Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Beginner Bloggers Q & A

When my dds & I first started playing with the backgrounds on Blogspot, we had problems, too. We played around until we got it right.

The key was making sure the code was right. LOL....who'd imagine? And, also, it was key to remember that the background would appear different to everyone, depending on their monitor/screen size.

So, yesterday's Enjoy the pRocess background had some swirls/flowers up on top that may have been cut off on some monitors. Not to worry...I designed it so that it would look like it was 'going off the edges'. So, if you got yours on your blog, show us, k?

I did another one today that doesn't have the top parts of the design....let's see how these work on your blogs! Still the same steps with Photobucket, direct link, etc. But, let's work on these to see if they work, k? I love this kind of stuff...totally fun! So, here's today's fReebie!
Grab it here! (again, 100 downloads & it's gone!)
***ETA: this is the NEW download that will work...the previous one was sized wrong...try this one. I just did it on my blog, following the below instructions & it worked fine! Traci....this is for YOU! *wink*

Ok, let's get these bugs worked out here & have some Q & A time.
Q: I had to play with it for awhile to make it work. I have a widescreen monitor, so I'm not sure what it looks like on a normal monitor though. It seems that it really is too small. It was about 1/4 the size of my screen when I started trying to make it work. Ferrill.

A: On my laptop it looks fine, but the flowers on top are coming in from the top...I rather like that. On my desktop (wide screen monitor) it's pushed to the right so the banner & left justification is off. (btw, i love your banner, Ferrill!) Remember, it won't span the entire screen on wide screens, so just go to: LAYOUT>FONTS & COLORS> PAGE BACKGROUND COLOR.
And select black, white or even a blue that is close or coordinating with the blog template.

I have tried to paste in the new code (with the direct link info from photobucket) and it doesn't work. I only end up with my blog plain white, and stretched right across the screen, with all the usual right hand side stuff, pasted underneath the post. I changed the template to minima too. I will have another attempt later. Jenny.

A: Jenny, it sounds like the code got messed up. Make sure it looks just like this:
body {

(photobucket direct link);background-position: center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed;

margin:0; color:$textcolor; font:x-small Georgia Serif; font-size/* */:/**/small; font-size: /**/small; text-align: center;

Make sure there are no extra parentheses, comas, etc. Good luck & come back & tell us how it's going!

Q: ...
wondered if you are going to start doing blog templates that we can purchase?? I am totally interested in a custom Rhonna blog design that nobody else has :) April

A: I would love to! Email me!

Q: I have some very similar pictures from Paris and tried fooling around, but got nothing as nice as yours. I don't have actions in Macromedia Fireworks ... do you know of any way to achieve similar results? Jessica.

A: No, I don't know Macromedia Fireworks. I'm so sorry! That is one reason I love Photoshop; very cool stuff can be done with photos!

BTW, I see you are on FB, is that for your close friends or if I ask to become a friend will I get in? Nancy W

A: Sure thing...send me an invite & add a message telling me who you are!

Remember, don't get frustrated the first time you try. Like I said, it took my dds & I several tries! I just have so much fun, & wanted to share!
have a gReat day & enjoy the pRocess!


  1. Woo hoooo you are the bomb! Thank you for the pretty, pretty blog design. As soon as I get a chance I'm gonna play!

    Becky :)

  2. Hey Rhonna, thanks for the download - so fun and inspiring. I missed yesterdays but got in on today's download and cannot seem to get the template to work. I've gone back and forth making sure there are no extra anythings where they don't belong but I seem to have no luck. I am having the same problem as the gal you blogged about - the template not loading and everything be white .

  3. Rhonna, thanks for the blog background. I make these along with the headings and buttons too which I sell in my shop. I have had a blog for three years and HTML code is pretty easy once you get used to it. I also have written numerous tutorials on how to change just about anything in your blog (using blogger and HTML code with a basic minima black blog). Shout if ever you need help with anything!

  4. Hi Rhonna...I was delighted to get this Blogger Background...I think it will suit my self made Header better!!!`Thankyou`:)
    Just wondered I have a background already on my blog...
    How do I change from my exiisting Background to add the new one????
    Had a go and everything came up black ???
    If thats to difficult a question..I will keep tryung till I get it!!!lol...
    `Thankyou` once again...

  5. Rhonna - I am jumping up and down. I got the template on my blog though it isn't down the sides like yours is on your blog - it overlays on the actual 'blog' and the right sidebar with all the goodies in it. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

  6. by the way, thanks for the freebie - it is gorgeous - now, back to trying to make it look normal!

  7. Love love love it! I totally had to spend an entire night while my kids were sleeping last month to figure out how to customize my blog background so I wish this awesome tutorial would have come sooner! You are awesome for explaining all of this, I know how frustrating it can be!

  8. LOVE this color combo! Thanks for a bit of visual warmth on a gloomy day :)

  9. Thanks for sharing the download, it is beautiful. Love your work....

  10. I got it, I got it. The template that is.
    Here's my blog though:
    gotta lose my header, and on my 'puter, the entries stretch out beyond the design.


  11. thank you so much Rhonna. I love, love it. Got a little tweaking to do, but I think I can do it.

    I had just thought about renaming my Esty shop PinkTangerine just to let you know how much I love this color scheme!

  12. Thanks Rhonna, love the fun colors, you are awesome. So sad you won't be with 2peas anymore, I love your work, I hope you will still be doing some digital scrapbook stuff.

  13. I love the templete and have just gotten a chance to play around..but I seam to be having trouble with it. Help please! It keeps coming up all white
