Tuesday, November 9, 2010

day six

day six.
can i get a holla?
this is soo exciting! 

We are doing it! 

How are you treating yourself?

Is it getting more difficult?

today, I want you to remember:
I truly believe this. And...it is your heritage to be happy.
I believe we are all children of God & He has a plan for us.
And struggling is part of it. Because we grow. We become stronger
And through that...we become happier. We learn that we CAN be happy no matter what our circumstance is. We have that choice. We can choose to be happy.

If everything was always easy-peasy....how would be become stronger? better? & learn so that we can  help others?

Have you ever noticed that when you go through a struggle you feel like it's ONLY happening to you?
You may ask: "WHY ME?"  But, when you come out of the clouds & into the sunshine...you are stronger. And you meet someone down the road who is going through what you did...& you can be that strength to help them through...because you have become stronger. you have compassion.  
And that is why it was you. You were needed to help that person.

By taking this 21 Challenge journey...you are allowing yourself to be happy. to learn. to grow. & yes...to struggle. And you are in control of the choices you make. 
 YOU are of great worth to yourself, to those around you & to those that you will meet later on down the road. 

One of the things about this challenge is the art journal you are creating. I've loved hearing how some of you are tailoring it to your needs. How much time you have, how much you can do. i love it!
Each of you are creating something everyday & it's confirming your growth. & strength.

"....through the things you create and by your compassion, you are a great power for good. You will make the world a better place. Lift up your chin; walk tall. God loves you." D. Uchtdorf

Remember that!

Now, if you are *losin' it* & want to quit....don't.

Let me put it into perspective:

Do you realize that 9 days ago was Halloween? man....I feel like that was yesterday!
but, it was nine days ago.
And those 9 days have gone by...no matter what.

And, in 9 days we'll be past our 2 week mark!

Keep it all in perspective.
Keep going.
p.s. no web show tonight....so sorry! We'll have to take a rain check. next week though..for sure!

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