Monday, January 5, 2009

Ringin' in the new yeaR!!!!

wow...thank you SO much for helping me spread the word about my new blog! I'm so excited about it! pRomised....a lucky winneR!
so, Genevieve....congRatulations on 209 digital kits!!! woohooo! Please contact me & we'll set it all up!
And to everyone else...I loved hearing about you; yourr ideas, your digital experience (or lack of) and how you like to use my designs! Keep them coming...keep those links coming! I love inspiRation & you are all a*mazing! Thank you!!!!!

So, school is back in session; the decorations are coming down & it's time to ramp it up! I love the new the new possibilities; the reflections on a year past; the new adventures just waiting to happen! So exciting...can you feel it? It's like there's electRicity in the air!

I have so many ideas, so many wishes & so many thoughts for this new yeaR! It can be overwhelming unless I put it down on paper, so I designed this mantra! It's got this great quote:
Choosing a goal and sticking to it changes everything.
Scott Reed

I love this...sticking to it changes everything. Ok, so then, I put dotted lines just wrote all my goals, thoughts, feelings! I printed it out & have it in my studio for motivation; a reminder to be my best & stick to it.

Yow! Are you getting goosebumps? feelin' that electRicity? Are you with me? Good. Here's aLink PDF download. It will only last for the first 100 downloads or 7 days, so be sure to nab it now!
Happy New Year...and be sure to check out one of my fave sites: Vintage Indie for the MMM!
let's enjoy the pRocess!


  1. Hi. This PDF was beautiful. I think I can use it;)

    Tank you, and a happy new scrapping year.

  2. Hi Rhonna
    Thank you for the download. It will be great for my journaling. I love the new look of your blog. Beautiful!!
    :) Nerissa

  3. Congrats Genevieve!! What a lucky woman you are! Thanks Rhonna for the download! I look forward to using it in my Journal!

    Happy New Year and Artful Blessings,

    P.S. Stop by my blog to help Celebrate my Blogiversary!

  4. thank you so much Rhonna for that download. I so need it on the second day of my life changing "diet" but don't want to call it a diet. I really need something pretty to write on and hang up so I will be reminded of how great I will feel and how better off my kids will be when I get this weight off. Especially when my stomach is growling or I have a headache from lack of yummy (ie chocolate) food.

  5. Thanks for the inspiration. This download is great!

  6. Thanks for the download! So glad you have a new blog. I really enjoy your work. Charlene

  7. THANK YOU!!! The new year always invigorates and motivates me!! I love the download...and your blog! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  8. Thank You for the's perfect & just what I needed!
    It's so easy to make's the sticking to them that is sooooo hard...

  9. OMG! Love your blog design! So glad I made it in time for the free download, thanks so much! I am getting tons of compliments on my blog header I created using your digital art. Happy New Year from Texas!

  10. You are seriously SO creative. I am so jealous. My scrapbook pages are so boring compared to everything you do. Oh, and check out my blog, I just started one. Love, Becky

  11. I'm so excited! OMGosh, now to pick a kit... Thanks you, thank you, thank you.

    *Happy Dance*

  12. Happy New year to Rhonna

    and congrats Genevieve, you must be so excited

    and boy you got to be quick....missed the PDF....the problem with being on the other side of the world and the time diff

  13. Hi Rhonna,

    I love your work & was so happy to have a chance to win 209 of your digit kits and now a free download! How cool! But, when I clicked on the link, this is the message I got . . .

    "The download limit has been reached for this file. Please contact the sender and ask them to resend the file.

    The link you have clicked is not available."

    You are just too popular and everyone beat me to it! Can you pls repost when you get a chance.

    Thanks so much & Happy New Year!

    Sandy Navarro

  14. missed out on the pdf...sigh. but yea for Genevieve!!! lucky girl! she's in my scrapbook/fiskateer group and is a total sweet heart!

  15. I missed out too...sigh...
    Congrats Gen!!!

  16. i hope this is not already a premonition for my 2009. i was too late! sigh, story of my life.

  17. Hi Rhonna
    Glad you have your blog going. I now will check regularly as it is in my bloglist on my blog. I have been watching for the Enjoy the Process book in my local stores. Is it out yet? I love your style. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us.
    In Cedar Park, TX

  18. Hi, Rhonna-
    Thanks for all you do. Wow, I can't believe how closely this resembles my goals for the new year.
    Thanks for sharing.

  19. Thank you so much for the download. It's awesome and I can't wait to write my 2009 goals on it!
    I'm just starting out on the digital scrapbooking thing, but I'm very excited and love your designs. I can't wait to get into the swing of things. It's taking me three times as long right now because I'm just familiarizing myself with all the products I've downloaded ...
