Saturday, November 6, 2010

day three

day three.
This is the weekend & it's normal to feel like: 
What? This is harder than I thought?
You may start fighting against may start rationalizing & saying: 
Ahh..I don't have time for this. 
I just can't do this. 

If you have felt that...or even fallen off the's not the first time someone has at day three.
Don't worry.
Pick yourself back up. Dust yourself off. & recommit!

You've got to fight for it....If you don't, who will? It comes from inside you.
Deep down. And YOU are the one choosing to make the change.

Art journaling or doing something creative each day will help with this change...I promise. The images I've been sharing the past few days are from some of my older art journals....& I just wrote or drew or did whatever came to my play. free art. free writing. & i loved it.
It really kicked up my creativity when I just let loose.
try it.
you'll like it.

I have loved seeing many of your journals...thanks for sharing them on our 21 Challenge facebook page...keep them coming! And remember: you are not alone. We are all here...fighting, too!
We can do it!
DAY THREE...bring it!


  1. I hope everyone is doing well today. I am! Been a very postive weekend. Looking forward to a postive start to the week.

  2. Thank you for motivating me. I am trying my own personal version of your challenge... and getting help from you along the way. Keep the great advice coming.... you are making a difference in MY life! Tracy (

  3. I find small things fighting against me. since mine is keeping the negativity out for the next 21 days hahahaha. Im making me some positivity spray! AND IM GONNA WEAR IT LIKE CLINT EASTWOOD ON MY HIP! GO AHEAD SUCKA... MAKE MY DAY bwahahahaa

  4. Rhonna--
    Thanks for the inspiration---the post for day 2 was not easy for me to spill out!! I usually don't tell feel about my feelings!! I posted my challenge to my blog.

    Ladies- please take a look I need some support to do this!
    I'm making my way round to blogs of those that I see who have joined in..

  5. Rhonna, I know I have said this before but THANK YOU! Popping in every day sure does help in reaching my goal. Hugs!!

  6. Weekend or not...time to stay focused and I'm on a Feels good to be purging all my stuff and clearing up the clutter. Actually a great time with the holidays coming. Thanks again Rhonna for pushing us when it would be so easy to make excuses with the weekend and all.
    Fondly, Roberta

  7. Keep it up ladies (and gentleman)... we can do this!!
