Friday, January 13, 2012

How Do You Do That? > hybrid Valentine door hanging tutorial

You know me...I LOVE cReating things for my home...& Valentine decorations are one of my faves. So, I combined my NEW Kiss Me collection with vintage  goodness to create this Valentine Door's a little tutorial for this hybrid craft!

1 12" Wilton cake base. (or any cardboard/chipboard/wreath base)
70-80 strips of vintage book/music/dictionary pages 
15-20 strips of Kiss Me Papers (printed out & cut)
hot glue gun & sticks
10 kraft coffee filters
5-8 vintage book/map/dictionary/music papers cut into flower petals
stuff for junque ribbon: burlap, twine, fabric ribbons

1. Starting on the outside of the base, take one strip of vintage music paper & hot glue in half, then hot glue onto the base. Continue this all around the outer edge of the entire base.
2. Continue, working your way in...I created 2 layers, but you may want more, just see how it looks.
3. Take your Kiss Me strips & create a 3rd layer...making sure you glue toward the inner part of the circle.
4. Create another circle of Kraft/brown coffee filters. Simply fold in half & scrunch. Glue around in circle.
For more of an idea of how to do this, check out this video here. or HERE.

5. Create a paper flower. I followed this tutorial, but made it my own by cutting the petals into different shapes.  NOTE: when you curl the petals, be very careful, as each vintage paper is very different. Some are very fragile & rip easily. When choosing vintage books to purchase, feel the paper & see how it will don't want it so crispy that it breaks or rips when you manipulate it.

6. Create the inside fringe flower by following this tutorial on my blog here.
Glue it all inside & voila! Your huuuge flower is done! Mine ended up being about 24" in diameter. LOVE it!
7. Spray a coat of gold glimmer all over the flower. Be careful not to spray too close to make it too wet. Just a light mist will give it a super elegant glimmer. 
8. Add a junque ribbon on top by tying a bunch of ribbon, tulle, burlap...whatever you want!

Now, think: lollies on a stick, hanging in windows, smaller versions as wreaths, garlands, chandeliers..yea...I'm going crazy cReating & having fun! 
Simple. Easy. Seriously, this whole thing took me about 45 min. to make...& I LOVE it! Enjoy your Valentine hybrid crafting! ....
and don't forget you can enter to WIN the Valentine perfume until Feb. 6, twenty.12.

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