Thursday, October 4, 2012

Idea No. 10: 31 Halloween Ideas w/ Rhonna Designs --Spooky Mini Banners

Today's idea in our 31 Halloween Ideas Series is not a new one...but a fun & easy one. In the Rhonna Designs Newsletter that went out yesterday, you saw the NEW kits: Spooky Mini Banners. 
I can't get enough of these. They are the perfect size to add to any corner of your home, a gift, a tree, even your car! *wink* I wanted to share some pictures of where I've got them in my home & yard!

Idea No. 10: Spooky Mini Banners
This little Spooky Mini Banner is from the Printable kit...Just cut out & hang! I hung it up on my thrashed, destroyed, huge chunky funky frame in my kitchen!  Just adding a little 'Spook' to this corner! 

I used these minis on string (print out, cut & punch holes) & hung them in my trees outside my front door. I love Epson papers & inks...even outside, they don't run or bleach out. perfectly spooky for outdoors!
Even though the Spooky Mini Banner Printables come in the shape & can always get creative! Here, I've cut notches to vary the banners. And, you can always print the sheet out smaller for even MINI-ER banners!
Hanging them on mirrors &  layering is fun, too.  Or like below...I simply punched out the alpha letter & put them on scraps of the Spooky Papers I already had to create THIS fun vignette on my vintage window! *yes, I'm chalkboard crazy...this is another wall in my house! LOL* 
And..the whole 'bewitching hour' saying was just perfect to pull out my It's Time clocks I had printed out! The little clocks were just folded over for the banner. & see the clock hanging down w/ the bow & witch? fun fun! Love mixing it like Amy did! *see? we are sister brains...didn't know each of us had used this kit together for our Halloween decor! Love it!*

Each Spooky Printable Sheet has Mini Banners that are sized 1.75 x 3 & have the tops to fold over like my banners above, sew together OR just cut off & punch holes & string or thread!

The Spooky Mini Banner Brush kit is the Banner shape & you can size them, stamp them, & since it's the entire alphabet, you can create ANY word you want! Remember, Digital Brush kits are so versatile; If you haven't used them...go on over HERE for more info! 

And...didn't you LOVE the freebie & BONUS ideas in the Newsletter? Love my Creative Team! *wink*
Come listen to living prophets
I hope you have a wonderful weekend! This weekend my FAVE....if you are looking for something to truly uplift & inspire...check out the LDS General Conference that I will be watching all weekend....Totally lifts me up! We have them every six months & I am giddy to learn how to be my best self.... THIS!  makes me happy! Join me! 

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