Wednesday, January 14, 2009

#5 adventuRe....

who? me?
A blog award?
Oh, Tove, you shouldn't have! hee hee!

But, I will gRaciously accept! It's so fab, I think I'll frame it & hang it on my virtual blog wall! Thank you, my fRiend!!!!
& as I understand it: I must follow the rules or they'll take away my award! *heaven forbid!*

The rules are like this:

1. Put a link on your blog from whom you got it.


2. Give it to 5 (or 4)new blogs (which in their turn have to give it to 5 new blogs).

I award: Amy,


3. Put a link on your blog to those blogs you give it to.


4. Give the blogs you give the award to a note that you have given them this award.

checkety check.

5. Write 5 things you are addicted to:


Bom Dia juice from Costco




& per my addictions:

I'm in LOVE with this frame. I got it on Etsy! Thank you, Bogo Vintage!
They have some fab, vintage stuff in their store...go check it out! Etsy, I love you. How cool is it that I don't even have to go junking to get a pair of frames like this? the internet!

Ok, so now...on to the blog design. Still lots of questions. & that's OK. Remember, once you get it, it will get easier, I promise. I don't want to go on to another tutorial until everyone has it. So, class, raise your hand if you want some more help! :)
There are no dumb questions....

For those of you that are working with the blue it again HERE>
(**100 downloads & it's gone) This is re-sized...I just checked it & it worked just fine. Geralyn, this one should work!

enjoy your pRocess!


  1. Help...the cut and paste thing gets me so I went to my daughter. We have the first backround (blue) downloaded to photobucket--when we go to paste it---it shows up on the bottom. We gave up....What do you think we are doing wrong?????? Thanks

  2. ah, thanks for the award!
    and you SCORED on that etsy frame!! wooo hooo for you.

  3. Oh, you know, I just had to give you a award! I'm just so thrilled that you're back here inspiring us all! You rock girl!


  4. gone again....impossible for me to get them...:( Congratulations for your award!

  5. waving my hand in the air!!!

    Rhonna, you are so sweet. I somehow have everything centered in my blog now and don't know how to change that HTML. AND, whereas I used to be able to change color and type style/size, Blogger is not letting me change anything. You know, right from "customize", then "layout", and then "fonts and colors". I used to be able to do it, see the changes, decide if I like it, and hit save. Now, nothing happens when I try to change it.
    Ack, I'm about to go back and I just love it so.

    thanks again, lynn

  6. Congratulation on your award!!!!

    Your blog is very, very incredible :D

    Thank you for the inspiration!

  7. oh crumbles - I had no idea you were blogging again and now I am - there is no escaping me!
    I only noticed becuase you left a comment on my freinds blog and of course Im very envious and may have to have her assasinated!
    Lovely to see you blogging again...where have I been??!!

  8. OMG! I got it, I got it. I don't know what I did differently, but I got it! It's gorgeous, I love it. Gotta get me a new header now.

    thank you SO much!!!

  9. Just wanted to say thanks for the template. I admit, I downloaded it earlier this week, but due to time constraints and work, I was not able to change my blog! It's changed now, and I absolutely LOVE it! So glad you are blogging again!!

  10. Kinda wish you had more than 100 copies to give away. *sigh*
    Nice site.

  11. I love your background
    but I really want to create my own.
    could you please email de size of your background?
    I can't seem to get it right en working???
    even after copying the HTML text into my template?
