Friday, January 30, 2009

you know that feeling?

that feeling you get when you're dreaming & you fall off a cliff (or in my case- something as simple as walking off a curb) and your stomach gets those butterflies?

I woke up with my tummy.
Lots goin' on.
Super exciting.
Super inspiRing!
Can't wait to share!

so, for my daily cReative exercise I visited some of my fave blogs (oh how i love you, stash studios) & found this totally inspiRing artist:
Tony Fitzpatrick
um...amazing, huh? I LOVED looking at his stuff. So detailed, so, I cReated the above art....Now, I"m ready for the day...cReative excercising is fab.
go check out your fave blogs; get inspiRed. Whether it's a piece of art, a scrapbook page, a home decor tip, or a recipe!
be cReative today! exeRcise that muscle!
and enjoy....


  1. Ok this sounds exciting--so far I know house of 3 involves Heidi Swapp and you.....I am on a hunt to see who is number 3......or do I just wait 2 days.......mmmmm. Can't wait to hear all about it. You two are already a huge inspiration for me.

  2. You know how to keep us hengin' up there wondering! So exited to heat the news!
    And I'll try to have a translate on my blog...*blush* have to get my english up and going again....
    Have a fab weekend!

  3. I'm good--it was the first blog I hopped over to----JH so I don't give any secrets away. You are all so great---I am looking forward to whatever house 3 involves. oooohhhooohhhh in the house!!!!!!!!!

  4. Hi Rhonna.
    Your Layout is amazing and really beautiful!! SO excited for you! :)
    And the artful pages you've linked up is great Into my faves too. :)
    Have a GREAT weekend.


  5. Oh Wow I sooo look forward to your reveal Rhonna...
    I dont know if you do Awards?... I left you one on my blog..I cannot help leaving your blog full of *Inspiration* and butterfly`s of exitement..
    `Thankyou`...I am in awe of your Beauty:)~X~
    Have a lovely Sunday:)~X~

  6. So glad you have a regular blog again. I am so excited to see what this "House of 3" is all about. It's gotta be good, You and Heidi and Janet. Hmmmmm, what could it be. Hope you share soon!!!!

  7. Congrats Rhonna on your new adventure! Can't wait to see what the 3 of you are up to!
