Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Think Pink.

I'm happy to be a part of my friend, Laura's Pink Cake Plate blog series this year: 31 Days Of Pink.
She's a total inspiration...each day she's invited friends to share what inspires them & how they can share the love & awareness of Breast Cancer.  As I reflected on my last year's entry.  It was all about ideas & inspiration....& this year as I thought about what I wanted to share, I had a lot of the same feelings, but...I want to take it in a bit of a different direction....taking ideas & inspiration & acting on them to uplift & inspire others.

These 4 simple words have made a very huge impact on me.
When Linda K. Burton shared this, it sunk deep in my soul. I listened to it w/ my heart & since then, I've been trying this. And guess what? It makes me happy! The experiences I had on my birthday were just one of the many experiments I've tried to act on these 4 words. I had the BEST birthday ever by first observing...sharing my art & asking others to do one act of kindness in return.  I did it, too. All day I looked for someone who I could help, make happy cheer up their day & basically I was crying all day out of sheer joy! LOL! But...
it made me think. If EVERYONE lived these 4 words & went around observing others & what you could do to help them...what an amazing impact we'd make in this wonderful world we live in! 
It starts w/ us. 
We can first observe, then serve 
in our homes, 
our families, 
our friends, 
our neighbors, 
our communities...
& even those friends all over the world.  

In fact, it can even be people we don't know...total strangers...everyone can use a smile, or a compliment or a help to the car, or a door opened....just to let others know they are loved.
THIS inspiration will filter into our lives creatively, physically, spiritually & emotionally...I promise. I've done it! So...today, think of these 4 words & make it the BEST day ever!
huuuge hugs! Be uplifting & inspiring to all around you! & think pink!

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