Monday, November 8, 2010

day four

day four.
How are you doing?
How are you feeling?
Are you still with us?

You may still be on fire. Feeling the JOY. Feeling the PEACE. Sprinkling MAGIC.
You may be struggling. Stop.
be patient. be calm.
imagine your best self.
 follow your heart.
be you.

Be your best self. 
Do what it takes to be your best YOU!
and...most grateful for your strengths, blessings & your life.
You have been blessed with so many things. We all have.
& when we stop & have an attitude of gratitude.
it gives us HOPE.

Hope. every day.
I love this book I used last year in my 21 Challenge. It's by of the most amazingly inspirational book companies...If you haven't seen their books...please check them out., for 1 of our 21ers..I'd love to give away one of these books:  Gratitude by Dan Zadra.
It's so inspiring & really brings it to home. Leave a comment here & let me know HOW your 21 Challenge is coming along...& I'll pick someone to send it to! & I'll add a little felt flower to it, too! 

*That's one thing I'm thankful for lately...just a bright, fun flower adornment...You know me! *wink* Happy day four. be grateful!
and....remember to support each other on our 21 Challenge facebook page, too!


  1. I would love to win the book, thanks for the opportunity. I just started the 21 day challange saturday because my daughter started it. I am journaling every day, sometimes just a quote or use your quote. I read something on a group that made sense so put that on my page. I am also using it to plan my small art quilts, have put this new direction off so now am doing it. Downloaded your kit which helps a lot to get started.

  2. I'm doing much better today. I was feeling sorry for myself yesterday, but then went to read your blog again, and I realized I'm in control of my own destiny and what I want to make of my life. So today is a new day full of all new possibilities! Thanks, Rhonna!

  3. Rhonna,
    I needed to read your words today. It's been a pretty good three days so far..but I can tell I'm starting to struggle a little bit. Thanks for all your encouragement. I really need it. I quit a job I loved two weeks ago.and its been a really hard time for me. Thanks for this challenge. and for all the time you have put in to do this for so many.

  4. Hi Rhonna,

    This is my first challenge, and I took your recommendation to start small. I have a feeling I will be doing my own 21 Day Challenges following, because I am really enjoying this, and it works! I am also on Day 3 today - My Challenge is "Read, Reflect, and Write." I am never at a loss for words, but have a hard time putting them on paper consistently. And, so far, so good. Thanks for your encouragement!

  5. Today is my day 3, I started on Saturday because that made more sense for my schedule this weekend and my habit I am working on. Yesterday ws tough. My habit is to eat healthier defined specifically as cut the sugar replacing it with veggies. Yesterday was an all day meeting where the food was provided. I di my best and was rewarded with a good sleep and positive start to today.

  6. The book looks awesome, would love to win. I am doing better, started out slow Friday but got the exercise in. Saturday not so good. Was on the run the entire day and then once I did slow down just never took 30 minutes out for me. Sunday was much better. Jumped in and just said, "30 minutes for me and went in the other room to exercise. I will make it through this challenge and be better for it. Thank you for getting me started.

  7. Had a rough day on Saturday. BUT I'm back feeling good today. It's amazing what a little church can do to motivate you a bit more! We even talked about gratitude yesterday at church. So this prize is definitely appropriate. Thanks for being so giving and sharing your inspiration each day! Day 4! Here we go!

  8. I am "getting it done" more putting things off. Thank you Rhonna for giving us such inspiration each day! What a wonderful gift!

  9. I love that it is only Day 4 & I can already feel a change! So glad I'm playing along this round of 21- it's great! So true about finding little things to be grateful for each day. Having an Attitude of Gratitude is one motto I try to live by too. Have a great #4 day!!

  10. Man, the weekend was hard. But I just kept journaling and it got me through. I'm loving the accountability and the centering that comes with creating this gorgeous journal using your artwork. So thank you for this gift you've already given us Rhonna!

  11. This weekend was hard!!! I've never started anything over a weekend before, but I made it thru pretty good. My goal is 20 min/day on Treadmill and to eat healthy. Yesterday I failed and so I journalled about it and put into words exactly how it feels when faced with the tempatation of eating goodies and being lazy on a Sunday. So today I started my day out on a healthy breakfast and my treadmill workout. It definately feels good to excercise and its great to start out the day this way...just 20 minutes...that's all!!!!!!! Thanks for this challenge and for the inspiring and motivating words Rhonna!!!

  12. Hello Rhonna!
    Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful inspiration! Challenge 21 is going great! A few bumps in the road, but that is my life story and "It doesn't have to be perfect, to be PERFECT!" Good luck on your journey. THANKS SO MUCH FOR INSPIRING US!

  13. Life seems to get in the way of keeping on track with this challenge. Weekends throw me off whack. Thanks for all the inspiration, encouragement and ideas.

  14. It's not an esay journey I have embarked on. Did ok Fri, not so hot on Sat (I won't say failed after reading your FB comment), and yesterday was iffy. BUT I am trying, I am struggling and out of my struggles I am learning and hopefully growing! Thank you for all your kind words and inspiration.

  15. it's coming along slowly...but i'm making some progress. i enjoy reading your blog...i'm using the word positive everyday...that's what i would like my outcome to be

    lynda in calif

  16. You know today is Monday and i was actually happy to get out of bed and go to work today. energized. Happy. I had a very positive weekend. and it makes for a positive monday

  17. It could go better. But it is going much better than if I didn't feel responsible for this challenge. I am at the point, where I am doing it because of the challenge. How many more days until it becomes a habit? It is going well enough that as soon as this 21 day challenge is over, I have decided to start another with a new goal. Thanks, Rhonna

  18. Thank you so much for the chance to win such a wonderful book. To be honest, I am suckin' at the challenge so far. ;-( My goal was to do some sort of 'art journaling' every day because for years, I have always wanted to do this. I am going to try TONITE to catch up and play, create art, let my soul be my guide and spend time on ME! ;-)

  19. My Days, I just finished Day 4 Manila time, are kinda blending together. I'm so glad that you have forced me to write things down else I'd never remember everything.

    Yep, it's been hard. Yep, I've had to struggle to keep moving. Everyday, I find some activity to do, whether it's cleaning my 6-year-old son's room or walking after dinner tonight with my husband and son, just to keep moving and keep motivated.

    It has been a while since it feels that my head is clear and I have a goal to reach.

    So, thank you, Rhonna dear. You are such a blessing. =)


  20. I'm doing fine at the challenge part but it is the Journaling that is lacking. I'm going to write some thoughts down today while i'm waiting for my kids at the dentist. Thanks so much for the motivation!

  21. i love those journals too! i have the inspiration one i believe, i love ll the quotes in them!
    thanks for doing the 21 challenge again, i look forward to the daily inspiration.
    Megan P
