Sunday, November 14, 2010

day 11...halfway mark AND a felt*alicious giveaway!

day 11.
our halfway mark.
It's HUMP day...
you guys deserve a huge pat on the back....
it's time to FEEL JOY.

Each of you are experiencing different things...doing the challenge differently & really learning a lot! I love hearing your support for each other, too! This really is a bonding experience, isn't it?

So? How was your weekend?

  I had a wonderful weekend filled with crafting, baking, & just plain creativity!

....filled orders of my felt flowers & created up a storm...I love these little things...they are so scrumptious! 
I'm in love with felt...& I have to say:  All felt is NOT created equal. I create these flowers out of good felt found at fabric stores...(btw: yes, I'm working on a tutorial for these...just slow going!)

Felt is scrumptious...100% felt. *do NOT confuse it with the craft felt!*I do like 30% & 50% for some projects, too.

but...have you ever heard of felting?

I remember the first time I saw REAL felted wool in Paris many years ago. It was so gorgeous; bright colors, amazing shapes & it was in balls/beads, flowers, rings, pillows, brooches, even curtains! I was in heaven...I'll never forget it!

While I was there, I asked what it was?'s called felted wool. And is a whooooole different kind o' crafty goodness.  

Let me introduce you to my lovely, talented Aussie friend, Em Falconbridge.
I adore this woman...she's not only genuine, talented & original, but the most amazing person, inside & out!  She was one of our amazing teachers at Spark No. 2. She shared her Spark with us teaching her passion: wool felting.

Now, in case you missed her deeeelicious class at Spark...never fear. She & her friend Nicole are teaching an online workshop- Felt-a-licious Felting!!!! 

I'm giddy! Sadly, I didn't get to take her class at Spark with all of the 'administrative' stuff we had to do...So, I'm enrolled in THIS online workshop & couldn't be more excited!
she's generously giving away a FREE spot to this fab class to one of you, 21ers!
Isn't that sooo fab!?
I mean....check it out! Their whole workshop is amazing: round felt beads, a layered felt flower, a flat felt scarfette and a dimensional felt mobile-phone pouch....
eeee! I'm simply giddy to learn how to do this...
i'm so in love with wool felting!

so....leave a comment here & I'll pick a winner at midnight!

happy day 11!

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