Saturday, January 31, 2009

adventuRe #10! House of 3

I'm so excited to share my next adventuRe!!!! House of 3 Design District.

the House= Heidi Swapp, Janet Hopkins & myself.

We are all, backgrounds, talents. But we are alike in 1 way. We love to create. We've combined our cReative energies to bring you a company that will hopefully push the limits of the creative journey.
We want to


Inspire each other & all artists around the world to kick their creativity up a notch. Like I mentioned before here; we all have that desire to create.
And let's face it, sometimes we get into a rut. That deep desire to create is stifled. It's happened to all of us & sometimes we feel we are the
only ones that don't have that 'spark'. Welcome to House of 3; a place to inspire to create.

Create something outside of our box...outside of our comfort zone. We are all artists in our own rite. We create daily; whether it's a meal for our family. A note in our children's lunch box. A smile for our husbands. A conversation with our friends. A walk with our pet. A vase of flowers on our table. We are on a creative journey every day.....cReating our world around us. And House of 3 was started out of that desire to create bring that love to our own lives & those we share our lives with.

We love our families. We love our friends. We love our journey. And with that love, we are bringing this vision to everyone. Globally. We'll be offering exclusive designs & art to everyone- worldwide. We are so excited to share this love of creating with you & this journey!

Check out the House: pRintable projects, digital wareHouse, blog couture, tutorials, inspirations & our first launch of product will be our exclusive House Adornments; wall art vinyl stickers with *bling*. Shipped word wide! So everyone can be inspired, create & love their own journey!

Go over & browse the site; check out the new blinkies & here is a tutorial on how to get one on your Typepad blog! (blogspot; you just put it in as a gadget!) And our first freebie: Valentine Love Coupons!

And I want to give a shout out to these amazing photographers; Nicole V & Jefra Linn. (more on them soon!) The photos you see here, on our website & in the video are all by them...they are amazing. YES, we really DID go out in the snow, jump around, sit in chairs & even fall in the snow! And they captured it in a way we could have never imagined...we love them!

Can't wait to share more of this process with you! and...
enjoy your pRocess.

p.s. Join our Facebook group!


  1. Wow, I was so incredibly anxious for this announcement I can't even tell you. I was clicking on your house of 3 button ALL DAY with anticipation. You ladies are amazing.

  2. Congrats Rhonna! I've already made some Blog Couture purchases! Can't wait to dress up my blog! I also added the House of 3 Bling to my blog so others can link to your shop! You 3 are going to be a HUGE success!

  3. This is SO beautiful, creative and inspiring! Blog Couture is just awesome. Thank you!

  4. Just checked it out and I LOVE it, so creative and new. i adore the blog backgrounds so much and the price is so nice as well.
    I am going to check it out often!


  5. SQUEEEAAAAAL!!! OMG this is sensational! Well done ladies! Looking forward to seeing more! :)

  6. I am drooling!!! I have always loved you and Heidi (just ask my scrapping friends!), don't know Janet's work as well, and will be in da "House" every dang day!!!

    Very exciting, and oh so gorgeous!!!

  7. So very excited for you, Rhonna. Cannot wait to see where you three crafty girls take this wonderful venture. I will be waiting on the sidelines with white knuckles from my hands gripping my seat! Words aren't enough for the joy I feel for all three of you. Venture on!

  8. Oh, and about adding a blinkie in Blogger...
    once you click "add a gadget", what do you click on for a blinkie?


  9. SUPER COOL!!! What fresh new ideas and designs you have. Leading the way, as always.

    Enjoy the Ride :)

  10. Best Wishes on Great success!!!! Your designs are the BEST!

  11. Congrats Rhonna!
    I love your designs :)

  12. how exciting!!! i'm going over right now. You've got so many links to look at I don't know where to start :)

  13. How fun and exciting, congrats!
    I love the video :)

  14. Very cool. I can't wait to see more!

  15. The site looks fabulous and the Blog Couture is amazing! Congrats!

  16. shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!
    this is incredibly cool
