Monday, October 22, 2012

Idea No. 31: 31 Halloween Ideas w/ Rhonna Designs: Spooky Typography & a Birthday Celebration!

Aaannnddd here we are...Our last idea for Halloween! I love using the fonts & brushes from Rhonna Designs Spooky kits to make NEW cReations! See? This cute little card was created w/ a bunch of various elements, mixed w/ type & voila! 

Idea No. 31: Spooky Typography!

(above: window decal on vintage silver platter; 'scream' banner created w/ the Mini Banners Brush kit, & the little paper bows are created with the Rhonna Designs Paper Bow Template w/ Spooky Printable Papers! 
and...because it's my Birthday & I LOVE to give gifts to others on my birthday....HERE is a free download so YOU can print off this fun typography piece! **personal use only. Please do not share, pirate, or resell/manipulate.  Thanks!

Now...a word about celebrations!
sit down...this is my gratuitous birthday rant...hee hee.

I am turning 45 today. Mid forties...yes. and,  I love it. I am embracing it. & I think it's FUN & cause for celebration!
In fact, I think every phase of our life is cause for celebration! No matter what our age, circumstances...whatever. The trick is: FIND something to celebrate! I promise it will put a spring in your step.
My mom- the amazing women who labored to bring me into this world...45 years ago my example of this. She's 70 & is one of THE happiest, sassiest, most content & fulfilled women I know. She embraces her phase in life & grows older w/ grace & beauty. I want to be just like her.

I think too much of our society is focused on 'staying young'...looking young, trying to be young- like people are kicking & screaming into the later phases of their lives w/ lotions, cremes, surgery, drinks, foods, you name it...youth is portrayed as 'desirable' & 'growing old' is taboo? and somehow BAD? it's natural.  And there's no getting around it. *obviously is you are still young...enjoy it & feel good about yourself NOW!** 

I'm embracing my body changing. I look in the mirror & I have wrinkles around my eyes, my mouth, my neck, my lips, my forehead.....I have sags in certain places. *ahem* ...but you know what? I love it! I embrace it! All of this just shows that I'm living a happy, fulfilled life as a woman, wife, mother, & friend! I love life! It's cause for celebration.
So...with this free gift I only ask ONE thing today:

Turn around & show some kindness to someone else. 

Can you imagine what amazing things can happen if we ALL do at least ONE act of kindness to someone today? 

JOIN IN & you can use the hashtag:

birthday + 
free gift + 
pay it forward + 
spread the love = 
day of celebration

Let's celebrate by bringing life, light & JOY into someone's life...
& I'd LOVE to hear about it! Comment & let me know...that would be sooo incredible!

So...enjoy your day! LOVE you all! & remember....have fun. be kind. embrace your BEST self! You are loved!

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