
I've had so many questions about HOW to incorporate it w/ last year's Spooky Junque like I'd intended.  
So....I thought it would be fun to share 31 days of Halloween Ideas using Rhonna Designs! Are you in?

Of course, I'll be sharing the amazing creativity of my Creative Team, too! Aaannnnddd... (I'll be skipping some days) but, we'll end ON my birthday...October 23! I'm a birthday LOVER & I think it's always an excuse  to celebrate! So...join us  while we share lots of fun ideas and end it off w/ a BANG>>>>I am a firm believer of giving gifts on my birthday. *wink* 

So...let's start w/ Idea no. 1! Spooky Teacups

For me, decorating is all about 

Hybrid + DIY + Repurposing

I love using what I have around the house! Just re-purpose! 
So...this was easy as 1,2,3!

2. Cut out & apply them to vintage teacups or jars, or bottles...whatever you have in your house.

3. Fill w/ candy, flowers...spiders! & *kaBOOM* a little nook of decor that packs a Spooky punch!

I just filled them w/ silk flowers (candy is too tempting for me) &  put my teacups on a long black platter I had, added some felt bats under neath...layered some doilies, burlap & linen...& VOILA...a little centerpiece in my entry way.

As you can see...I've got some Spooky stuff going on above it...but, more on THAT another day! *wink*

So....see how the Junquey vibe of burlap, linen & doilies meld the flavors of Spooky & Spooky Junque...I love the look, feel & vibe!
You CAN mix & meld & boil....spooky, huh?

Now, don't get me don't *have* to coordinate both fact, I figured the vintage style of Spooky Junque will appeal to some while the more modern sleek style of Spooky will appeal to others. And, as you now...I'm always evolving & changing things keeps me creative! So, this year, I wanted to bring in both styles- can you say eclectic? Yup...that's me!mixing & melding styles....keeps me a*live (creatively)...cackle. cackle.

So...go! cReate! & enjoy the all of the ideas we bring to you this Halloween Season!
Oh! annnnd....the winner for the Compendium goodie box is: Missy Brooks! Email me your addy & I'll send it off! 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The POWER of positive thinking....Billion Clicks

Last night I sat next to some of my dearest friends...listening, laughing, crying...& feeling an overwhelming feeling that I can do this hard thing called life. **mind you...the last little bit has been rough....** But, as I listened to & watched Hillary Weeks' video, I was sooo uplifted & inspired!
Take a minute to listen to her experiment....
What she said just sunk into my soul....Positive thinking CAN change my outlook on life. & I was soo excited to get my hands on a clicker & start this experiment! 
I am a pretty positive person by nature...but, I fall into these slumps where I just get exhausted; physically, emotionally, spiritually....& I have to pick myself up from that & get back into my 'Happy Routine'...
Sometimes that picking up is harder for in the winter. I have a REALLLLLYYYY difficult time *feeling* cheerful when it's cold & gloomy outside. My aches & pains get worse & I can easily sit & focus on my health issues & let it overtake me.
No. Thank. You.
I'm tired of that.
I knew I needed to do this. right away!
And....they gave us each a clicker to start with!!! I was so excited to start my journey...
for 2 weeks I'll be clicking this little clicker.

& I made this cute sticker above out of my Rhonna Designs Insta Thanks & Insta Seals kits, printed out on sticker paper & it's on my clicker now! LOVE that quote! It really helps me remember to be thankful. & THAT is one thing that will always, always make me happy! 
**and LOOK at what my sweet True, Chrissy Gardner created on the sticker sheets! Brill!**
So, as I sat in the waiting room this morning....for over an hour...I was looking around at all the things, people, thoughts in my head...& focused on the Positive! Next thing I know...I was out of there & on my way...I looked down & saw 133! I was so happy I focused on those POSITIVE things instead of getting ticked off that I was waiting for so long! LOL!
It's all about our positive energy. positive thoughts. I believe this can help us in any of our darkest hours...and influence our self. our family. our friends.
And, i LOVE that she's got Compendium products in her store! So uplifting & inspiring! (the GIVEAWAY on my blog is open until, go over to enter!)

Go over & check out the whole's amazing! Join me!
Here are some ideas on their site...but, I'm making a list of my own, too!
Love it!


  • positive thoughts
  • things to be grateful for
  • i love yous
  • noticing the good in someone
  • noticing the good in yourself
  • things you believe
  • each time you see the hand of God
  • acts of kindness
  • each step closer to a goal
  • minutes of exercise

with your Spouse...

  • compliments given and received
  • things you love about each other
  • i love yous
  • each time you think of your spouse
  • noticing the good in your spouse
  • acts of kindness
  • each time you make each other smile or laugh

with your Family...

  • acts of service
  • acts of kindness
  • kind words
  • compliments given and received
  • completed chores - homework, making beds, brushing teeth, etc.
  • minutes of reading
  • minutes spent together
  • expressions of gratitude
  • have a contest to see who can click the most in a day or a week
There are more ideas for friends, schools, etc.  Can you imagine if the whole world did this? I love it!
But, of course...we have to start with ourselves...So, I am ordering some for my family...I want to do this for 2 weeks...set the example...have them observe ME & how I am changing...& then we can all jump in! **at least that's my plan! **

So so thankful for those precious times when you feel so uplifted & inspired you know you will look back on that moment & pin point it as being a pivotal moment of change.  I felt that last night. I feel that with this experiment...& 
I'm doing it! 

Won't you join me? 2 weeks...let's click away!

Spread the word...let's do this!
go & listen to the MUSIC on her blog...Dancing in the Rain is a catchy little diddy! Love it!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

cReative Team Tuesday: spooky

The Rhonna Designs cReative team is at it again...providing more ideas, eye candy & FUN to uplift & inspiRe! 
LOVING what Amy created with the NEW Spooky kits...& how she mixed it up with last year's Spooky Junque...just like I'd envisioned...Isn't this so cute?
Love the little details she used....Printing on vintage dictionary paper...combining the Spooky Witch Silhouette with the Spooky Junque Frame...&  accenting it with the Spooky Junque Border...So fabulous!

And LOOK at Rosemary's blog banner...LOVING how she used the persimmon Chevron Paper, border & cute vintage card/bird label from the Spooky Junque Collection...mixing it up with this year's SPOOKY 'Witchy" Frameable, golden paper, black & white stripes & dots w/ the cute spider! LOVE!

 And...a lovely digital scrapbook layout by Kirsty...Oh how I LOVE her just shines through...she can take ANY of Rhonna Designs, coupled w/ her amazing photography & VOILA! An amazing work of art!

I am in LOVE with how she used so many Rhonna Designs on this...Love the upper Washi Tape mixed with the Nautical chic brushes! Then, the background is created w/ the Mini Textures brushes...added a Doily & paper in there...w/ the Quatrefoil papers, the Nautical Chic Seals & the Mini Seals....Oh my..IN LOVE!

Ok...So, I've been a busy little witch getting all decorated for Halloween using my Spooky Kits...& I just have to's all about Hybrid + DIY + Repurposing. Yup...haven't purchased ONE thing! Just re-using! Love that! I'll be sure to share tips & tricks for's one I shared on Instagram last night:
Print off the Insta SPOOKY kits/icons onto inkjet window decals...apply them to vintage teacups- fill w/ candy, flowers...spiders! & *kaBOOM* a little nook of decor that packs a punch!

so...go....cReate..what are you waiting for...only 43 more sleeps to Halloween! *wink*

Friday, September 14, 2012

Snap Conference: What's in your Handbag series

You know how much I adore Snap Conference, right? Well, when Tauni (the amazing genius behind Snapcontacted me to be a part of their 'What's in myHandbag' series, I was so excited! I've been watching each day as she shares some fun peeks into my fave fellow Snapsters! & today is my day to be featured! Tauni was sooo sweet...she made me blush w/ her kind words...THANKS, girlfriend! But...go on over to see what's in MY handbag & look around the whole series, too!

And...did you know that tickets for 2013 Snap Conference go on sale this Tuesday, the 18th?? Why yes, they do! If you didn't make it last it in 2013~  You will NOT be many things to uplift & inspire! I know I will be there for sure!

Happy Friday...I'm doing one of my fave things today....decorating for Halloween with all the NEW Spooky kits! *love it*

Thursday, September 13, 2012

NEW Spooky Collection is HERE!

The leaves are starting to change, the air has that crisp bite in the morning....& I am getting ready for one of my favorite holidays!
Happy Halloween!
My NEW Spooky Collection is LIVE!

And, I"m so excited to start creating, decorating & sharing ideas!
I created this Spooky collection to perfectly coordinate with last year's Spooky Junque- but just MORE goodies with an updated flair!

Insta Spooky- same idea behind all of the other Insta Lovin' kits...use them on your phone with Instagram, use them to create cards, photos, scrapbooks or any creative project!

Spooky Edges- 8 fab photo edge brushes…love these! 

Spooky Frameables- these are FUN FUN FUN! 12 pre-designed works of art 8x10…easy to print out & frame instantly OR 12 3x4 itty bitty works of art…little playing cards, notes, tags, banners…you name it! And, to make that easy…they are all on 2 PDF printables.

Spooky Papers- I really wanted more patterns that would coordinate with last year's Halloween decor! *wink* So, I designed 10 funky printable papers in 8x10 AND 12x12 format. Simple, fun patterns to go perfectly!

Spooky Silhouettes- these are fab. brushes to use THIS silhouette trick AND the black PNGS are big enough to print, or cut...but BIG 6-8" images! I"m giddy!

Spooky Washi Tape.- um…no brainer…just plain FUN! You can ALWAYS use some decorative tape on edges, photos, blogs, name it! 

Each of these kits are offered a la carte & total: $41! But, we have it bundled up for $20! A screamin' deal....Now...GO, CREATE! & I can't wait to see what you do to uplift & inspire!