Thursday, January 15, 2009

#6: cReativity exeRcises....

yes. you read it right...adventuRe #6 is Valentines. creating Valentines that is. Now, let me explain. I realize Valentine's day is a month away. But, it was part of my cReativity exeRcise today.

You see, every day I delve into some sort of creativity exercise. I learned this when I was getting my degree in college. In order to design/create anything, I find that I need
to go through these exercises. Everyday they are different prompts to get the cReative juices flowing. It may be a couple of minutes, or ~ like today~ a couple of hours. *ahem* I mean...many hours. It helps me enjoy my pRocess.

I had so much fun with my cReative pRompt that I just went with it....all. day. long. It was sheer bliss.
ch*ch*check it out:
Remember the frames I blogged about yesterday? Well, my prompt for today was: inspiRation. I was to look at something in my studio & create something (real quick: cuz i had TONS to do) and....I glanced over at my new RING! (thank, my lavaliere)

So, my goddess Ring was my inspiRation today. I printed out these silouhettes with
my patterned paper. (p.s. i LOVE my Epson R1800) & then....embellished. I love anything Heidi Swapp does...& her jeweled brads were perfect for my Valentine Goddesses. and...look at the little HS birdie mirror perched on Goddess #1's shoulder....not to mention her jeweled hat & dangling earring. Thanks, Heidi, for such fab products!

So, like I ended up being an all day cReative pRompt. I filled my bell jars with Valentine delights that are all using hybrid techniques: my digital kits, printed out onto papers & stickers & then, it was all about the *bling*.

*sigh* i love days like this.


  1. Sounds wonderful! Glad you had a great day with your pRocess!

  2. Wow, these are awesome. They could be wonderful little gifts :)

  3. So glad that you started up a blog. Your creative genius is so inspiring. I must say that I am saddened to hear that you won't be designing for 2 peas anymore. You are my favorite designer. Excited to see where your creativity will take you.

    I also wanted to share my new blog created with your cute template.
    Love the template. Your tutorial was great-easy to follow. BTW--I have a 24 inch screen--I had to upload using 5MB and it fits perfectly. None of the other options worked for me. -- Of course, I am an extremely green novice. Thanks for the instruction and your generous freebies.
    I would love to be able to purchase the turquoise template that I missed. Is that a possibility?

  4. Oh, they're so pretty! I LOVE the bell jars and the bling! (p.s. - You made my friend Cindy's day when you posted a comment on her blog. We drool over anything you do and are such HUGE fans. Thanks for the pick-me-up;)

  5. Your bell jars look awesome!! I love how they contain a continuously evolving festive feast for they eyes!!

  6. These are beautiful and so perfect for this time of year. I created some silhouettes of my family (drawing around profile photos with a sharpie to create a template) but never mounted them. My creativity exercise today will be to create something with the silhouettes. Thanks so much for the inspiration.

  7. Thank you for sharing your day of creativity with us. What beautiful *eye candy*! I'm so inspired I wish I didn't have to work and could play instead.

  8. Rhonna, loving those bell jars. I absolutely fell in love with them when you did the Halloween ones, Christmas ones, etc. Keep that creaviity flowing. It is Amazing! I also love the way the girls are "gussied up". LOL

  9. `Hi` Rhonna..I love your creativity!!!!These are `gorgeous`....Your blog is `fabulous`..TFS..
    Will perservere on the Blog Background!!!
    `Thanks` for visiting my blog I am truly delighted:):)
    Have a lovely Evening:)~X~

  10. Love the valentines, and especially the jars. Very pretty indeed. Your ring is quite beautiful. Very inspiring. Can't wait to read more!

    ps I too LOVE my Epson R1800 printer. I use it everyday and love the versatility.

  11. wow. check you out. love it ALL!! love the lighting in the photo... the light rings, and the crisp light on the bell domes. magical indeed!

  12. I love your blog....I love that Heidi Swapp talked about your blog.....I love that you visited and commented on my blog....I let out an eeeekkkk!!! when I saw your name---thanks for visiting and I hope you come back.....I am now off to use some Valentines Day inspiration myself and enjoy the process!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Where, oh where did you have the women with hats silhouettes that you used with your paper? Are they in a new kit you designed? Can you share with us where to find such beautiful items?

  14. Love those silhouette cards, wow!

  15. wow, great job! I missed taking your class at CE the 2nd time as I tried since the very beginning to get in, and finally did the 3rd year. what state do you live in? And do you teach at your LSS?
    Wow, you are extremely talented!
    Whoo HOO!!!

  16. Oh, Your valentine-projects looks SO fab!

    Have a great inspieRing weekend, Rhonna.

  17. That is fabulous!! Love them!

    Wilson, NC

  18. Rhonna your projects are just completely gorgeous!!!

  19. Super, duper, delicious fun!!
    Very inspiring!

  20. *WOW*

    Those bell jars and the PICTURE of gorgeous!!!

  21. wow, it's all so gorgeous. I love it all and the silouhette's are perfect where can I get them?

  22. Hello those are beautiful. I was wondering where I could find those sillouhetes they are perfect for a project that I have in mind.
