Friday, November 5, 2010

day one

This is it!
no. ONE.

Take a deep breath. 
Today is the day to:

This means you need to:
envision how you want to feel on day 21.

act that way each day during your journey.

you will see the change.

1. Get out your 21 Challenge journal & journal your thoughts. paint. create. write 1 word...whatever will inspire YOU.
2. Act. Do it. Be strong. Accomplish your goal. today.

So, if your challenge goal is to make an art journal & stick to it for 21 will envision the final product: YOUR art journal.
You will act how you want to feel as you are creating: happy, successful, brave, creative, etc.


If your challenge is to work out for 30 min. a will envision the final day: a healthier YOU.
You will act how you want to feel...healthier. And you will document it in your 21Challenge journal....creatively.

You will  DO your best today. Take one day at a time. And do it.
Do not let fear come in. Just go with it.
You will see the change little by little,
You will feel the way you act! successful!

Remember: start small. This is an experiment in baby steps. You will get to your best self little by little; being consistent every day. But, you must act they way you want to feel.

If you want to feel happy ~ You must act happy.
If you want to feel creative ~You must act creative.
If you want to 'be nice to yourself'~ You must act nice.

Get it?

It seems simple. Almost too simple. But, trust me, it works & you can NOT discount this simple first baby step. Each day as you act the way you want to feel it all comes together. 

So, stay positive. Power through it & act the way you want to feel.

one word:
It is Friday...that means the weekend. This is one of the most difficult times to 'stay on the wagon.'
But, you can do it!  I know you can.
You are strong. You are made to be your best self. You can stick to this for 1 day at a time. 1 weekend at a time. Do NOT give up!

Go on over to The 21 Challenge Facebook page, report in, & tell us how you are doing. You are welcome to share your links to your blogs, share pictures, share your feelings & thoughts...we are all here to support each other.
We can do this.

Happy day one.

Here's a blog badge to wear  proudly, *Click on The 21 Challenge badge  & save image on your desktop.

*Blogger/Blogspot: Go to Dashboard>Layout>Add Gadget>Configure Image. Add the image & then put the link to this blog.

*Typepad: Go HERE for more info.


  1. Hi Rhonna

    Just popping by to see how we begin. You brought me to tears the other night, sharing that Mother's story.

    And, GREAT BIG THANKS for my wonderful felt flowers!!! I did the happy dance when I got them. I'll be posting about them and your inspirational 21 Day Challenge on my blog!

    Love you girls!

  2. Hi, Rhonna! Just wanted to share that I'm in. I'm sooo not in the mood but I know I can do this, thanks to your help. Thanks for always being such a constant source of inspiration, especially when I need it the most. =)


  3. woohoo! Leann & can do it! glad you got'em! enjoy!
    Nina...I left you a message on the FB page....

  4. i am ready. i did this last year with you all (even won the heart box!), and I am ready to face a new challenge that i have needed to conquer.
    (now...if i could only find that configure image gadget...)

  5. I so need your 21 day challenge. I hope Im successful and can move forward in the right direction with myself. I'm still lost.

  6. Thanks Rhonna! I'm ready to start with Day 1 & I can already envision what Day 21 will feel like. Bring it!! :)

  7. Thanks so much for doing this Rhonna. I need to do 21 days over and over and over. But for now I'm going to focus on my one thing and pray that it works.

  8. Thank you Rhonna!!! Thank you for doing this challenge! Thank you for all your creative spark! Thank you for all your fabulous tutorials! Thank you for sharing your creative talents! Thank you for sharing your spirit! Thank you for being you!!! And thanks for all the tips on getting this computer thing to work!!! Hugs!

  9. Thank you for doing this.

    I have been all geared up to do it, working on prepping my journal, and deciding on what I wanted to work on. It took me a long time to decide. I knew immediately what I wanted to focus on, but because it's hard, really hard, I kept coming up with other ideas. In the end, I went with what I was prompted to do from the very beginning.

    So here's the clincher. I woke up this morning, read to start ... and by 7 a.m. had already done the thing I'm trying not to do. So, I decided my 21-Day Challenge would start at 8 a.m. I can refocus and recommit myself.

    Again, thanks for all the advice and inspiration.

  10. rhonna, thanks so much for all you do... you ARE awesome!!
    so excited to do this AGAIN! : )

  11. thank YOU wonderful ladies! This is the beginning of something amazing! & we are a part of it!
    day one.
    bring it!

  12. I was totally inspired by your presentation last night! I've purchased the kit and worked all morning on my journal.

    I was wondering if the font you used for the kit is available for purchase? I would love to use it to add more personal quotes to my pages.

    Thanks you so much for doing this, Rhonna! You are a great inspiration to so many people.

    Warm wishes,

  13. Alright, I'm taking the challenge! :)
    And I'm taking your advice on starting small. Baby steps! I can do it. <3 ya, missy! So excited to see your face every day for the next 3 weeks. :p

  14. Rhonna - Thank you so much for such an inspirational project. I really needed this. Last year at this time, I was waking from a 6 week coma, and this past year has been filled with little challenges. Recently I have found myself focusing on my physical limitations rather than my possibilities. My challenge is to find something every single day that I like about myself and instead of dwelling on my medical issues, dwell on my positive attributes. I have watched Wednesday nights show twice now. I just love your energy and enthusiasm. God has truly blessed you with a miracle.

  15. all i/we go!!! i am sooo excited to set a 'crafty' goal. i downloaded the 21 challenge art last night and when i get home from work tonight, i'm gonna start my journal and create something...anything and post it on my blog!! that's my goal, to get committed to my blog, to share me and my heART :) Thanks Rhonna

  16. Rhonna.. Can’t thank you enough.. I can honestly say.. I am a stuck women! You've inspired me to start the 21 day challenge. I really didn't get it last year when I first heard of it, most probably because I was not in the moment. You brought to tears to me describing what this challenge can do and how it helped others. So NOW , I get it! I am feeling it. I have too much going on in my life which has resulted in major chaos in my home. I hope it doesn't come off of being lazy..Because Lazy I am not. I've neglected many areas in my home which is making me feel overwhelmed to even start doing the "simple" task of just cleaning, purging or organizing. For I am a Capricorn.. WE like ALL ORGANIZED. This characteristic is killing me! I’m not feeling good about myself and I KNOW my moods are affecting my family. So, here is MY challenge...for 30 minutes a day, I will do what whatever task necessary to clear up that space in my home to make it look organized and clean. What I’m hoping to get out of this challenge is peace of mind and that I don’t have to keep remembering I need to take care of it. I rather focus my attention to my family and whatever is going on in our daily lives. If I get the nerve to send you a pictures of the current “before”look.. you’ll want to root me on this challenge…LOL … So I'm totally stoked on doing this. Good luck to all the ladies.... !!

  17. Hi Rhonna honey, I'm really excited about taking the 21 day challenge, it is something I really NEED to do for myself right now. I/we've had a hard year with uncertainty about my husband's job and we finally know that he is finishing at the end of November. Bless his heart (he's 60, I'm 48) over the last couple of years he has managed to make me feel out of control of my life, as though I'm invisible and things that worry me aren't important. This challenge will help me re-capture the essence of ME, I AM SPECIAL AND I MUSTN'T LET ANYONE HAVE THE POWER TO TAKE THAT BELIEF AWAY FROM ME!

    My word for today is 'believe'. Love and hugs.. (Crikey, just re-read this and yes I need to take this challenge, giggle)

  18. i love this. it's so inspiring, and i'm so ready to begin!

    thank you for you creativeness and willingness to share this idea! amazing!!!

    can't wait for this empowering journey!

  19. Great start Rhonna...thanks so much for all you do ;) I've added your button to my blog's sidebar and got off to a great start!
    Have a great day, fondly, Roberta

  20. Just found your blog! Excited to join in on the challenge! Thanks for the inspiration.

  21. This is great! Feel motivated and ready to begin!

  22. Yay Glad I found this... Trying to think of my word and what day 21 will be... hmmmm gonna look over the post some and go back and watch the webshow I have a couple of ideas YAY

  23. Rhonna, thanks so much for all of your words of encouragement! This was so much fun last year! Thank you so much for my badge. Best Wishes to everyone!!

  24. So I have been sick with sinus junk for the past several days, but I managed a 35 minute walk around the neighborhood. My goal is to exercise everyday, so this is my baby step! LOL Thanks for the inspiration!

  25. Hi Rhonna, and all my sisters out there who are on this journey. Today I am starting strong! Late, but strong! Here's to day One!!

  26. This is so exciting isn't it! We can all support each other because we are ALL amazing!!! Thank you Rhonna for this wonderful journey you are taking us on again! I still gaze at my heart box I won last year :) hugs from Conroe, Texas!

  27. Thanks bunches. I'm loving the art work and am amazed at the support.

  28. I started a journal in October - 54 things I want to do in my 54th year. I pulled it out to use for my 21 Day Challenge. My goal is to move more - 15 minutes twice a day. After journaling my goals for the next 21 days, I flipped to the front - there it was - #21 "move more". I have goose bumps.

  29. Day one good. Day 2 good.
    Pulling some inspiration from Matt Maher - Hold us together with lyrics. I love star88.3com I can stay positive with help from God.
    I'm not going to keep an art journal. That would be just one more thing to do. But I write my progress in my MS journal everyday. Oh my goal is to ride my stationary bike everyday just 5-10 min is fine. I'm losing strength in my leg muscles and need to built them up. Some days it's hard not to climb the stairs on all 4's.

  30. I've just learned about the 21 day challenge. I hope we can start a few days after you start. I am excited to get started! Thanks so much for posting the inspiration. I think this is exactly what we all need.

