Monday, January 30, 2012

it's the stories of our lives that count....and a GIVEAWAY!

everyday we are adding to our story. I'm such a visual person...I think this is why I love to blog. It's my way of adding photos or something 'visual' to my story.  It's my way of sharing or preserving our a scrapbook. 
In our busy lives, I love to have my phone w/ me & take a picture of what I'm doing...the apps are crazy cool & i'm in LOVE with Instagram...It's an easy way for me to share my story, preserve it & post it..then, print it with Postal Pix or something like that!
There's been a January Photo of the Day challenge going all month started by Chantelle in Australia.  I have loved taking pix everyday to tell our story.
She's starting another one for February...jump in if you missed it, cuz it's really a lot of fun...a perfect way to visually tell your daily story with your phone & camera!
If you don't have Instagram...just try telling your story via photo a day on your blog...I'd love to see that!

Telling our stories is so important & that's why I'm soo excited to share this with you....have you heard of The Story at Home Conference?

It's a local conference here in Utah on March 9-10, the amazing Temple Square. It focuses on telling our story...blogging. family history. visually...whatever it is...this is for you.
I'm so excited to attend...I think it will be so uplifting & inspiring...Check out the presenters HERE.
I'm personally most excited to hear Courtney Kendrick (C.Jane)...she's the best blogger. speaker. & she makes me crack up with her wit.
And...Today's Mama, Rachael Herrscher, will be speaking...HOLLA!!!
Tauni Everett is going to be teaching about monetizing your blogging...& so much more! I'm soo excited..I think we'll all be learning a lot about taking our storytelling to a new level!
Want to attend?
good. me, too.
So...I'm giving away a ticket here on my blog!

It is a ticket for a full-conference pass (a value of $79) !!
The price doesn't include any meals but attendees will receive some coupons and discount cards for local restaurants. mmm.
There's also a fabulous rate ($79) at the Plaza Hotel for any out-of-towners or gals who just want to have an overnighter away from home. ;)

So...I need you to:

1. Go LIKE their Facebook page HERE.
2. Leave a comment HERE on my blog & I'll be picking a winner from the can leave multiples, if desired! 

But....* Don't wait to see if you've won before purchasing your conference pass! Seating is limited and the conference may sell out before a winner is announced. If you purchase a ticket and then win, you will be issued a refund for your ticket price.
Story@Home is offering a Sweetheart Special. Everyone who registers by February 14th will be entered into a drawing. The winner will receive 2 tickets (one refund for you and a ticket for someone you loves).  

How sweet is that?

ready? set? go!
let's tell our stories!

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