Thursday, February 26, 2009


for this weekend's House of 3 House Warming Party....
the newsletter went out.
did you get it?
if not, sign up! hurry!

i'm videoing.
& getting ready.

don't miss it...tomorrow (friday) we'll be posting 'sneak peeks' of the project, new products & the schedule of the 2 day event!

and...for those with questions on their blog couture, please email me, ok?


  1. I'm so excited for this party! Can't wait to see what you goodies you have planned!

  2. I just uploaded the latest and greatest Spring blogwear! Can't wait to see all that you ladies have! I saw some of the new stuff can't wait till we can buy it! hugs from Texas!

  3. Omilord, I'm soooooo excited! I can't wait to rock out with my spring blog couture

  4. Lookin' forward to the paaarrrrtttyyy. I took a peek a few minutes ago. LOL Thought I had already missed something.

  5. Rhonna, Hope it's ok that I tweeked the free blog couture to suit me. I added some color to the background. Your stuff is so fun and easy to use I couldn't help myself!

  6. Got it!
    Soooo can't wait for the fun to begin...

  7. Rhonna-you are an amazing designer! It's all I could do to open PSE and input my blog title! I can't wait to see what you have in store for us! Blessings, Brynn

  8. I just discovered scrapping...and you are one of my favs! signed up for the newsletter and will visit often!

  9. I posted today with a picture of the spring banner I made from house of 3. I have a button to house of 3 and my blog is...

  10. Hi...just an fyi...I signed up for the newsletter earlier in the week but I didn't ever get a newsletter. :( And then I totally forgot about this weekend. As for the newsletter, I got my order confirmation email just fine from Ho3 (for the free blog couture) so I don't know why the newsletter wouldn't come through.
