Friday, January 9, 2009

#4....adventuRing into blog design---->

I'm having so much fun with blog design....that is one reason I went back to blogging! I'm one of those people that *loves* fashion...& changing my blog design is like changing my outfit. Some days, I'll have a couple different outfits on; just for fun!

and, so....yes. My blog designs will be changing oh-so-often! LOL! Ya like my new digs?
This new background is created with a photo I took in Paris off of the Eiffel Tower. I wanted it to be textured & funky, so with this photo: (totally windy, cloudy & cold up on that Tower!---not a good photo!)
I applied Jinky's Urban Intensity photo Action along with my Vintage Photo Texture & voila! I got this:

So, putting together a blog background & banner is super fun & it's totally Blog Fashion for me...I love it! Don't be surprised if you come back & it's all different!~

**eta: I've had a lot of questions about how to do this yourself!
Who'd like to learn? raise your hand!!!! Dish..I'd love to hear!
have a fab weekend & enjoy the pRocess!


  1. Hey girl great to see you back to blogging!

  2. Oh! I'd like to teach.


  3. I love the new look! And would love to learn!

  4. Oooh, it's Gorgeous! I love fiddling around with my blog design too. I do my digi stuff with CorelDraw, for which there aren't that many tutorials........sigh.....I just bumble around, trying to figure out how to achieve what I want

    I do have Photoshop but have been too chicken to try it :)

  5. I would love to know how you designed your own background! But I don't know if it can be applied to typepad as well?!

  6. I would love to learn to design my own background. I love changing my own, I just can't find one that I like to keep it long enough.

  7. Oh My absolutly `stunning` I would love to learn how to do it properly!!!
    I keep changing my little header every five minute ...but `Wow` to be able to do my own background would be `fabulous`....
    Have a great weekend:)~X~

  8. My blog is so bland basic and I would like it to sing so I'd love some instruction. I love your new blog. thanks, Chris

  9. ooh! ooh! yes! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new blog Rhonna! It is SO beautiful and funky and cool! Lisa Cohen and I just started a foodie/fitness/health blog and we are using blogger but we cannot figure out how to customize it! hugs! Nancie Janitz

  10. I would LOVE to learn! I really love all these actions and cool things that you gals do with Photoshop. I have Macromedia Fireworks which works alright, but alas, no actions and no brushes for me ...

  11. Oh-la-la!!! *raise my hand* I really would like to learn more about this tecniques! It's fabulous!!!!

  12. I would love to learn! I thought your blog looked different the other day when I stopped by. I think I might even have a similar photo form Paris!

  13. Please, please, please--I would love to learn----I love the look of your new blog. I have fun with my banner--I change my inspiration board monthly--this month Paris--ohh lala . I wish I could play more with the look--I guess I need a good teacher...!!!!

  14. this kicks bum, rhonna! wow, whodda thought? taking a regular old pic and funking it up for a blog background. you amaze me.
    it is sooo delish.

  15. That is so darn cool! I'd love to learn. I was shopping today & thought I'd ask you what program you would recommend to a newbie to learn how to do all this digital stuff. It's one of my goals this year :)
    PS I'm so excited that you'll be changing your look all the time. Lots of eye candy for us!

  16. Sorry I missed out on the ATC surprise! I went out of town. LOL
    Loving the new digs.

  17. Awesome! I would love to learn! I created my blog header with some of your digital artwork and have gotten so many compliments! Now to do the background would be even more incredible. I so hope you have time to teach us, I would even pay ya!

  18. Oh wow! Totally gorgeous! Yes, teach us! I wanna know how to trick out my blog too!

  19. I'd love to learn how to alter my background. (I'm pretty comfortable with doing the banner.) My blog is hosted on typepad - can you alter the background for that? Would love to know more. Thanks, Rhonna!

  20. memememe!
    I would so be into learning all of that bloggity stuff!
    I don't have time to go figure it out, but would love some great coaching!

  21. Love your blogdesign Rhonna! And - yes, i love to learn new things too. :)


  22. I love the background and your title top. Since blogger changed things I can't do anything with new layouts on my blog or maybe I am being stupid and don't know how. I do know some html so you'd think I could figure it out. NoT! I need help my blog is sad looking.

  23. Hello Rhona,

    Love what you are doing with your blog.

    ~ Gabriela ~

  24. I love your stuff just love it. I work in photoshop elements, and so much of your technique is in photoshop cs. Not sure when I can splurge but own almost all your stuff. I want to LEARN LEARN LEARN!! You rock.

  25. I would so LOVE to be able to do this! It would be awesome to be able to customize my blog with something I would actually want!!

  26. Oh yes! Teach me! Teach me! You are so insightful!! ;)

  27. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! This is my kind of style. I'm wondering if you've ever seen the very first ever Vintage Indie Site.... it had something very similar, with a vintage storefront. This is wonderful!

  28. Thank you so much for the free background Rhonna- I love it!! I too would love to learn to make my own backgrounds. I've got PSE.
