Wednesday, January 7, 2009

*Uh*hum...adventure #2?

I knew there was electRicity in the air...I could feel it. But, this fast? I feel like I'm on turbo speed & one day after about 1 hour after another...amazing things are happening!

For instance; just opening this blog has led me to many cool people. (that's what I love about the blog world!) and...the other day Gabreial from Vintage Indie contacted me about her awesome site. Ok, now not to sound silly or anything, but I was a little *star struck*. You see, I have adored her site for some time..I love Vintage...I'm a bona fide Vintage junkie! And so, when she asked if I could help her spruce up her site I was deeelighted! *squeal*

Check this out!
I am loving the new*found creative fReedom this past week..I've been cReating like crazy & all. for. fun. Sometimes, I feel like cReatively you have to shake things up. There's nothing worse for cReativity than the same old, same old, ya know? So, 2009 is the year for shakin' up!

And on that note: some of you might have heard, I'm no longer a Garden Girl or designer over at Two peas anymore....lest any *rumors* should start, I wanted to say one thing. I love 2ps. & always will. There just comes a time when you feel like you gotta make some changes...& that's all it is. change. and change is good!

I have loved working with 2ps...they are a*mazing & the whole ride was fabulous! The artists I've worked with have always inspiRed me & working with the whole digital section has been so fun! Thanks, everyone! It's been 4 years & wow...look how digital scrapbooking has just exploded! I love 2ps for that!!!!

I recently created this layout about just enjoying the pRocess....I think change is an important part of that is full of changes & I want to embrace them so I can continue enjoying the pRocess!


  1. I sent you a peamail from Two Peas. Sorry to see you go. I am sure you will be enjoying your "new process".You will always be in my heart and on my pages!!!! You are the reason I started digital scrapbooking, but I also enjoy all or your creativity as well. Needless to say, I will be checking your blog often. Thanks again and God Bless

  2. AAAccckkk! Rhonna, you are one of my absolute favorite designers! I will be so sorry to see you leaving 2Peas! Will your products still be for sale for a while so I can stock up?
    I look forward to seeing your new endeavors and best of luck to you!

  3. Best wishes for your new ventures/adventures! Change is good. I learned that a couple of years ago when I took a chance and changed jobs. I couldn't be happier, and I am sure you will find so much happiness in whatever you do!

  4. `Wow` your LO Is gorgeous...
    Good luck in your New Adventures...
    Change is always good....
    Go forward and Be `Happy`:)~X~

  5. Change - something we can never get away from and something that keeps our souls fresh and new. Congrats on your new 'processes' and enjoy it!


  6. Oh, LOVE your LO.
    And I'm SO gonna miss you over at the 2Ps. even if i'm not often at the mb i'm often there just to grab all this wonderful inspo.
    Still, like you say, change is good, and I wish you all the best, Rhonna.
    Big hug

  7. WOW! It worked!!!
    finally I'm able to leav you comments.
    SO happy!!


  8. Oh, I LOVE that page -- so whimsical and just awesome! Thanks for inspiring me everyday that I look at your blog!

  9. Hi Rhonna!! I love your stationary! Do you make business cards similar to the stationary as well?

  10. I sooo love this layout! Funky! And the colours just make me smile :o)
    Sad to hear that you're leaving, but change is good as you say. Thanks for all your amazing digistuff, hope you'll keep it coming!

  11. Change is wonderful! I'm so thankful that you are blogging :) Your layout is just gorgeous :D and man those downloads go fast!!!!

    Have a wonderful day Rhonna!
    Lots of love,

  12. To celebrate your return in the world of bloggers I have something to you at my blog :o)
    You are wonderful and inspiring!

  13. The digi LO is gorgeous! Can't wait to start putting your kits to use!
