Friday, November 5, 2010

day two

day two.
We are doing it.
baby steps.
This is the key. 

Nothing that is worth it comes overnight. That's just not how things work. We tend to get caught up in the 'immediate gratification'. But, in order to see the success to what is really worth it...
day by day. step by step...not overnight.

And as we pay the price, work hard & believe in ourselves we'll arrive at Day 21 amazed at what we've accomplished. And we did it gradually!

Day no. two.

I'm *loving* hearing about your stories here in the comments as well as over on our facebook page.
And I love seeing your photos, links & just *feeling* the power for good from all of you!
You are paying the price. You will see success.

So? How is your journaling going? Are you getting creative? artsy? enjoying it?
Remember: the journaling is the key to making it all come together. You are training your brain to not only DO what you've set out to do, but also writing your successes, thoughts, feelings, and HOPES! The combination of these 2 actions will solidify your habit!

Today, choose to pay the price to be your best self. 

P.S...This question comes up every round:
Q: I missed the beginning, can I still join in?

A: Absolutely! You can join in anytime! Simply start from day one & track your progress. You can keep commenting on this blog, our 21 Challenge facebook page & other 21ers' blogs so we can give you the support you need! Trust me, when you feel like you have a bunch of awesome people behind gives you strength! 


  1. I am doing it!!!
    This is just what I need to establish a very important habit that I desire to have in my life. Thanks for your inspiration. Love that blue, red and yellow together.

  2. delias...WTG! You can do it! Doesn't it feel good to say, 'I'm doing it'??
    think this every min. of every day!
    & at day 21 you will be where you want to be!

  3. Boy it sure does feel good to PURGE ;) On to Day 2...Just do it!

  4. Hi Rhonna honey, well it's Sunday morning and Day 1 of the challenge passed with me being frantically busy! so unable to do my 'believe' page. I did make notes at the airport when I was picking up my hubby so I do know what I want to put on the page. I am going to try to do day 1&2 today, but if I can't I will not stress, I may just be a little behind everyone else! I have chosen a 'My Mind's Eye' Lush flocked chipboard album for my journal and I just love the red flocked flowers and the bird on the front. I will use 1/2 a page for each day and it works out perfectly - I'll be on the back cover by day 21. Hugs and smiles and Love

  5. had the most wicked headache last night but I made sure to journal my day and thoughts on some life decisions. it was amazing how the headache went away when the worries and hopes and questions that I need to answer started flowing on the page. Thanks for the motivation and inspiration!! you are such a doll!!

    - Nancy

  6. Today was hard...felt blue. Feel like some thing is working against me today. BUT there is always tomorrow, diet pepsi, and free samples with coupons that come in the mail :)

  7. Thanks for the inspiration!! I also love seeing your journals from years past!! Saw one of my friends today that is doing the challenge and she is so excited and she's a newbie to the digital world and I love seeing her wanting to learn more because of the inspiration you women are giving her!! yay
    hugs from conroe, tx!

  8. Today was hard. Feeling blah all day and not being very nice to myself. Thankful that tomorrow is a new day and I can try again :)

  9. Ladies, it is truly inspiring to read your notes. Thank you! Not only are you all motivating me but the success of last year's 21 day challenge is as well! 'Still deciding on my journal. I can't to talk to you all tomorrow!

  10. :( No success today. I feel like I wasted by whole day. Computer problems with one project(I finally just gave up) and then I had broken pieces, slipping pieces, and beads rolling across the floor. (Gave up on that one too.): Maybe this isn't my round....

  11. Finally got around to blogging about my challenge. So far 2 out 3 good days and looking forward to getting my happy self back.
    Thanks for the challenge!

  12. Groooovy I was out all day yesterday but I posted photoss of our fun day and how IT weighted in on my challenge and IM tryin' TO PULL PEOPLE IN WITH ME you know I can't do nothin without makin NOISE!!!

    Tonight Im catching up on my little book so TOMORROW I will post photos of it :)

    looksee was lots of positively amazing fun! If your ever in GULFSHORES YOU MUSTTTT GO HERE!
