Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Idea No. 9: 31 Halloween Ideas w/ Rhonna Designs- Spooky Hats

Many of you may or may not know, but my cReative Team member, Amy Miles, is my sister. We are 10 years apart & she's my baby sister, but I look up to her in so many ways. She's always had that *magical* gift. She's beautiful inside & out, she's crazy creative & her style is unmatched. She dresses, decorates, cooks, & styles like a pro...She seriously has 'the midas touch'...everything she touches turns to gold.  So, when I see the cReations she makes with Rhonna tickles my soul! I a*dore everything she does! And these Halloween ideas she's sharing today just make me smile.

Idea No. 9: Spooky Hats For Everyone

Aren't these little party hats adorable? I love how she mixed the Spooky kits with the It's Time KitsI giggled when she sent this to me, because, we BOTH used 'It's Time' kits in our decorating...unbeknownst to each other. ** All of my sisters do this. Yup...we call it sister brain. We buy the same things w/o even knowing, we dress alike, it's kinda funny! I love our connection.** 

She mixed the kits for some really fun looks...but, she also mixed the sizes. Tiny hats & the larger hats...LOVE! Her little details using Rhonna Designs are so fun!
Love how she's styled her shots, too, don't you? & that skelly printed on vintage book paper? I'm in. love.
This lil Raven is topped off w/ a mini hat AND Amy created a mini paper bow out of the Rhonna Designs Paper Bow Template from the Newsletter....isn't that soo fab? Darling...put a bow on it!

And, her mini LOLLIES (my video tutorial HERE) are darling!  She fringed the papers for tops & voila! A Spooky set up for sure! LOVE it mixed with the dirty silver, vintage books & milk glass! oh my!

I adore how she put a mini hat on this owl.  Brilliant.  Top off birds, owls, pumpkins, skeletons, witches...anything you've got around w/ a Spooky Hat! So cute!
Another little owl w/ a hat! LOVE the Spooky Junque scalloped edges & prize ribbon she used. 

Thanks, are so amazing. I LOVE that you are a part of my team *officially* and that you grace us w/ your creative brilliance.  I die. LOVE these ideas!  Tomorrow...Idea No. 10! &...some new Kits  that I created out of my own decorating needs! LOL....We'll be announcing them *and perhaps a coupon-ahem* in the Newsletter, so make sure you are on the & signed up!
Happy cReating!

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