Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I'm a HUGE fan of Poppytalk design blog! I L*L*Love it! I check it everyday, because it is a one-stop-design-rush! Jan is a*mazing at finding stuff all across the globe that is not only unique, but just plain drop*dead*inspiring! So, when she gave House of 3 a shout out, I was jumping up & down with glee!
Thanks so much, Jan!
go & peruse her blog if you've never visited..I about fell out of my chair when I saw these paper flowers. And, check out her Handmade section....amazing artists from all over come together in Poppytalk Handmade. mmmmm. delish!

...workin' on some fun stuff for Hof3....I'll let you know when it's up!
have a fab day!


  1. Hmmmm.
    so full of scrumy goodness...TFS...Yaah...:)

  2. Oh - what a nice surprise! Thanks so much Rhonna - coming from you and your amazing eye, I'm so honoured!

  3. AAAHHH! OMG I swear I am all starstruck since you visited my blog. Ya like? I have an awesome designer Ha Ha. Can't wait for the new Hof3 stuff. When is the vinyl/home decor coming available?

  4. I'm starstruck too, I love when you visit my blog twice already this year! Woowhoo! Thanks for leaving a comment! I will be sure to let you know when I have your artwork framed and hung in my room. I'm planning on posting it on my blog! hugs from texas!

  5. Wow!! Love keeping an eye on your blog. Someday when my daughter comes home from college I will get her to help beautify my blog with your stuff.


  6. I have to check in here every day, sooo inspiring! Here's something for you: http://tovesscrapblog.blogspot.com/2009/02/mere-puteinspirasjon-her-med.html
    Love your stuff!

  7. oooh love poppytalk too! i am always i love with her colors and come away inspired.. that is so cool that she gave you a shout out! !! I can't wait to see the new goodies! xoxoxoxo
