Monday, February 23, 2009

inspiRation Monday.....

It's Monday!!!!!!
I think poor Monday gets a bad rap.
I love Mondays. LOVE.

I just love that it's a new start of the week.
New possibilities.
New projects.
New 'quiet'....time to think. regroup.
New inspiRation!!!!

Lots of inspiRation out there...

1. I've loved looking at Hof3 Blog Couture being used & wanted to highlight some blogs!

**Check out Lisa's use of the Black Postcard Couture...I love that she worked it out...figured out how to use'll notice she was having a problem, but now that she's got it, she can totally switch up her blog anytime she wants! ...a brand new outfit
for her blog!

** about Becky's blog, Lilypad Lane? Love it! you did a super job & it makes me *happy* to see it!

**Nancy, Nancy, just make me smile! Love your blog couture!

2. House of 3's Housewarming party! Yup, it's this weekend. Mark your calendars. House of 3 is hosting a house warming party and you are invited. We are settling into our new home and want to show off all that we have been up to. So come join us for two days only, Saturday, February 28th and Sunday, March 1st from 9:00am - 3:00 pm for a fabulous exclusive project, video messages from Heidi, Janet and myself, prizes, contests, special discounts, tutorials and so much will not want to miss this!

ok, enjoy your monday...& be inspiRed!


  1. EEEEK! So, I'm at work sitting in my cube eating my salad for lunch and catching up on my Favorite blogs and I saw my name on yours........ I thought, could it be me? There are other Nancy's, hee hee. You know I'm your biggest Fan right? Thanks for the call out! I can't wait till we meet when you come to teach at By Design Scrapbook in Clear Lake (Houston TX). I live on the other side of town in Conroe but not too far to drive to learn from YOU! EEK. I'm patiently waiting till the date is announced so I can sign up! Hugs from Texas!

  2. It's a Paaarrrrty! SO can't wait!

    And I almost jumped out of my seat when you mentioned my lil Lilypad Lane! Thank you, you're so sweet. Really love these Blog Coutures! ...and the tutorials to install them! LOL
    (Now to get my bloggie up and runnin' again with some NEW posts, yeah? LOL)

  3. Looking forward to the party and lovely blog coutures girls :D I've had load sof compliments on mine too :D

  4. Looking forward to the housewarming. Tried to purchase a blog banner yesterday but was having technical problems. Kept getting kicked out of the purchase. Sent an email to Hof3. Can't wait unitl it gets worked out and I can purchase and use it!

  5. Fabulous blogs ladies! I just got at least the header done on my new blog. Not as advanced as you, but I am "enjoying the process". House of 3, you make it soooo much fun. If you get a chance take a peek at

  6. You inspire me to get inspired!!! lol
