Monday, February 28, 2011

day 7: 6 week shape up...

Feelin' a little better. Got through the weekend, which makes me feel a LOT more confident that I can do this 'no sugar' thing! *whew* I have been cranky, got a cold sore (no doubt from the stress) & it's been difficult, but this quote has helped me:

"nothing tastes as good as HEALTHY feels".

*yes,  I know the original quote says skinny, but that's not my goal. Healthy is my goal.*

and, I do believe we can all do this.
So, here's a little journaling card where you can either print, use on your blog (proper credit is appreciated) or just look at for your enjoyment! *grin*
But, I challenge you to take a minute to write down your goals, feelings, whatever you need when you are feeling weak. USE THIS TO HELP BRING IT ALL BACK IN PERSPECTIVE!
& it's Monday...I say Bring It!

check in day tomorrow: I'd love to hear from everyone that's committed...comment to let me know HOW you are doing! weigh in; measurements...OK to leave personal, but remember: it;s good be accountable for our actions! That is the ONLY way we can achieve our goals!

Friday, February 25, 2011

day 4-6: 6 week shape up...

I'm not gonna lie. 
I woke up this morning...VERY cranky.
head hurt. wanted sugar.
weird, huh?
to top it had snowed a TON last night...
NOT my fave when I have to drive 40 min. to the doctor's office.

I perservered.
I talked to my dr. about my *accute sugar problem* & he gave me something.
natural. & hoping it will help curb these cravings & the whole detox process.
I'll let you know how it goes.

in the mean time....we have a weekend in front of us. which can be good. and bad.
do NOT * I repeat* do NOT fall off the wagon.
I won't. if you won't. deal?
hugs & WE CAN DO THIS!
be strong.

p.s. thanks, Graphics Fairy!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

day 3: 6 week shape up...

sit down & have a seat...let's chat about something:  
food for thought....on day 3 of our 
6 week shape up....

We are what we ATE!
I have to say.....I have been a total sugar-aholic for the past few years.
it's caught up with me.
I was also a diet pepsi/diet dr. pepper/ diet*any*kind*of*happy*bubbles-aholic, too.
But, I DID go off of it a few months ago & am still happily *off the sauce*.

the sugar's a*killin' me!
I tell ya...I've got a sweet tooth that's a huuuuge protruding FANG crawling out of my mouth! 

so...when my dr. said, 'Rhonna, you need to get off that white poison.' I think all of Utah could hear me scream & cry! *whaaaaaaaa!*
but, he's right. 
My health has been compromised by my bad choices of eating waaaaay too much sugar!
I am what I ate.
It's my eating decisions that have made me 'sick'. It didn't just 'happen.' I didn't just 'get sick' is a direct result of how badly I ate for so long! *among many other factors that I won't go into*

So....I'm ready to be accountable for this..& reverse this!
I am on an 'elimination diet' type of plan where I will avoid all of the foods that have any kinds of toxins, or anything that makes me sick. i.e. wheat, gluten, sugar, caffeine, etc.
yea. a lot of the 'good' stuff I used to love.
it's time.
time to look at it as 'bad' stuff for me. NOT the good stuff!
it's time to get serious about healing & getting healthy again!
THIS is fun. THIS is good. THIS is what my body & soul deserve...NOT to be sick & unhealthily going day to day feeling like crap!

I've been off wheat & gluten for 3, I feel like I have that under control.
I've been off caffeine/soda for a few months & I can honestly say..I miss it, but I won't go back.
day 3 of no sugar has me sweating, shaking & feeling like a down-right addict in withdrawls from her favorite drug.

hence, no blogging today. I've had a ROUGH day!
tomorrow is another day.
day 4.
how are YOU doing?
I'm sitting down...& we are chatting. Let me know!
hugs to you all...YOU can do this!
again....these graphics I'm using are from the wonderful Graphics Fairy...sprinkled & mingled with some o' my stuff, too! AND, THANKS KAREN for the shout out today! smooches!
look at her FAB bird cage today! LOVE!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

day 2: 6 week shape up...

for all those that have accepted this's a thought for you;
expect miracles.

 What is the miracle YOU want to see?
for me, it's health.
I've been on the mend...going to a great doctor who's helping me heal. inside & out.
& these 6 weeks I need to devote to getting my health back. I know. I know...
it will most likely take longer, but for me...feeling even a bit more healthy in 6 weeks
is the miracle I want to see.
and I know I can.

What is the miracle YOU want to see?
print out this card, write it down & pin it up where you will see.
I believe in miracles. With a LOT of work & will see it!
p.s. lots of questions coming in...answers to all of them? do what YOU want to do! if it's too personal. don't post. if you only want to come by to get some inspiration. do it. if you want to tweet about it? do it! (#6weekshapeupwithRhonna OR if that doesn't fit: #6weekshapeup)
it's an open's just helping ME to share with YOU! it's a win-win sitchy!

p.p.s. don't forget the House of 3 web show tonight. Heidi will be doing some fabulous stuff!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

6 week shape up: Week 1

After a LONG, 'un-plugged' weekend & spending time with my's good to be back &  up & running!  

As promised, I'm starting a 6 week shape up program here on my blog...I've done it for a 2 reasons:
1. many of you 21ers have requested something like our 21 Challenge, but on a 'shape up' scale.
2. my personal needs! LOL.

In 6 weeks, we're headed for a sunny, warm place as a family to spend our Spring Break & I don't know about you, but I'm not quite ready to don my swim suit, so this will be a perfect kick in the pants!

So, if you're IN & wanna play, we'll work it like this:

1. sign in & be accountable for reporting in the comments. Just let us know how you do.
once a week. on Tuesdays: weigh in/measurement day.

2. I'll be focusing on our weekly Tuesdays with inspiration, tips, etc...but, I'll also be sprinkling motivational quotes, work out ideas, etc. throughout the weeks, too!
We'll end on April 5. 2011! It's totally do-able! Say YES!

3. If you want to make this into a cREative project, too....I'll be offering fun little tidbits to make a 6 week shape up program journal that you can download...
just click on the images & they will come up large..simply right click, save & print out to use in your journal!

To get started..4 easy steps:

No. 1>>> get brave. take your BEFORE photo. save it. print it. post it up. do whatever you need to keep you motivated & pumped up for your 6 week transformation!

No. 2>>> take your measurements OR weigh in. OR both! I know everyone likes to keep track of their progress with one or the other. (or both) So, print this card out & add your starting weight on the card, too, if you want!

No. 3>>> Start & KEEP a food journal! This is critical in your success! It's amazing how the things you put in your mouth directly effect how your 6 week shape up will go! This can also be your cREative journal, too!

No. 4>>> Choose a workout that makes you happy. Do it at least 3 times a week. Mix it up. But, MOVE! Get busy & work out!

I'm totally excited to do this! I've been wanting to get really serious about happy you're joining me! It will be a GREAT support!
eta: many of these fab graphics I used are mine mixed with the amazing Graphics Fairy! Thanks!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

spring is in the air....

it's been unseasonably warm around here...yesterday it got up to 60!!! The sun was out & I wasn't wearing a coat! 
Which got me to thinking about a couple of things.
1. Spring is coming.
2. No more hiding under my winter sweaters & coats...that means Spring fashion is in the air, too!*do I hear a "it's time to get serious about your workouts?"
3. Spring decorating..oh how I love to freshen things up around my house! 

So, I wanted to share a few things....

Spring Fashion pins on my personal stylist pinboard at Pinterest. They make me happy.
a new daily deal site called Joss & Main that has *screamin* cool deals EVERY DAY...on all sorts of things... these Spring pillows caught my eye.
 And, look what's on sale today!  I LOVE these aprons by Anna Marie Horner...they make me so Springy Happy! need to work out so I can fit into those Spring Fashion pieces! LOL...who's in? Wanna start a 6 week Spring Shape Up program? *grin*

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

thought for today...

Margie tweeted this yesterday, & I can't get it out of my mind. Thank you, are so wise!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine memories...

I remember when I was little...ok, when I was younger...we'd wake up to a *magical* Valentine's Day mom had/has a way of making things *magical* & no matter what she always made us feel special...
so, this morning, I woke up...& kept those traditions going...
*heart shaped pancakes w/ little vintage heart picks.
*strawberry creamy smoothies in goblets.
*chocolate/peanut butter hearts in pink treat bags *a must*
*a little centerpiece of vintage heart doilies & vintage pink 'happy valentine's day' picks.
& don't forget:
*pink polka dot napkins. *grin*

..Jeff surprised me with a full length mirror in our closet. (I complain every time I have to run to our bathroom to look at my daily fashion tedious. haha!) 
a HUGE heart card *homemade of course* with THE most amazingly heartfelt & sweet message. He has a way of writing....he captures words & emotions in a way that's truly gifted...& I was the recipient of these words today...they made me cry. He's my prince charming...

here's hoping you are enjoying your day with loved ones...remember, YOU are loved. YOU are amazing & the world wouldn't be the same w/o YOU! share the love!

Friday, February 11, 2011

DIY Valentine in a Bottle

I can't believe it's Friday! and...Valentine's Day is so close!
I promised many of you a step by step on how to make these Valentines in a bottle..but, alas, I have run out of time!

so...I'll give you the condensed version!

For the basics of the little wonderland can refer to the little tutorial I did HERE on how to fill the Christmas jars 

& HERE are the Spring jars....obviously, you can take these steps & use them for Valentine's Day.

Supplies to Do-it-Yourself:
mason jar
pink spray paint

 Steps to Do-it-Yourself:
1. Gather supplies. Spray paint the lids & tops of your bottles.

2. Right ON the jar lid, hot glue your treasures. Here, I put pink & white silk flowers on the bottom & glued them to the jar lid. *TIP: make sure they don't spill over the edge of the jar lid, or it's difficult to close the jar.

3. Now, create your mini banners, adhere to sticks/pins & glue them in between the flowers.  *TIP: be sure to measure & have different heights so it will look fab in the jar.

4. After you've got your little treasures glued onto the lid, put the lid together & turn upside down....& screw the lid on. 

5. Turn back upside down, & add the mini banner 'i love you'. To make, simply hand write on a piece of vintage paper, fold & cut & glue.

6. Add the teeny tiny bunting with papers from the Remarkable Valentine Background kit on some fab Divine Twine & glue right to the bottle.
7.  Since, the inside says: 'You're the bee's knees'...I tied a little bee charm on the end...
so cute!

8. Top off the jar with a little mini cupid painted pink & you've bottled up your message!
Hope you enjoy this fun project...Happy lover's weekend! I plan on having a wonderful time with my family!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

oh, how pinteResting! I'm a little addicted right now to this.
For years, I've gathered clippings,  magazine pages, tear sheets, or printed out things I'd found on the internet for my Style File. *this is a huuuge part of planning for an event or deadline for me...I *need* visual stimulation!*

So, when I found online Pinterest, I embraced it! I just LOVE the fact that we can share...with the proper credit...& 'pin' our inspiration up on our boards. Sharing is Caring! & this is brilliant!

For instance..when I found this line of chalkboard coolness, I wanted to share it on my Pin board so I wouldn't forget the absolute & utter deliciousness! 

Come on over & follow my boards & I'll follow yours!
it'll be a Pin Party!

**eta: I've already had a bunch of questions about how to do it. 
1. sign up. you will get an invite.**but, lookie here!  Thanks for the heads up, Heather. HERE is an instant invite to Pinterest!**
2. be sure to get the PIN IT bookmarklet. it makes it easy to pin any image from anywhere. 
3. organized your boards. name them. etc.
4. fill them up & enjoy!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Valentine Flowers....

I had so many requests to learn how to make those napkin flowers I showed in this past post.  Back in 2008 I ran across Dana's tutorial  **simply brilliant! Thanks, Dana!* 

I filed it away in my 'style file' & decided Valentine's Day was the perfect time for hearts & flowers! So, I got to work & created a huuuuge bouquet of them! **I did have an ulterior motive...Valentine Dance decorations**

They are so fun...they are all over my house..on my walls. on my mantle. in jars & vases, lining my tables ...

 I experimented with the sizes & insides of these huge flowers. I found that I LOVED the 15 3/4" x 15 3/4" thick napkins I found at a party store called Zurchers. (& I found some great ones at Hobby Lobby, too.) The thicker the better, so they feel more like fabric than paper.

The center fringe was created with these great fringe scissors...I remember about 4 years ago, I found some of these in Paris & they were quite pricey....& they weren't in my budget. I have kicked myself over & over for not just getting them! LOL...but, thank goodness, Martha Stewart has created some at a reasonable price! 
 As Dana shows in the fabulous'll need different sizes of the napkins.  & simply follow her directions for using the large & small napkins.

I am really into the gold & hot pink right now, so I used gold metallic tissue paper for most of my insides. I folded a piece, tied in with the larger napkins & then, fringed with scissors to create that fun look.

I also did some fun ones with tulle, polka dot & striped napkins in contrasting colors.

We are putting on a big Valentine's Dance for a whole slew of college kids. What to use for decorations? Yes! These fab flowers. HUNDREDS of them! Ok. many as I can make by Thursday! I'll be bunching these up & putting them on the tables, walls, banners/ will be so pretty, I think!
Good thing my mom & dad are coming for a little you think they'll help me make some? haha!
Happy Tuesday!

Friday, February 4, 2011

ahh...the sweet life!

Valentine's Day is one of my all time fave holidays! I're surpised, right? 

décor. candy. pink. loved ones. 
it's got all of my favorite ingredients. 

Well, mix in a little 'Simply The Sweet Life Mag' & it's a su*weeet homerun!

If you haven't checked out their online magazine yet..please do it! 
It's sooo delicious! 
And, their blog
So many fun ideas, recipes, inspiration & eye candy! 
For this issue, I was a 'creative contributor' along with my creative friends; April & Margie! *spark sisters*  It's so fun to see their lovely Valentines! they are *sick*!
Run on over & look at it...but for now, I'll leave you with a few shots of my Valentine in a bottle~
super fun with some of the NEW Remarkable Valentine stuff.... read more about it here.

 Thanks, Sweet Life, for featuring this little pretty!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

quote to think about...

got this quote in my email from Compendium...
thought it summed it all up! 
*love it*

have a great thursday!

**winners for the House of 3 Birthday Bash will be announced HERE. shortly...LOVED everyone's entries! thanks so much!**

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

tonight's web show...

don't forget.
We will be giving away TONS of prizes during our LIVE WEBSHOW tonight
To ENTER, upload one of YOUR CREATIONS using House of 3 products (any or all) to our FACEBOOK PAGE under the "Birthday Bash" album! We'll be featuring your projects and giving you awesome prizes!!!
Upload a photo HERE.
see you tonight!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

today is Feb. 1st....2 years ago today...

we opened our doors to our online store: House of 3....

I remember the heart was pounding...we were so excited to open our doors & have our House warming party!
We've created House Adornments. ...our physical jeweled wall art & heart shadow boxes.
Our Digital WareHouse which included Digital kits & downloads; brushes, frames, album pages, & more!
& of course, our mission has been to teach others how to use these fabulous products all over the world...whether you use the Digital products OR you like the Printable Hybrid stuff!
Our LIVE Web Show each Wednesday night has been going for a year now & it's so fun to share our ideas, inspiration & favorite products to USE our House of 3 goodies! NOT miss our web show to celebRate our 2 year birthday tomorrow night! We'll be sharing our favorite stuff from CHA, sharing our NEW Remarkable Valentines & giving away a bunch of prizes!
Join us for a fun birthday party!

We'll give you peeks into what is in each of the kits & share some exciting things!

And...we are all home safe & sound from CHA. It was so great to see old friends, meet new ones & my FAVE part was meeting House of 3 friends!!!! So many people came up to us & said they LOVED the web shows! So, THANK YOU! And all of you 'lurkers' MUST come out of lurkdom & share in the FUN on the show! *wink*

We each taught some really fun projects with our new lines at the Pink Paislee booth. I taught how to make this felt flower Soiree Party Pin!

We used the cream felt flowers from the new Daily Junque line...misted them with the bright new Tattered Angels Chalkboard Mists & then used some of the cool jewel dangles from our new Soiree line! Added feathers & tulle & wow...we were having a partay! Thanks everyone for coming!

It was so fun to see the Color Connections come together...we introduced the new colors that match PERFECTLY with our new lines! mmmm...they are fabulous!

Saturday night we got to go to the Provo Craft party at the Conga room at LA LIVE! They announced their NEW Cricut 5! its' sooo cool! about FUN! They had the dancers from So You Think You Can Dance...Twitch, Comfort & Josh...& others..they were a*mazing!!! The party was so much fun! Thanks again, Provo Craft for throwing such a FUN party! much to do to get ready for our birthday NOT miss it: Wednesday, tomorrow. see you there!