Thursday, November 11, 2010

day 8

day 8.
...feeling soo thankful for the week we've been on our journey of change.

I have to admit...yesterday was a rough day...for several reasons. I was very emotional. *the 21 Challenge tends to do that to me* I loved reading all of your comments about your Soul Restoration. And I have so say...I could NOT pick one. In fact, it breaks my heart to only be able to pick one of you 21ers. Every single one of you is worth it. deserving. & loved.
But, alas, random number generator had to come to the rescue!
You are the random winner of the online course:
Email me so I can get your info to Melody!
and again...THANK YOU Melody & everyone for everything!!!! **eta: and, you can go on over & play in the AWESOME game at Brave Girls for a chance to win a spot! ....
I think that's pretty Awesome!**

Reading everyone's comments, thinking about my own goal for this 21 Challenge journey & PMS, I'm sure...I was just really weepy. grateful. struggling. happy. overwhelmed. emotional.
As you can see, I was having a mix of good & bad feelings all day long.
When I get this way...I can turn 2 ways:
inward; & let those little demons get to me...get back in bed. give up. ...that downward spiral until I feel worthless.
outward; & focus on those uplifting feelings to help me get out of whatever emotional state I was in...
engaging in something worthwhile to make others happy & in turn..I will feel happy, too!
so: I thought of my 21 Challenge quote today: CHOOSE WISELY.

my choice?
 I'm making treat bags for Thanksgiving friends & family.

I have this little gift/reward/treat for YOU, too, my 21er friends!
This free download:

Here's how it works. It's just like one of our House of 3 Printables. It comes in a PDF file which means ANYONE can use it. Simply open up, hit print & cut it out!

1. There are 4 (4x4) treat toppers at the top of the page. They are designed to be folded in half (2") & have a little 'blessing mix' word art on the front, & on the back...a little 'thankful' ditty that explains what's in your treat bag.

2. The bottom 4 word art pieces say: Blessed beyond measure & Attitude of Gratitude. (4x2)

3. Print out on cardstock, white sticker paper or even photo paper to put on your treat bags.

4. Fill up your treat bags with the ingredients: 
Bugles (little cornucopias)
Pretzels (the twisted kind that look like arms folded in prayer)
Candy Corn (reminding us of the Pilgrims)
Orange slices (represents the fruit of Thanksgiving)
Unshelled Nuts (represents a seed)

5. Staple the Treat Topper over the bag & VOILA! Great to give as neighbor 'thank yous', for teachers at Thanksgiving, or even have them as a snack for kids *and adults* on Thanksgiving day! (the day we END our 21 Challenge journey!)

6. The 4 little bottom pieces of the Printable, can be cut out & made into tags if you've printed on cardstock or photo paper. OR if you've printed on white sticker paper, make them into labels & they'd be great to attach to a little hostess gift, or whatever your heart desires!
Happy Day 8, 21ers! Here's to CHOOSING WISELY.
Do NOT give in to those little demons...choose to turn it around.
The power comes from within YOU!
focus outward...& you will be blessed inward.
attitude of gratitude, friends.
It works!

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