Monday, January 30, 2012 only! Get Follow Your Heart 50% off!

Ok, you know how fab My Craft Channel is...well, today the Featured Buy is my NEW Follow Your Heart line with My Mind's Eye!  Yes...TODAY you can get the whole Be Happy collection for 50% off!

Kristine is so sweet....she said such nice things...I was blushing! LOL....AND...she said my name right! hee hee! 
She tells you what you will receive...shows in depth each product will be the FIRST to get's at CHA right now being debuted & yet NOW you can get it! wow! on over NOW to see the BLOG & her ideas on what she created with the bonus chipboard banner album...I'm in LOVE with it!
more stuff coming...just wanted to blog about this right now! hugs & happy Monday!

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