Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spark No. 3

Tomorrow registration opens for Spark No. 3.  
Isn't that exciting?

Liz, Margie & I have put our hearts & souls into the event to make it the kind of creative event that SPARKS your creativity! We have loved it!

But, for Spark No. 3, Liz & I will have a different role.  Margie will spear head the event & has brought on 3 other AMAZING partners to plan another unforgettable creative event for you!
I adore them all & know they will work their hearts & souls out to make Spark amazing:

The event will be held at the same location as last year: Noah's in Lindon, Utah!
The amazing Amy Dalley will be doing the food again..remember the amazing Spark Eats room? die. for.
It will for sure be filled with all of the amazingly creative classes, teachers, & all of the little things you've come to expect with Spark...& MORE! I'm sure they will knock our socks off & it will surely SPARK our creativity!

I've had a lot of questions on whether or not I'll be there....& the answer is 
And, like I'd mentioned role will be different, but I WILL be involved.
spread the word...
mark your calendars... 
because in 6 months...
we'll be SPARKING again.

Bring your friends, sisters, mothers, aunts,'s the best girl time EVAH!
Registration opens tomorrow: April 1st...& no, that isn't an April Fool's day really does! 
I'm giddy about will be another amazing event!
please join us!
Last year we sold out...& this year there are 300 spots available...
can't wait to Spark with you!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

day 36: 6 week shape up!

be extraordinary today.

TIP No. 1>
do an *6 Week Shape Up* routine today that makes you feel extraordinary. Something so difficult that really works your body & shapes it up! 
I'm pumping iron today...I'm a sister in iron!

TIP No. 2>
Make your day extraordinary by feeding your body what it needs...extraordinary foods!
healthy. clean. delish.
**my fave protein shake recipe right now is:
1 scoop whey protein
1 banana
1 T. all natural nut butter
1/4 c. almond milk
1/2 c. crushed ice
blend in Blendtec & VOILA! an extraordinary delight!

TIP No. 3>
Choose an extraordinary deed you will do for someone else today.

no matter what.
no excuses.
no procrastinating.
no fear.
no hesitation.
just do it.

ordinary will turn into something
extra. ordinary.

if every one of us did an extraordinary deed today...wouldn't the world be a better place?
one of my favorite children's book is:
I read it to my kids over & over again when they were little. And I would tear up just as I read it. I still do. I LOVE the message in this book. Go & read will make your day. I promise!

have an extraordinary day today!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

day 35: Check in Tuesday for week 5!

Check in Tuesday.6 Week Shape Up. Week 5.
Step right up!
Report in!
And tell us how you've done this past week.
Week 5.
We have 1 more week.
If you've been *so-so* the past 5 weeks...crank it up for the finish line, ok?
If you've been *oh-so* diligent....this is IT! The home stretch...we are doing it!

I am happy to say I lost 2 lbs. & 2.75 inches. *holla* I am so excited! Of course, that was NOT my reason to start this...but, the over all 'shape up' of NO SUGAR is really paying off!

...part of my motivation has been Tosca Reno'sEat Clean Diet: Stripped. In her book she talks about self sabotage & the fear of failure and the fear of success. She said something that really struck me...

"No one does everything perfectly all the time, although it may sometimes appear that others do when you're watching them from the outside.  Success does not come from perfection; it comes from consistently moving in the right direction, which eventually brings you where you want to be, and that is something you really don't need to fear."


Love that! Again...going with yesterday's's making the right choices every day....moving in the right direction.
We are not all going to be perfect, but we CAN move toward our goal! every. single. day.

so....even if you didn't make your *goal*, you ARE moving in the right direction.

Here's to our last week! We can do this! It's soo worth it!....home NOT give up!

Monday, March 28, 2011

day 34: 6 week shape up

It seems I've been seeing this quote everywhere lately.
Which has made me think a lot about it...& how perfectly it goes with our 6 Week Shape Up!  It really is about repeating something over & over again that will get us to the goal we are working on.  
Little baby steps.
one choice at a time.
one day at a time.
one week at a time.

Tomorrow is our Check In Tuesday...& it will be our last...because NEXT Tuesday is our last day! so...ramp up! 
Give it your ALL. 
We can do this!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

day 28: ...all good things must come to an end.

Day 28 in our 6 week shape up....
4 weeks.
wow! congrats to everyone still on the wagon! So so proud of you!
I seriously can NOT believe I've been sugar free for 4 weeks. 1 month. 28 days. *gasp* THAT is worth everything to me! Feelin' so happy about that! Check in Tuesday: I'm down 2 lbs. & 3 more inches... how are YOU?

One of my mantras I love is: 
Follow your heart...& you will never go wrong.
When I knew I needed to start this 6 week program, I was scared. I knew I was a sugar addict. I knew my health was on the line...& I knew I had to do it. Everything inside of me was saying NO! You can do it later!
But, I decided to follow my heart...& I'm glad I did. It's been amazing.
see? I can never go wrong! I'm actually DOING it!

I want to thank everyone for joining me on this journey. Your stories have been incredible! You are all amazing & are such great examples of following your heart. I hope YOU don't feel like you've gone wrong! Even if you've fallen off the wagon, or it hasn't gone as well as you'd are DOING IT! 

Be kind to yourself. Be happy that you're better than you were yesterday. or last week. or 4 weeks ago!

Following your heart is a tricky thing. I have had a lot of people ask me, 
'How do you follow your heart?' 
My answer: 
listen to it.  
& you will feel the peace.

Your soul will tell you what you need to do. In the big things & the small things. 
Be still. 
Sometimes we don't like to hear what it's saying, but in my experience, every time I have listened, I have had peace. Even if it's the hardest thing. ever.

And....I've had to follow my heart on many instances that have been very difficult. 
Like now.
I am sad to say: I will no longer be a part of House of 3. I have loved it. But, all good things must come to an end...& my heart has been telling me for a while that it is time.  So...I have listened. It hasn't been easy, but I know...i KNOW I will never go wrong when I follow my heart. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

day 27: 6 week shape up and a WINNER!

 So fun to see your entries in the Wacom Pen Scrappers contest I hosted....THANK YOU to everyone!
and..without further ado...our winner is:

& remember, if you didn't win HERE on my blog, you still have all month to enter to win over at Penscrappers! So....go, enter, win!

& for some fun articles...go over to the Learning Center under Workshops for some articles by me! ENJOY!, NOW...onto our 6 week Shape up!  Today we are on day 27 & ALMOST a month...tomorrow is our 4 week mark! Can you believe it!?  I wanted to answer some questions I've been getting & give you some tips I've learned along the way on our 6 week journey!

Q: How do you record your goals? 

A: I have been writing them down in my Remarkable 2011 journal. And I do love that. But, I also have found a great little tool online & put the APP on my phone:
Lose it app. It's really helping me journal my food & exercise while helping me with my goals...right at my fingertips.

Q: What's your workout routine?  

A: I have been reporting in on my daily mile home page....which I love btw. I found it through my friend, Layle. & I love it because it tracks how much I walk, run & do my weight workouts.  Since it's still practically WINTEr...I have only been walking & running on the treadmill...& I'm looking forward to the warmer weather! holla!
I have also been DILIGENT with my fave weight workout: ChaLEAN Extreme routine. I just finished my first 4 weeks of Burn & today started my next 4 weeks of Push. wow. wow. wow. wow. wow. I love it!  I am getting stronger & I LOVE Chalean. She's great!

Q: How did you get off the sugar craving/addiction? 

A: You said your doctor had given you something.
This was a HUGE thing for me. Like I'd said before, I was a true addict. It was horrible!  But, w/in a week I was able to get off of it...& you know what? It's totally helped me!!!! It's called: Gymnema. It's all natural & it really curb my cravings, keep my blood sugar levels balanced & just made it easier with the horrible addiction I had. I'm not a doctor, so obviously I can't prescribe this, only tell you my experience. It works!  Talk to your doctor if you need help! :)

Q: I see you've been tweeting about Clean Eating. What is that? 

A:  This  magazine is so fabulous!  I love it. Online, you can get recipes, shopping lists, meal plans, read the forums, & get motivated. Plus, I love Tosca! She has a new book out called: Eat Clean diet: Stripped. Great recipes, & fat burning meal get that last 10 lbs off!  

Q: What motivates you? I can't seem to get motivated.

 A: I hear ya. Getting motivated is so difficult. Here are a few tips that have helped: 
1.  write down your goals & really stick with them. I learned SO much in the Soul REstoration class. It really helped me with my goals, figuring out WHY I do certain things & really getting down to what I want & how to get it. I learned I deserve to live the kind of life I've always wanted, but it will take hard work. There's no easy fix.
2. I watch Biggest Loser every week! LOL! It is seriously a HUGE motivator to me. I love it!
3. Think about Summer. LOL. that'll do it every time!
4. My health. I have had to make it my full time job to focus on getting my health back to where I can function, live & enjoy my life!  When my health was so compromised, I really had no is a HUGE motivator for me!

But, reality kicks in..I'm not motivated all the time. I get down. I want sugar. I don't want to work out...but, I have to pick myself up, blog & report to YOU! THAT is what really helps! So, thanks for all of your support..with me & each other. 
We can do this. 2 more weeks! It's never too late!
see you tomorrow for Check in Tuesday!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

don't forget: House of 3 is on Home Shopping Network

Yes, Hof3 is in da HOME (HSN) on Monday. Heidi will be showing lots of fun projects & highlighting what is in our FAB kits.

all 3 of our lines with Pink Paislee are offered in complete collection kits AND with a bonus CD with exclusive digital content/kits! You will LOVE it!

 You don't have to wait until Monday to purchase it NOW! & enjoy...they are seriously my favorite collections ever!!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

House of 3 stamps + Tim Holtz Grid Blocks= happiness

Oh how I LOVE the NEW House of 3 Daily Junque & Soiree stamps! They are so many possibilities!  They come in 8x8 size with 33/37 pieces...I mean...really? How can you NOT buy these little lovelies!
I have had many emails about HOW to use the longer 8" borders...and, my answer is: Tim Holtz Grid blocks. 
I tweeted about them last week & I've been *ga-ga* with them every since I opened up the pkg!  

The pack comes with 9 thin acrylic blocks with the grids etched into them so you can really align these long 8" border stamps perfectly!!! It's so easy!

Then, the set comes with all other sizes that fit all of the other stamps on them PERFECTLY! It's a marriage made in heaven, I tell ya!
 Our cute map fits perfectly on the 3x4 block...and the larger blocks lend themselves so well with collaging the various stamps together. Above, I first stamped on the collage, & afterwards, I stamped the map over it looked great. I was so excited, I forgot to take a pic of it! LOL!
 All of the itty bitty stamps like the hand, numbers, 'to do list'  in Daily Junque fit so well on the little blocks...also, the tiny words in Soiree are perfect on these 1x2 blocks.
 The cute little frames & bigger numbers work so great with the 2x2 block. & I don't know about you, but when you have such small stamps, it's so nice to have real control on where you put them...these little blocks make them perfect!
& the 3x4 block fits our flying clock, typewriter, globe, flowers, too! One thing I wanted to talk about here though is my 
fave TIP:  

Don't be afraid to cut apart these stamps.  For instance...look at how I cut out the hot air balloon so I can use the frame by itself, the hot air balloon by itself and THEN, put them back together again & stamp them together, too!  It also is perfect for any of the frames with an image inside OR even the banner flags off of the flag pole in the Soiree stamps....Then, you can have them singley OR put them back together since they stick so well on these acrylic blocks.
Oh my...these stamps make me so happy! I have been using them ALL over my She Art pages! LOVE them!

ok...back to our regularly scheduled program: 6 week shape up...thanks for letting me get all of that creativity giddy-ness out! Happy weekend...& STAY ON THE WAGON, girls! YOu can do it! Tuesday will be our Check in day & it will be 1 month! WOW...only 2 weeks after that! do NOT give up!
&...p.s. I'll be choosing a winner of the Bamboo Craft this Monday!
good luck!

day 23: 6 week shape up & WACOM time!

Today, I feel so lucky!
I'm so excited about so many things:
No 1. Day 23 & feelin' great! How about YOU?  

No 2. Got my Blendtec yesterday & have been a healthy smoothie makin' machine. My kids are asking me to make the 'ice cream' kind of smoothies, but I'll hold off on that....too tempting for me now. I'm getting lots of yummy naturally sweet & nutritious recipes & trying them all! :)One of my fave, interesting tasting FAT BURNING recipes is from Tosca Reno>>>. go HERE>

No 3. My fave: Mindy Gledhill's Whole Wide World music video came out. It is truly one of THE most inspiring songs of all time for me...Just take a second to listen to the words. & all of you Spark you recognize it? We had the lyrics all over the venue as well as in our Spark No. 2 video by JMills! LOOOOOVE it! Makes me soo happy!

No 4.GREAT response for the 6 Week Shape Up brush set! So happy you all like them...I LOVE them! So, thanks for the kind words & can't wait to see how you use them!

which brings me to ....

No. 5.  It's time for a Wacom Pen Scrappers contest! Do you want to win a Bamboo Craft? Well...I've got one to give away here on my blog!  The contest has to do with the FREE March kit over at Pen Scrappers called: Singing in the Rain. Go check it out here: You will see that you can enter over there, too! So, 2 of you will have a chance to WIN a Bamboo Craft!

So, anyway...I wanted to introduce you to the whole Pen Scrappers's a GREAT resource for tutorials on HOW to do anything & everything with your Wacom in the Learning Center.  Lessons, Workshops, Photo Clinic, & the Tablet Playground.

Be watching, because some articles of mine will be coming up in the Learning Center really soon. I'll for sure share them here when they do, but for now...go on over & browse.

and...w/o further ado... our contest rules:
with ANY other brush set; hint: the 6 week shape up brush set would be a fun addition...
2. Create an inspiring piece of digital art with a quote, know..whatever INSPIRES you. 
3. Share it with us on your blog, flickr, or use it to enter in the contest on Pen Scrappers in the forum...& then I'll choose a winner to WIN your own Bamboo Craft
**contest ends on Sunday night. 3.20.11 **

ok...ready? set...get LUCKY!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

day 22: 6 week shape up & SPECIAL!

Loved hearing from everyone about your 3 week check in are all amazing!!!! and...YOU ARE DOING IT!!!! huuuge congrats to all of us!

I've also gotten many THANK YOUs for the art I've had up on my blog to inspire us as we go along this 6 week shape up! *thank YOU for your sweet words*

and....soooo many requests for me to sell these design elements.  So, I've decided to add a BLOG SPECIAL here.  I've put together 22 of my all time favorite digital brushes/stamps that I've used over & over in these 6 Week Shape Up art pieces...and, I"m offering them on my blog to YOU! 
22 exclusive digital brushes for $5.  >>>>screamin' deal! LOL!  But, now you can get your hands on these design elements!
4 funky edges & full 4 sided frame
bird collage
perched patterned bird on finger
be happy line of bees
distressed dotted pattern
cheery sun
torn paper edge
honey comb w/ bees design
distressed star pattern
hanging globe
sewing stiches
graph paper flag
playing card hanging bunting
scalloped hanging bunting
grunged edge w/ swirl
stacked teacups
 kraft tag
standing globe
a full set of the perfect go-to digital stamps.

Ok, so....3 things:

1. They are ONLY the .abr brush format. So, if you don't have Adobe PSCS or higher, these will not work for you. But, if you DO & you know HOW to use them...these are for you! *grin*
**ETA: IF you have PSE 5 or higher, & you've never had a problem with my brush sets, then, can certainly purchase & use these little lovelies!**

2. Click the BUY NOW button below, it will take you to PayPal & you can use your own PayPal OR a credit card to pay for it.  As soon as I receive payment, I'll send you the .abr brush file.

3. These are for Personal Use ONLY. If you are interested in purchasing a Commercial License, just email me!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

day 21: 6 week shape up

Yes. It's true...we are half way to the finish line for our 6 week shape up!

21 days. 3 weeks.

so, today is Check In Tuesday!
hoooooooowwwww did you do?
Happily I am STILL sugar *and all substitutues* FREE. 3 inches & 2 more pounds down....
and feeling great.

I've really enjoyed reading through all of your emails & messages about YOUR journey...
& again....something I keep hearing from many of you is:
I fell off the wagon.
so, this quote is for YOU!
if you do all of those things up above...YOU WILL FIND A WAY to jump back on that wagon.
Yes, it's difficult.
Yes, it takes a TON of will power...but. I have one thing to say:

This is YOUR body. Your ONLY body. & when you take good care of it, & shape it will feel good. No. wait. It will feel great!

So...jump back can do it!
p.s. don't forget tomorrow night's web show...some Daily Junque!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

day 17: 6 week shape up

I *heart* this quote. It just feels right, ya know? 
Yes. I do believe we can do ANYTHING we set our minds to do....the sky's the limit!
I have a tendency to try to do EVERYTHING! ...But, just because I CAN do it, doesn't mean I should. I've found that it takes away from my sense of JOY, fulfillment & it just complicates my life! I need simplicity.

I've been pouring over this: Of Things That Matter Most

There is a beauty and clarity that comes from simplicity that we sometimes do not appreciate in our thirst for intricate solutions.
So so true! There is beauty & clarity in slowing down & really figuring things out.

In talking about being SO busy that you can't breathe he says:

Let’s be honest; it’s rather easy to be busy. We all can think up a list of tasks that will overwhelm our schedules. Some might even think that their self-worth depends on the length of their to-do list. They flood the open spaces in their time with lists of meetings and minutia—even during times of stress and fatigue. Because they unnecessarily complicate their lives, they often feel increased frustration, diminished joy, and too little sense of meaning in their lives.

I've so enjoyed hearing from you via email...many of you have really poured out your souls to me..thank you!  But, one thing I've noticed & that has concerned me is:  Are we taking time to feel joy during this  6 week shape up? I've also noticed that this 6 week shape up has become more than just a physical shape's mental, emotional & spiritual for many of us! how it's evolved.

My question to you today is: 
Are YOU feeling increased frustration, diminished joy & too little sense of meaning in your life?
It's time to shape up. Read that article & ask yourself that question: 
What matters most? 
For each of us it will be different. For some it might be 
focusing on family. 
or focusing on yourself. 
or focusing on your job. 
or focusing on your health. 
or focusing on your relationships.

The important thing  is: find out what matters most to YOU & do doesn't have to mean you are doing EVERYTHING...just doing what you CAN & feels right.
hugs to all of you 6 weekers! Can you believe it? We are on day 17!!! In our regular 21 Challenge, we'd almost be DONE! But...great news! We have 3.5 more weeks to improve, find joy & meaning in our lives!
Doesn't that feel great?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

day 16: 6 week shape up

Like I'd mentioned before...Soul Restoration did just that for me...restored my soul. Melody is amazing & the curriculum to this 6 week class is so rich, powerful & life changing.
(I am not good with words, so please don't judge me as I share some HERE to see how great Melody is with words...& her wisdom on judging.)

With her permission, I'd love to share some of the things that really spoke to me. *thanks, Mel!*

Today's art piece is a quote from Week Four journal prompts. The thing I do love about the whole class is that Melody guides you through the journey of really restoring your soul. Her questions, journal prompts & videos are all geared towards your own personal journey to really get through to the heart of your hopes & your very best life. It's not easy. It's not pretty. But, it's worth it.

Through questions & prompts you learn about yourself & work through some very difficult things. For me, it opened up some things that I have tucked away for years that I really needed to just work on...after all, when was I planning on living my best life? *grin* 
Isn't that what this life is all about? I was being deceived thinking these 'things' would just 'go away'.  I had to (have to) find the truths, accept the truths & live these truths.

Week four is about doing it matter what kinds of things people have said to us, or we've said to ourselves, or experiences we've had that have paralyzed us or made it difficult to get on with our life.

What do I consistently use as a reason to stay stuck?

Am I willing to choose to do the things that are difficult but possible?

When I think about the heroine who inspires me...what kinds of things have they had to choose to go out & do it anyway?

If I were to be the heroine in my own story...what are the kinds of obstacles that I will choose to overcome?
*quotes copyright Melody Ross/Soul Restoration*

Don't you just love those prompts? They really made me think. and feel. I felt things that amazed me.   

Each week was full of truths, self exploration & in the end...I came out with such an inspiration to always, ALWAYS live my best life.
Every. single. day. I'll never get another 'today'....

Another thing I learned was: to be kind to myself & others...react with LOVE in all things.
It's not easy when people are not always kind, or I don't feel good about myself..but, in the end the message that resonated in my soul was/IS:
react with love.

Mel has another online workshop coming up April 5th..I HIGHLY recommend this to everyone who is ready. It is quite alarming..some of the very personal things I learned, but I did it! And I'm doing it...every day. And so can YOU!
And....a Soul Restoration 2 is offered as well: Living your truth.

I asked Melody if I could share these things with you since I thought they went so well with what we are trying to accomplish in our 6 week shape up!
It really does go hand in hand...amazing!
Ok....happy Wednesday!