Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Who wants a fReebie from House of 3????

raise your hand....
& go on over to House of 3 to start the celebration of our House Warming Party this weekend!
Free Blog Couture: HERE>
Then, be sure to link here so we can enter you in a House Warming Giveaway this weekend! woohoo..it's getting exciting!!!!!

P.S. If you are on Typepad, Heidi has a tutorial on her blog. check it out!


  1. love your stuff, i cant belive i am the first one to post www.stormridaz.blogspot.com

  2. Ohhh Thank You!!
    Couldn't wait until the weekend, huh? lol
    Just downloaded mine...


  3. You know the story, The Three Bears, the Three Pigs and NOW, The House of Three!!! The difference is The House of Three is FOR REAL!

  4. OMG this is so gorgeous!!!Think it's a tad busy though because I'm having major probs downloading!!

    Thank you:D

    Do I have to change it now??? i love the threads I have on :(

  5. wow, gorgeous!!


  6. Well, how cute is this?


  7. just downloaded the goods...now i'm off to play! thanks for the ongoing fun... - jessica

  8. I love the free blog cuteness! I am going to try to figure out how to put it up!


  9. Yay, I got it up!! I got it all figured out with the help of the tutorial on the House of 3 website. So, thanks!


  10. *love* your stuff :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Thanks, Ho3 for the free blog couture! Love it :) Now...if I can only get registered at Ho3. I've been having trouble registering but I've emailed at Ho3 for help so I hope to hear soon. :)

  13. I am so there, girlie! The new shoes are on and we are ready to party! Will have to head to the supermarket and get stocked up because I will be rockin' it all weekend with House of 3!


    Love it! You girls rock!

  14. I need to know how to do this for Typepad! LOVE the new designs and House of 3!!!!

  15. i got the banner posted - still working on getting the background to post correctly...go check it out. (i hope all of the alterations i've made are "politically ok" with Hof3 - thanks for the continued inspiration & fun.
    - jessica

  16. Oh my goodness Rhonna the background is awesome and you know I'm tech challenged so the fact that I was able to download the header and background, customize the header and get it all on my blog is nothing short of amazing! http://dani-adayinthelifeofacoffeeaddict.blogspot.com/ Thanks so much your tutorials are fabulous!

  17. Help! I "downloaded" a house of 3 blog background and header, but it is totally not working and i am super frustrated. When I downloaded the background, it didn't let me save it anywhere...it just popped up in a window. I could seriously cry I'm so frustrated...help?

  18. Thanks H of 3, I love this background and header! Got it up at my blogspot blog (http://handprintsoflife.blogspot.com/), but how do you fix the width? My textbox is shorter so the blog content "spills" over the sides which makes it difficult to read.... Help? :-P

    Also, I prefer to use my Wordpress blog {just put your background + banner at my blogspot to see how it looks like and coz I really love it :-)}. So, can I use your products with Wordpress? Thanks.

  19. Love the new look and just saw tons of new stuff on your HO3 site. Such a tease you ladies are, can't wait till they are available to buy! You know I'm using your stuff and will continue to!

  20. Hi, I re-post. Thank you so much for this freebie, is amazing, marvellous, gorgeous !!!!
    And here is my blog now with it : http://latelierdescrap.blogspot.com/
    Love from Paris, France

  21. Lovin these house of 3 goodies. I haven't blogged in a while...so I am just getting started again with the free templates:)

  22. Just wanted to say thanks, I bought one blog couture for one blog for my family and got the free one for scrappin site :)

    Although I think I'm looking at going to another one that I saw in there.


  23. here is a link to my blog..

  24. Just got over the terrible virus stuff going around in time to take care of the rest of the family with some chicken soup and enjoy the House Warming Party. Loving all of your designs.

    Here's the link to my blog:http://swampwaters.blogspot.com/

  25. Thank you, Rhonna! I am up and running with my newly decorated blog, and the Valentine Book did come through for me (with the email link-help). I've almost completed it, and hope to post it to my blog this evening. I did post a couple of sneak peeks...

    Thank you so much for the GORGEOUS header and background freebies! I'm just starting out in the digi world, and THANKS to Houseof3, I am so motivated to finally learn about brushes too (my next tutorial). Everything on Houseof3 is so stinkin' cute, I just HAVE to have it all!

    Speaking of "having it all", I'm off to finish up my Valentine Book, then to get all of my House Warming goodies prepared for the weekend. Can't wait to "see" you there! Doesn't it just feel like Christmas Eve???

    Mwwaaahhhh-LOVE your talent, Girl!

  26. This si me :D but can't change my clothes orry because I love them soooo much :D

  27. okay I am loving all of these cute backgrounds and headers! just changed mine, still working on the background!
