Friday, September 25, 2009

Day 19:: The {21} Challenge

Day 19: Yes. It's Saturday...2 days left. can totally do this. Even though we are almost at the end, you may feel the temptation to say, 'I'm almost doesn't matter if I slip up.'
To this, I say:
(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
Today's quote: "One must not lose desires. They are mighty stimulants to creativeness, to love & to long life." Alexander A. Bogomoletz

So, can do this. And those desires that have carried you throughout the entire {21} Challenge have made you more ways than one. I'm hoping that through this journey, you've discovered that as you've shown self discipline, strength, courage, and down right sheer've seen it overflow into other aspects of your life. This is exactly what this challenge sow those seeds & you are growing!

(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)

You are mighty. And with the art journaling, creativity exercises & staying consistent..your creativity jumps up a few notches...I love the results after every {21} Challenge I've ever done. Without even concentrating, the creativity that is in abundance just astounds me. Seriously...make a mental note of what happens in your life after the {21} Challenge is over. And remember, when I say 'creativity', it doesn't just mean paper, pen,'s anything you create out of nothing. ....just watch! You'll amaze yourself. And while you're at journal about it!
Happy Day 19!


  1. It's day 13 for me and I am going well. I agree, I love the creative part of the challenge as well. Thanks for the inspiration and the motivation.

  2. Ity is day 24 for me and I am struggling...I want to give in just a little to satisfy my taste then get back ont he train...not doing it thou...have a grea day y'all...

  3. renee - i was soooo pleasantly surprised to see your request to find me! i felt so flattered. (u can find me at OR on twitter: jessfromflorida).

    HELLO IS saturday. all is quiet online. however, i've just printed out my "mighty" artwork provided by rhonna this morning and i will be posting it shortly. i am staying strong with the help of YOU!

    so, SMOOTCHES to every single one of you & let's stay strong! only 2 more days. WHAT!?

  4. For me the challenge with the motivation and inspiration I've found amoung everyone has been so great. I love the creative part too I've learnt a lot about myself I just wish the 21 days would continue on here as a group, i know it will for me. But I'll be on board for the next one Rhonna - don't wait to long!!

  5. I work with the greatest people...I was working a 10 hour day.....not to mention an hour plus commute and at 5pm I said I am going to have to go for a soda and my co-worker said oh please don't ---and I didn't, I did have to get a starbucks so I would be able to stay up for the long drive home---success---love the quote today.....I will miss my daily quotes----thanks for hosting this---only 2 days left....wooohooo!!!!!!!

  6. Jess, it is my pleasure. I can't wait to read your blog. Oh, and thanks for your sweet comment.

    Your ALL amazing! I love the strength and honesty you all have shown. It helps me, too, to be strong.

    Happy Sunday Everyone!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oh's a mighty "panty raid"...this was so much fun. Hope you all can enjoy my humor...fondly, Roberta
