Monday, November 22, 2010

day 19

day 19!

Way to go!!!! You are living your best YOU right. now.
Doesn't it feel amazing?
Please, please remember how good it feels to do your best.
& then, strive for that every. day.

You are doing it. 

And those of you that have said you fell off the wagon, or it's not easy, or you've given up...I have this for you:

You are strong. 
You have it in you!
The only way you can live your dreams is by jumping back on that wagon & taking one step at a time.
No one else can do it for you. You must do it yourself. 
You can do this if you really want it.
The question is: Do you really want it?
Do you really want to TAKE A CHANCE ON YOUR DREAMS?

Just because we are on day 19 doesn't mean you can stop.
Girls...listen to me: You need to continue this journey!
All of it is for naught if you just go back to your old ways.

Stay on the road. Stay strong. Stay positive.
You can do it!

now...let's give away some of the House of 3 Parisian Anthology stamps!
 Congrats, Cinabonbon

Please email me with your addy so I can get these out to you..
and, speaking of winners...ALL of the winners who have not received their prize, please email me...with 'giveaway winner' in the subject please.
see you 20!!!!!

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