Wednesday, November 10, 2010

day seven & a giveaway for your soul!

day seven.
going strong!

Remember the importance of your goals. Sometimes at about the 1 week mark, when we enter the 2nd week...we tend to get tired or feel burned out....

Just think of how many days you've come so far. You do NOT want to start all over again, right?

This is why your ONE goal is so great...
let me take you back to day one.
You were excited. Fired up.

Don't let that fire burn out.
You have NOT come 1 week into this to quit, right?
If you're not going to conquer NOW when will you? 

...time to focus on yourself & becoming your best you. 
....time to use your daily art journaling to create a better you.
...time to really soul search.
Girls... I have LOVED hearing about your experiences in learning about loving yourself. What is important to YOU. What is keeping YOU fired up with excitement...& it sounds like it's: learning new things about yourself & how you look at your self. I'd LOVE for all 21ers to go over to Melody's Brave Girl blog post about 'body image' & answer these quick questions for a poll she's doing. I think it may really help bring somethings to light for some of you! 

If you're still feeling like you're just not getting it. I get that. *wink*
For some of you, it may be your first time...& let me tell you...this kind of thing does take practice. Don't judge yourself & think you are a failure. Restore your inner joy. Restore your inner confidence. Restore your inner soul! You deserve it.
You may want to look into this: Soul Restoration
I'll be taking this online course in January. Melody is such an amazing person & I'm so excited to learn from her.  I think it goes hand in hand with The 21 Challenge & will even let us continue this journey. Check out the videos, too. sooo inspiring!

guess what?
Melody is giving away 1 spot to the online class of Soul Restoration to one of you 21ers!!!! Isn't that awesome?

Leave a comment here...letting me know WHY you think Soul Restoration would be a great continuation for your 21 Challenge.
love you girls!

Stay strong! Do those things that will make you even stronger. We are entering into week 2 & this is a challenge...but you can do it!
I'll have a little reward for you tomorrow....
stay strong, girls!
We can do this!

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