Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 4:: Halloween colors & labels

Beware....I've got the Halloween decorating bug. I know. I know. it's only Sept. 3, but ya know what? I love it! I love the possibilities of being able to decorate with a mouse. print out. put some fun color schemes together & voila! your own decorating! House of 3 makes it so easy to do!

I'm loving the black & white. crisp. fun. spooky. But....add a POP of color is you want!
green. yellow. orange. even PINK!

How about a huge spider web filled with the House of 3 Haunted Silhouettes...printed out on ink jet transparency...floating oh so hauntingly in the web! ?
Lime, black & white color scheme. mmm. lovey!
For more shots on the orange/black/white color scheme check out House of 3's Inspiration House!

and..I've had a lot of you asking if I'm going to do another round of The {21} Challenge? so... a question for you...if I did...who would be IN? & when?

enjoy your day!


  1. In!!!!!!! Whenever you set the date!!!!!!!! I will use it to give up.........soda(my weakness)!!!!!

  2. Love your halloweeniness! I just stumbled upon your blog and it is like candy!


  3. so R.. i have been thinking about your 21 day challenge, and have decided to hop on board! i have some little issues i want to FOCUS on ... this will be perfect...
    are you doign something OFFICIAL on your blog??hks

  4. i'm in!
    and i love the halloween stuff. thanks for creating stuff so i can decorate in the colors i choose! u rule.

  5. Just say "when" and I'm in, Rhonna! I'm Lovin' all of the new Halloween goodies... Lime??...Yellow??...who'd have thunk it??? Oh yea...YOU, of course! ((grin))

  6. Rhonna - the images are once again amazing! Well done. Just often do you have to replace your printer ink and where do you purchase ink from? I find that epson ink is rather expensive in South Africa and must admit that it limits how much i really want to print just to save on costs.....Have a nice day.

  7. definitely count me in. always on board with your amazing challenges - who wouldn't want to stretch their creativity and take it to a whole new level?
