Friday, February 27, 2009


of the Ultimate House Warming Package are......

Congrats, girls!  and....I"m getting so excited....the countdown is on...we are getting ready for a fab day tomorrow & you'll get a peek into our books (each page) & watch each of us in our homes teaching & sharing!  

**& I've just watched all 3 of the videos & I have to say: they are so fun. Each one is unique...just like us.  Each one of our styles, techniques, & even the way we talk are all different...  (Janet is so mild, articulate & thorough!  Heidi is motivating & thought provoking...& I'm just a fast & furious talker!  LOL....)
I love to celebrate our differences. I hope as you look at each of our books, you take away something inspiring...something that will celebrate YOU & YOUR home! embrace what is YOU. So that when YOU are creating YOUR House Warming Book, that you remember that YOU are different, unique & YOU!~
see you in just a few hours!


  1. Thanks again, Rhonna! I can't wait until tomorrow...I'm so psyched!!!

  2. Oh no too late...darn time zones. Oh well congrats to the winners and here is my blog:

  3. Congratulations Girls, bummer i didn't win. I have just altered the free couture so it fits my 3 column blog. it looks fantastic. all of your books look great. It is a shame the Aussie dollar is so bad at the moment, else i would be purchasing everything lol.

  4. Thank you Rhonna! I am so thrilled to have been selected as one of the Winners for the Ultimate House Warming Giveaway...Wow!!! I just can't wait to start creating tomorrow...oh, I guess it's today! :)

    Lovin' all of the videos on Hof3! (Aren't you just the cutest little thang???)

    We are in store for a great weekend. "See" you in a few hours! :)


  5. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm so excited to have won all those cool goodies! I can't wait to see the books you all created and get started on my own. I love all the housewarming releases...great colors and cool patterns!

    And thank you for explaining to me how to personalize my blog header...I did it and love how it came out!

    Off to check out the housewarming party and get it started here in Massachusetts!

  6. I adore your album! Especially the first photo of you and your hubbie, such a gorgeous photo. HAPPY HOUSE WARMING!!!
