Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 18:: The {21} Challenge & NEW Wacom Tablets!

Day 18: feelin' great today...only a few more days 21ers!!!! I feel like I could fly! I feel strong. I can conquer anything!
(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)

Today's quote: "Energy & persistence conquer all things." Benjamin Franklin & persistence. That's what it's taken to get through this. And, I've seen all of you exhibiting some amazing persistence. I know it's not easy. I know you have bad days, but I've so enjoyed hearing how you've conquered!
(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
What a fantastically empowering word! conquer! Don't you just feel strong saying it?
Now. feel it.
Let that energy carry you through the day! We can do this!

Ok, so yesterday there was a Press Release from Wacom about....the new Bamboo Tablet line! I'm dying. Look at this new Bamboo Craft !

Digital scrapbookers, memory makers, and crafters: Bamboo Craft is the perfect tool for unleashing your creativity! Get hands-on with your projects using both pen and Multi-Touch input for your computer. Multi-Touch enables you to navigate and work with your creative assets quickly and easily. The pressure-sensitive pen lets you create your own art, edit photos, add embellishments, and provide a personal touch with your natural handwriting and doodles.

I've been praising the Wacom Tablets for years...I do all my art, drawing, designing, photo editing, blogging...even navigating with my tablets! (NO sore wrists when you use the pen as your mouse!) And now with the new Multi-Touch! so incredibly cool! Be on the look out for some more great info from the great people at Wacom...I'll shout out when I can! *wink*'s creativity exercise is all about creating something for someone...I'm getting some cool heart boxes all ready for gifts on this special day.
Share the love...5 for $50. Makes such perfect gifts! fill them with treats, love notes, gifts...the list goes on!

Ok..happy Day 18..stay strong on the weekend!


  1. Energy and conquer are such strong words and they really do go hand in hand! I am new to reading your blog (since the 21 day challenge started) and I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy it...Thanks!!! :-)

  2. I love this one..I have tons of evergy going into the last few days. This challenge come along right when I needed it and I look forward to completeing this challenge and my goal I have set..thanks so much..I love your art work it is so beautiful....Wacom we need this product out there..Thanks Rhonna...have a great day...and a great weekend

  3. Rhonna I have to tell you that I what I have been doing for my challenge: No french fries :) Isn't that horrible! ahhhh! I am a fast food junkie, and I don't cook...but I've been eating a ton of sandwiches, as well as other things but at least it's not cheeseburgers and fries! So far so good...I think I am actually past 21 days now, so this is awesome, lol!

  4. okay, I don't know what is wrong with typepad...that was me, in the previous post :)

  5. I can't believe it's nearly over! Doing well!

  6. Just about to go for my walk...I can't believe I've been doing it for 18 days straight!! whoohooo. BUT I am going away for the weekend....BUT have arranged for my friends to have something similar for me to do on sat. :) Keep up the great work ladies!

  7. This is truly amazing! This has been such a great learning experience for me. I am already thinking of the next challenge I am going to take.

    Thanks to everyone for writing and sharing. It is great to meet all of you. I think a ton of energy comes from right here with all of you.

    Rhonna, is it possible for us to keep this blog going after the 21 days?

    Oh, I don't see jessfromflorida's post that was announced on twitter. I heard it was super. If someone can help me find it that would be great!

    Happy weekend everyone!

  8. on a business trip and still have not had a Coke yet, although with complete lack of sleep I AM DYING FOR ONE!!!! Early mornings and late nights at a trade show are not for the faint of heart! Can I celebrate not having one for 21 days, with a Coke?!

  9. This new Wacom tablet is going to be so much fun! Yet another big purchase to save up for!

  10. Still going strong and not stopping till it's done...Roberta
