Friday, November 12, 2010

day 9

day 9.
feeling soooo good. 
it's the weekend again....& here we are. our 2nd weekend.
See? You've gone through 1 weekend so you can get through another...successfully.

It's important to BE KIND TO YOURSELF during this process..this journey. From reading a lot of your comments...many of you do not feel like you are successful. or that you deserve to be successful.
This is where the kindness needs to start...please, please, please believe that you are...worth it.
You deserve it because I believe that you are on this earth with a special purpose. Do NOT listen to those voices that tell you the lie that you are not worth it. BE KIND TO YOURSELF & meditate, pray, tell yourself & please listen. really listen. You are awesome!

For those of you that are being kind to yourselves....yea for you! I know it's not always easy, but as you keep doing it, you believe it & it becomes more natural...feels more right.

Our art journaling through this process is KEY to really becoming aware of yourself...of your abilities..your creativity....your worth.  As many of you have said *& some were surprised by this finding* your eyes are being opened as well as your heart. You are learning a lot about yourselves during this....
yea baby. That's exactly what this is about!
So, I wanted to share my 21 Challenge journal that took on a life of its own...totally unexpected.

You see....everyday I do my 100 Creativity Exercises to boost my creativity.  One of the exercises is to put a huge piece of paper on a door & doodle...write...explore.

I drew it out of my jar & was about to put it back & get another one because I didn't I had time to do that PLUS my 21 Challenge art journal I'd made.
But, I decided to do it anyway.
I grabbed a roll of Kraft paper & got creative putting it on my work table in my family room.
I grabbed my silver Sharpies & have been journaling, writing, exploring & nurturing my creative soul every day. 

Yes, it's a bit unorthodox, but I've sooo enjoyed my journaling...I've used 3 different huge pieces of paper & what's fun is: since it's in our family room, our kids have been playing along, too. I love how this little twist on the exercise really boosted my creativity...I've been having so much fun creating!
I've been quite....enlightened!
I just didn't expect that...but, I LOVE it!
There's something about the juxtaposition of the raw Kraft paper & the BLING of the silver sharpie...
me likey!

The great thing about this is: you are free to BE KIND TO YOURSELF.  You are not getting graded on this art're not turning it in, getting critiqued for's simply a way to use your art to heal & grow...creating your habit!'s to our creativity! I'd LOVE to hear how the 21 Challenge has boosted your creativity!

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