Sunday, November 21, 2010

day 18 & a Parisian giveaway....

day 18!
it's true. only a few more days!!!!!

I've been having a lot of personal reflection on this round....I've so enjoyed this round...I'm not going to lie...I've had a lot going on in my personal life. At times...a little overwhelming & not sure I could 'keep it together'...but, this round of The 21 Challenge has really helped me stay grounded, stay happy & remember that:
Richard G. Scott

As many of you have expressed, this 21 Challenge has blossomed into something more than you would have imagined. 
some of you have said it's become a lifestyle.
some have noticed that it's flowed into other parts of your life.
some have seen the value of consistency & have vowed to keep it going.

I love it!
And, want to share something with you as a little reward....

I've heard that for some of you, it's been difficult to get our House of 3 Parisian Anthology items!!!
I love them...every bit of the collection.
So, today, I'm giving away 3 stamp sets to 3 of you lucky 21ers!
Just leave a comment here & LMK how things are going!

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