Saturday, October 20, 2012

Idea No. 27 & 28: 31 Halloween Ideas w/ Rhonna Designs: Spooky Handmade Cards & Instagram fun

Now that Halloween is getting closer...It's time to ramp up & be ready to send out Halloween greeting cards, attach a handmade card to some goodies for a teacher, or neighbor or how about simply creating handmade Halloween cards for the sheer fun of it!

Today's first idea in our 31 Halloween Ideas series comes from cReative Team Member, Nancy Wyatt! I love her easy handmade cards...go on over to her blog for her little tutorial! She's simply amazing!

Idea No. 27: Spooky Handmade Cards

I adore these little monsters....they re so cute..& I LOVE how she took my fave little guy & printed & cut it out...adhered & ka POW! such a fab & easy Handmade Halloween Card...hybrid crafting at its finest! Thanks, Nancy...

Idea No. 28: Spooky Instagrams know we will all be taking a bunch of pictures at Halloween of all the festivities, right? Well, LOOK at how cool cReative Team Member, Susan, made her Spooky photo? 
She passed it through Instagram for the various filter effects & voila! Super Spooky Instagrams! Love this inspiration Susan...thanks so much!

ok, bloggers...2 days & counting...until the final ideas AND our big celebration on Tuesday, October 23!!!!

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