Tuesday, January 10, 2012

cReative team tuesday: A Year To Follow Your Heart

We are 10 days into twenty.12. How are you feeling? How are you doing on your New Years' Resolutions? I am happy to say..I feel GREAT! And, I must say...I owe it all to 'A Year To Follow Your Heart' digital kits....they are seriously helping me stay on track every day.
Each of us has our own way of 'getting it done'....& MyBook Planner has helped me.  
I am loving each page . each day. each way to stay accountable for my progress.

I absolutely LOVE what my cReative Team member, Melissa, has done with these kits!
Check out her blog where she tells us how SHE used these kits to stay on target with her scrapbooking, Project Life & her thoughts on these projects! 
Love how she used each of the pages as GOAL pages. simply brilliant!
& the idea of using the calendars along with the Journaling Cards is sooo fab. I just LOVE it!
slipped into page protectors...love.
And her idea of having the calendar to document important days in her monthly scrapbooking...I just might need to take that inspiration & run with it! Sooo fabulous!

So...I am soo excited to share the NEW Valentine's collections on Rhonna Designs this week...We are gearing up with digital & printable kits...AND a really fun giveaway for Valentine's day...
think: flowers. hearts. chocolate. perfume. *wink* It is one of my fave holidays...I just LOVE it!
stay tuned...until then...

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