Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Idea No. 13: 31 Halloween Ideas w/ Rhonna Designs : Spooky Garlands

Hybrid Halloween Décor is so fun. Simply print out the Rhonna Designs & create banners, buntings, or garlands to adorn your home.  Today's idea is from Amy...she's got the Spooky Kits going along with the Monogram kit to create many different garlands!
Look at how fabulous this is!

Idea No. 13: Spooky Garlands
Amy's garland ideas:
vintage book paper
monogram kits used to spell out any word
sew patterned papers/ various shapes together
Amy's tip: Print out the Spooky Washi Tapes onto Sticker Paper & adhere to Monograms right onto vintage book pages she ripped out of old together & voila! A fabulously Spooky Garland!
Isn't this a gorgeous table scape? flowing ribbons from chandeliers, garlands, sparkly pumpkins, candles, a lil skelly peeking out...*sigh* I love love LOVE this!
Thanks, truly are magical....& have the *golden touch*...I love this...I'm uplifted & inspired!
Now...let's go cReate!

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