Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Adventure #1....

so, as I mentioned yesterday....i LOVE the new yeaR and the new adventuRes that come with it...
I'd love for you to check out adventuRe #1: Songbird Avenue.
This is a digital kit...a fabulous collaboration kit with Jan Crowley . Meredith Fenwick, Amy Watt & Janet Phillips....for a chaRity. Celiac Disease Foundation was the choice of my charities & all proceeds go to this organization. You can read a little more about it here.
I love that they would do this...use cReations to help others in need...thank you, Songbird Ave. for making this happen!And, as promised...I took some shots of the soldering S & I did for J& T for Christmas presents! I love the Heidi Swapp jewels on here & of course, I couldn't do this w/o digi kits & Sally's expertise!

And...for all of you that missed yesterday's PDF download...how about that cool negative frame? Just click here to get it...again, first 100 downloads...then, it's gone! **please remember: this is for personal use only; & if you use it, I'd love a link to it & a shout out! Thanks!**
enjoy the pRocess today!


  1. Hi Rhonna,
    Happy New Year!!!!
    Thanks for the frame....it rocks

  2. Hi Rhonna!
    Thanks for the great frame and also the goal sheet from yesterday! You're such a sweetie!

    The charity kit is gorgeous! And I'm so excited that you posted pics of the girls' soldered pendants. They're amazing! I bet they love wearing them and showing them off.

  3. Thanks for the comment on my blog! I love your soldered charms. Every time I've done them they tarnish - any ideas?

  4. Hey Rhonna - so happy you stopped by. I had to find someone to pinch me to see if I was dreaming. The kit is beautiful and the charms are lovely. I missed the free download again. Seems I blog jump too late in the day! Oh well......Have a beautiful week enjoying the process!

  5. http://tarisota.typepad.com/my_weblog/2009/01/another-challenge.html

    Thanks so much Rhonna for the inspiration and download Tamar x
