Monday, February 2, 2009

Some more Hof3 info....

First of all, thanks so much for the great response of House of 3! We love it! I've been busy answering tons of emails with your questions! So, I decided to some of the FAQs here!

Questions about House of 3 photos!
Are they real? Yes. 100%. Nichole & Jefra really didn't Photoshop that much. They are pretty close to SOOC - right out of the camera. Amazing, huh? We'll have some more info about this from THE photographers on our site soon! Seriously, we were blown away with their talent, vision & style!

Were you really in snow? Yes. Right in the mountains of was a gorgeous day & the artistic vision of Nichole & Jefra was so fab...breaking rules...shooting on a sunny day-right in the middle of the day! In fact we'll have 'behind the scenes' footage of this shoot; from riding a sled out in the field to falling off the chair in the snow; to frozen, numb feet. (look at how deep the snow is...standing in that for 3 hours makes for some ccccold feet!)

Is that a backdrop? Nope. 100% authentic. Mountains. Snow. sun. all real. The only Photoshopping skills were Nichole's finishing touch up Actions. more on that later!

Where are you? in a field out by Woodland Hills, UT...soooo pretty!

Where did you get that shirt you're wearing? ha! I loved this it on Facebook & via email! I'm glad you like's from Forever 21. Love it!

House of 3 store:
Where is my digital download? Once you register & purchase the digital stuff, you *should* get it immediately....the link that is. If you don't & you have any problems, please email us here:
We'll take care of you right away!

How do I customize my Blog Couture Header? If you'd like to put the name of your blog on your header simply follow these simple steps.



  1. Rhonna, you are so wickedly talented, have an awesome sense of humor and fabulous writing skills. Thanks for the 411!

  2. Love it all, love the digital stuff and could finally download my order today YEH!

  3. Wow, wow, wow!! how cool and fab and amazing is this!! Congrats Rhonna!! I LOVE the new site, the store - the House of 3. You are really amazing!
    I downloaded the love cupons, and can't wait to start create. :)
    Have a great day my friend!
    Oh, MUST say the pictures of you are beautiful!! Makes me want to go skiing. Think I'll bring my skis and pop by UT one day. ;) :)

    Loads of love and big GOOD LUCK from your friend in Norway ~gudrun~

  4. Love, love, love it all! And check out my blog:

    Thank you so, so much for saving me from blog mediocrity!
